Are you more interested in playing with the dollhouse aspects? sims 4 Compared to building a new house or shared plot? Are your Sims in desperate need of a little self-care? Want to de-stress after a long week by having a fun slumber party with your friends?

A look back at 10 years of The Sims 4
so. many. fire.
The Sweet Slumber Party Kit for The Sims 4 gives you access to 27 new options for creating your Sims, adding plenty of adorable new creations to the table for your Sims to choose from as they settle in for the evening. Skin care, nail color, sleepwear.
All CAS items in the Sweet Slumber Party kit
all clothing
As for the actual clothing, thankfully the Sweet Slumber Party Kit adds plenty of pieces for both male and female body types. Who doesn't love new shoes? pajamas When seeking slumber party happiness? Tie it all together. sleep mask Find them in the glasses section of our hair accessory selector to help you sleep after a long week.
My feet have lots of new options with two new pairs of socks and two new pairs of shoes. For socks fuzzy thigh high socks And a cute pair animal print socksAnd when it comes to outdoor shoes, we have: chunky sneakers slippersyes A pair of fuzzy slides.
if full body pajamas outfit What does your Sim want? Four new options For them. You can find Suktry lace slip In 12 colors, strappy lace slips More in 10 colors modest pajamas It consists of 6 patterns or 4 solid colors. three piece set It consists of a pair of matching pajamas with a shirt over the top.
But if you want to put together the outfit yourself, there are plenty of options for that too. When it comes to tops, female Sims have three new additions: padded sleeve lace sleep shirt Available in 5 patterns or 6 solid colors, Fluffy lace bralette in 10 colors, and Half-tuck long-sleeve pajama shirt Available in 9 colors or patterns. For floors you can find: puffy lace shorts Matches with pajamas, lace shorts A pair of matching bralettes pattern pants To match with a long-sleeved shirt
Male-bodied Sims have performed surprisingly well with this kit! Although often overlooked, builder trillyke brought a few parts to the kit as well. you can find a pair of pajama pants Not only does it look somewhat athletic, but it also has a new silk shorts. Male Sims also received two shirts. formation long sleeve shirt Not only can it be easily used as casual wear, but Short-sleeve button-up silk shirt Something that goes well with shorts.
All cosmetics and other products
Anyone who has ever enjoyed a sleepover on their own knows that there is more to an event than the pajamas you are wearing! Sweet Slumber Party Kits give your Sims some extra aesthetics, and come in a variety of colors and patterns for each Sim.
For people who care about their work manicure With self-management Two new nail designsThere are nails with long nails that feature small decals and charms added to the nails, and nails with short nails that feature vibrant colors and patterns.
But are you a little more interested in skin care than nails? There are several options for Sweet Slumber Party kits! we are under eye mask For those fluffy days, nose strip mask To resolve blackheads, and Chin/T-zone mask For Sims who want to soothe their skin. However, when rough patches develop and the Sim's skin peels off, here's what you'll notice: Three different acne patches Also included in the kit. It's all in the cosmetics section of CAS.

The Sims 4: How to Get More CAS Heat
Here's how to get more heat in Create a Sim in The Sims 4.