The charismatic animated character has a unique ability to draw the audience's attention and make a continuous impression with the viewers for a long time after the credit rolls. Sometimes they are favorite because they are the main characters or the main characters of the public. They are more than just heroes or antagonists. They are the ones who have usually seen animations.

10 best reversal in animation
Sometimes their methods are not big, and their characters leave a lot of what they want, but we still love them. The best anti -hero in animation is:
These characters inspire others with their confidence and ideals, sometimes greater than life. The characters such as Rengoku, such as Erwin, who meets soldiers, have a lot of charismatic characters.
Rengoku kyojuro-Devil Slayer
Steal our hearts
The charisma of DEMON Slayer's Rengoku was a big part of his personality, causing viewers to fall in love with his personality. His passion to protect humanity as a flame and his unwavering resolution inspires not only fellow devil slayers but also those he saves.
His direct attitude is one of his favorite leaders in the world, even if he faces death. Rengoku's last stand for Akaza shows his spirit and his legacy.
∎ Gon Freerek -Hunter X Hunter
An innocent decision
Gon's charm comes from his optimism and child curiosity. Despite the dangers of his journey, GO approaches all challenges with good wonder and passion, and his most notable characteristic is that he can make a bond with his friends and enemies.
His sincerity and the ability to form ties with those who oppose him show a kind of charisma with a true feeling. Gon's passion for adventure attracts everyone on his side, and for that reason he is a tremendous charismatic character in the world of animation.
Master Mind to command both respect and fear
Aizen is a villain who is cold and calculated. After many events of BLEACH, as an orchestrator, Aizen has a tranquility for him and makes him terrible and attractive as a character.

10 animation moments that broke the Internet
Nobody saw this animation moment coming.
Even if he betrays his comrades, his confidence tells everyone to question his place in his contrast. Eisen's ability to manipulate the story of a bleach is one of the most mysterious and charismatic villains in animation history, and few are close to his established fame.
Griffith- Berserk
The vision that led people to flames like moths
Griffith's charisma is unmatched in Berserk, and why is it arc in the start story? Griffith is a dreamer who inspires loyalty in his Hawke band, and he will all give his life for his dreams.
His charm is so unbeated because a mercenary like a mercenary was inspired by him somehow. But Griffith's ambition is a double -edged sword as we see how our despair of power leads to the ultimate betrayal. GRIFFITH's equal technology is the ability to inspire and manipulate him, one of the most complex and convincing characters of the animation.
DIO Brando -Jojo's bizarre adventure
The villain can't help, but I respect it.
DIO is a bigger villain than a life you like to hate. From the moment he enters the life of Jonathan Jobe, the DIO dominates all scenes with enormously arrogant character. DIO has no target of world domination. Rather, his hatred is toward Joestar, and returns from the dead and returns correctly.
His influence has expanded over the generation, finding many followers and becoming one of the most unforgettable antagonists in the animation. Numerous memes have been inspired by the DIO, and I am happy to meet him in the animation whenever he appears.
All -my hero academia
A symbol of peace and unnecessary optimism
Everyone can be the face of my hero's hero. His charisma is the most obvious in the same moment as a fight against everyone who refuses to increase hope even during bleeding and assaults.
Inspired by his ability to expand beyond his stamina. He has a lot of other people to believe himself. Everything is a character that reminds me that true courage comes from giving everything for others, regardless of cost, and shows exactly why other heroes are considered to be the peak of reaching.
LELOUCH VI Britannia-Code GeasS
Calculation of rebels with ambitions beyond traditional heroism
Lelouch is not a typical charismatic leader. He has a much greater plan than himself and is operated and cunning. Consider the scene where Lelouch sacrifices his reputation as zero and is responsible for the world's chaos.
Lelouch does not just win the battle. He is loyal to even those who deceive. Even his superpower, charisma uses people to use his will accurately. In the end, his ultimate sacrifice shows how to achieve his goal and expand charisma to viewers on the screen.
Lewin Smith -Attack on Titan
Commander who leads soldiers
Erwin Smith's charismatic leadership is probably one of the biggest leadership in animation. He did not told the soldiers to march to death, but he completely knew the relevant sacrifice and led the charges. The scene of delivering the last speech before suicide on the beast Titan shows how it was inspired when everything was accumulated.

Attack on Titan: Best character, ranking
These characters are the most shining in attack on Titan.
It was in the back seat to reveal the truth about the origin of mankind, and he focused only on larger lines. Soldiers follow him because they are not because they demand him, but because they gain respect through true faith in their cause.
Monkey d luffy- one piece
Pirates gathered many
Luffy is not charismatic in a traditional way. He does not convey a speech or sophisticated plan. Instead, his charm is in his own way. He is a loyal and strong pirate to the crew. One of the best examples of his charisma is Arlong Park Arc.
When nami collapses and finally asks for help, Lufy does not say much and puts a hat in his head and walks to Arlong's base and sheds tears with the help of the Strawhat crew. Luffy's charisma is not easy compared to other characters in the animation and was born in tremendously strong faith in achieving a true care for others and a dream of becoming a pirate king.
Naruto uzumaki-naruto
The weak who have respected the world
Naruto was initially fired by his village as a class clown and nine tails by his village, but his persistence and faith that someday would be Hokaji slowly changed the way people saw him.
His rejection of giving up Sasuke is another example of his personality, no matter how far his friend is, and his charisma is so strong that he is convinced that the villain will be better. At the end of the series, Naruto proves that charisma does not always come naturally by transforming it from the village from the village, but it can be obtained if it becomes something more than people see.

10 The most motivated animation
Adventure to inspire you