All Balatro Cheats (Developer Debug Menu)

Balatro Released in early 2024, it became a global sensation, selling over 3.5 million copies and winning three of the five awards it was nominated for at the 2024 Game Awards. Not surprisingly, the creativity and near-infinite replayability make this game incredibly popular to this day. However, as they begin to learn the game's mechanics, some players may find new ways to make the experience a little fresher.


How to Get the Legendary Joker in Balatro

The Legendary Joker has the most powerful modifier in Valatro, so it's important to know exactly how to get your hands on him!

This can be easily achieved using mods, but some players may prefer to enable the developer debug menu built into the game, which can be accessed with little typing and a few button clicks. Balatro Cheats allow players to piece together their dream Joker combinations without having to find the perfect seed, while also giving them the added bonus of keeping achievements unlocked, making them ideal for those who don't want to use the mod.

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How to enable cheats in Balatro


To activate Balatro To use the debug menu and use the game's built-in cheats, players will need free, open-source software called 7-Zip. Assuming you already have it Go to that directory Balatro It is installedFor most players this will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Balatro. If it's not there, the player will have to find it. Balatro Right-click on your Steam library, select “Manage” and then “Browse local files.”


Once in the correct folder, players should: Right-click Balatro.exe and select Open Archive with 7-Zip.. Depending on your operating system and the options you selected when installing 7-Zip, it may be hidden under the “Show more options” menu. After opening the archive, players must: Find the file named conf.lua and open it using your default text editor, such as Notepad..

Balatro Release Mode

The last step is Change _RELEASE_MODE = true to _RELEASE_MODE = false, then save the file.. If saving is not possible for any reason, players should extract the conf.lua file to their desktop, make the changes as above, and then replace the original file with the copy they just created. If done correctly, you can now: While in the game, hold down the tab button to open the debug menu..

Players can disable it. BalatroYou can use the debug menu whenever you want by changing the RELEASE_MODE parameter in the conf.lua file back to true.

Balatro debug menu

that Balatro The cheat menu is incredibly simple and most of the features are self-explanatory. Players can unlock all items in a collection by hovering over an item and pressing 1 while the debug menu is open, and can add many more. Balatro Hover over the joker and press 3 to like the current game. Initially, there are only five Jokers, but players can turn them into Negatives by hovering over a copy in their hand and pressing Q four times. It effectively allows you to have as many jokers as you want during your run.




Unlock a collection (while hovering over the item in the collection)


Discover a collection (while hovering over the item in the collection)


Create a collection (while hovering over the item in the collection)


Joker edition changes (while hovering over the mouse)


background separation


Play splash animation


Cursor switching


Toggle all tooltips


Add $10 to total

+1 round

Round increases by 1.

+1 ante

The ante increases by 1.

+1 hand

Add one more hand

+1 discard

Add 1 discard

Boss Reroll

Re-roll the boss.


remove background

+10 chips

Adds a total of 10 chips.

+10 multi

Add 10 multi to the total.

X2 Chip

Doubles Chip Total

X10 Multi

Multi increases by 10.

win this match

Completes the current run.

lost this match

Terminates the current execution

put it back

Resets the current run.


Make Jimbo appear


Make Jimbo's text box appear.

Balatro tag page cover art



digital card games



local thunk




February 20, 2024

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