Allied Society in Final Fantasy 14 Patch 7.1 is a massive reference to FF10.

Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy 14's new Allied Society quest appears to be a massive reference to Final Fantasy 10 in disguise.

  • The layout of Turali Travel Agency with Pelupelu's participation is almost identical to Rin Travel Agency in FF10.

  • If you're still not convinced, the music played at Turali Travel Agency is also very similar to the music played at Rin's Travel Agency.

Final Fantasy 14 Patch 7.1 adds a lot of cool new features. Now you can try the new Alliance Raid series (which players are laughing at right now), experience the twists and turns of MSQ, or meet the friendly Pelupelu merchant and set up Turali Travel Agency. Battle of the Dawntrail Allied Society quest series.

This is a great way to gain a lot of experience and level up your Job to 100, but if you're a fan of Final Fantasy 10, the whole series of quests may feel strangely familiar. First of all, it's actually related to the Pelupelu, a race first introduced in Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2, but the references don't end there. Once you're all set, head to the main Dock Poga building and you'll find a very familiar layout.

Turali Travel Agency in Final Fantasy 14 is identical to Rin's Travel Agency

First shared by Twitter user KyrenXIV, this small travel agency he helped establish in Final Fantasy 14 is structured almost identically to the Rin Travel Agency found on the Mi'ihen Highroad in Final Fantasy 10. A side-by-side view shared by KyrenXIV shows that the front desk has the same odd shape, has a central pillar supporting the building, and the floor plan is almost identical.

The only big difference is that Turali Travel Agency is slightly less modern than Rin Travel Agency. But that's to be expected when it's built by a bunch of new guys. If you're still not convinced that this Allied Society is just a disguised reference to the massive Final Fantasy 10, another Twitter user pointed out that the music while in the Allied Society area is very similar to the music that plays in Final Fantasy 10. do. Lynn Travel Agency.

Of course, considering that the entire second half of the Dawntrail expansion is heavily inspired by Final Fantasy 9, we should expect references to other games in Final Fantasy 14. He hinted that he might be working on the rumored Final Fantasy 9 remake, but he quickly dismissed the idea. Apparently it's because he's working on a Final Fantasy 10 remake, right?


Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, Square Enix's popular MMO, puts players in the role of a Warrior of Light in the world of Eorzea. There, they test their mettle against the Primals, Garlean Empire, Ascians, and many other threats.

This award-winning MMO now has several expansions to its name, with the most recent Endwalker expansion concluding the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc. Director and producer Yoshi-P has promised plenty of plans for future content, and the game will feature regular updates to keep players interested.

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