A rare Fortnite cosmetic item has returned to the Item Shop after nearly five years.

Key Takeaways

  • The Fortnite Item Shop offers players rare cosmetic upgrades.
  • The Jagged Edge Pickaxe is back after being unavailable for 5 years.
  • Epic Games is using a nostalgia event to reminisce about older versions of Fortnite.

This is a very rare cosmetic upgrade. fortnite Pickaxes have returned to the in-game Item Shop for players to choose from. Pickaxes are one of the rarest items in this area. fortnite The store because it hasn't been available for years.

Thanks to our business model of regularly adding and selling cosmetic upgrades, fortnite There are literally thousands of items available for players to obtain. You can get many items for free through the Battle Pass, but many more are available for sale in the in-game store. One problem with that model is fortnite The Item Shop does not regularly pull or sell new and old items. Inevitably, some players will miss out on store items they would have liked.

Some players may have waited longer than most, such as those who missed the opportunity to pick up the “Jagged Edge” pickaxe model. As confirmed by your post fortnite News account ShiinaBR, Jagged Edge is back in the item shop for the first time in almost five years. Technically speaking, Jagged Edge is just an advanced (green) rare pickaxe, but why is it one of the rarest pickaxes in the world? fortnite It is the sheer amount of time that has passed since it was last available.

The Fortnite Jagged Edge Pickaxe is back after almost five years.

A simple item shop pickaxe, Jagged Edge has a fairly plain design. This type is wielded with both hands. fortnite A harvesting tool consisting of a pair of hatchets with spiked blades. However, it has not been included in store rotation since August 2019. fortnite Season 10 takes place before the monumental event 'The End', in which the island is destroyed by a black hole and the universe is reborn. fortnite Chapter 2.

Perhaps it's a testament to how long it's been since Jagged Edge was last in store that developer Epic Games launched its original run. fortnite The OG Season is a limited-time event focused on rekindling nostalgia for older versions of the game. To older players, it seems almost strange to be nostalgic for a game slightly older than a single console cycle, but it also fortniteIts staying power has been very strong since its early days, when it was first reinvented as a battle royale game to capitalize on the then-new trend sweeping multiplayer gaming.

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