A new survey could be encouraging news for Yakuza fans using the Switch

Key Takeaways

  • Sega may be bringing more Yakuza games to Nintendo Switch after the success of Yakuza Kiwami.
  • Kiwami Yakuza Switch release sold better than expected.
  • Issues like the Switch's low resolution and FPS could be improved with a more powerful successor.

A recent survey suggested that Sega would like to bring in more. yakuza Enjoy games on your Nintendo Switch. that like a dragon Previously Known Series yakuzaIt finally debuted on the Nintendo Switch platform last October. Yakuza Kiwami. First released in 2016, Yakuza Kiwami This is a remake of the first PS2 game. Released Kiwami The Switch marks the second time the series has been released on a Nintendo platform. yakuza The release was a 2013 Japan-only HD Collection port for the Wii U containing the first two games in the franchise, with the package titled: Ryugagotoku 1 & 2 HD for Wii U.

Released Yakuza Kiwami According to Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega, games on Nintendo Switch are doing quite well. According to reports, the Switch version will be Yakuza Kiwami They say it was “selling like hotcakes” and performing better than expected. despite Yakuza Kiwami Since it's been over eight years, the fact that it's selling better than expected is a pretty encouraging sign for the Switch series. Sega seems eager to capitalize on this. KiwamiIf recent surveys are to be believed, the sales success of .


Like a Dragon: Yakuza Pirates of Hawaii seems to be cementing one trend in Gaiden

Key locations for Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza of Hawaii have been revealed, and one area appears to offer a solid connection between the game and Gaiden.

Sega set up a survey on its official website (translation of question by Joseki100 on the r/NintendoSwitch subreddit) and polled those who purchased it. Yakuza Kiwami. The survey is open globally but is conducted in Japanese. Based on a rough translation of this survey, it asks standard marketing questions about your impressions of the product. Yakuza Kiwami About the switch, and they will evaluate it. The survey then asks players if they would like to see other games. yakuza The game will be available on Nintendo's current platforms, along with specific feedback on it. Kiwami On the switch.

Yakuza Kiwami Could Pave the Way for More Games on Nintendo Switch

The survey specifically asks whether players want to make a purchase in the future. yakuza Nintendo Switch is included as an option, along with any platform on which you'll purchase your next game. The inclusion of the Switch as an option could be an encouraging sign that Sega plans to port more Switches. yakuza Giving a title to the system or even considering the Switch as a target platform is just speculation at this point.

that Yakuza Kiwami However, switch ports are not without problems. The main point of contention is the Switch's weak hardware, with gamers pointing out its low resolution and inconsistent FPS. That said, Nintendo is preparing a sequel to the Switch, which, according to various leaks, will reportedly be more powerful than the current console. thus, Yakuza Kiwami The following game ports could lead to a successful future for Switch 2: Yakuza 0 and Yakuza: Like a Dragon In the system.

Yakuza franchise tag


Sega's Yakuza franchise is a series of action-adventure and role-playing games that revolve around characters who are part of or associated with a dangerous criminal organization.

The various games in the series tend to be driven by exciting and emotional narratives, but they're complemented by fun side stories and enjoyable mini-games that give players a welcome break from the drama.

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