Key Takeaways
- Unlocking Minsc in Baldur's Gate 3 is difficult because it is added late in the game in Act 3.
- Players must recruit Jaheira in Act 2 and complete specific quests to recruit Minsc.
- For Minsc's best build, consider multiclassing him as a Ranger, Fighter, and Barbarian for a well-rounded character.
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Who is Minsc and where can I hire?
Best Multiclass Builds for Minsc
Baldur's Gate 3 There are a lot of interesting companions to recruit and form, giving players tons of options on how to build their team.

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One of the extras you can add later in the game is Minsc. baldur's gate stratagem.
Updated by Rei Penber on ///: Minsc is probably the hardest companion to unlock in BG3, which makes him not worth unlocking and using, especially when he only appears in Act 3. However, if players still want to give Minsc a chance, multiclass. It might be a good choice to make him more interesting.
Who is Minsc and where can I hire?
Minsc is a recurring character in . baldur's gate franchise. That's why this character will be familiar to many fans of older games. Unfortunately, getting him can be a bit tricky.
Minsc will be the final companion that players will recruit while playing Baldur's Gate 3. Minsc is only available to players in Act 3, the final act of Baldur's Gate 3. This means that Minsc can only be earned towards the end of the game. And this may make using him less attractive to players.
Aside from that, the player must also have another companion who wishes to recruit him. That character is Jaheira, a companion the player can recruit in Act 2. However, she survives the events that occur in that Act.
It is now possible to recruit Minsc with Jaheira with the player. Players must also complete the quest Aid The Underduke.
Default Minsc
Minsc was a friendly but somewhat eccentric Rashemaar warrior who enjoyed many adventures across the Sword Coast and beyond. He participated in many adventuring parties throughout the 14th and 15th centuries DR, including the Heroes of Baldur's Gate. Mins was famous for his habit of talking to a hamster named Boo. Boo believed he was a miniature giant space hamster, despite no one seeing evidence of this.
Minsc is one of the few human companions the player will have in their roster, third only to Gale and Wyll. In terms of class, it is a ranger, and it is a unique class even among its colleagues.
Minsc's background in the game is that of a folk hero. This background allows him to become highly skilled in animal handling and survival.
One of Minsc's unique features is his ability to summon Boo, his trusted hamster. This may be unique and useful to him. Find a Minister of Wealth: Can be summoned through Wealth.
Here's what players can expect when it comes to ability scores:
statistic |
score |
strength |
12 |
wit |
17 |
constitution |
13 |
intelligence |
8 |
wisdom |
13 |
charisma |
10 |
Best Minsc Builds
Despite being a late-game addition for a player's team, Minsc can still be a good character for players to utilize if built well.
At level 1 as a ranger, he receives the class features Favored Enemies and Natural Environment. These two allow you to choose one of the features each offers.
For Favored Enemy, you have the following options:
- bounty hunter
- Guardian of the Veil
- Mage Breaker
- ranger knight
- Purified Tracker
From these, select the Bounty Hunter option.
When it comes to natural environments, your options include:
- Beast Tamer
- city hustler
- Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
- Wasteland Wanderer: Fire
- Wasteland Wanderer: Poison
Among these, choose Wasteland Wanderer: Fire.
Then at level 2 you unlock level 1 ranger spellcasting. Players can also choose a fighting style such as archery, defense, duel, or two-weapon fighting. Of these, Two Weapon Fighting is the most ideal.
At level 3, players must choose a subclass of Minsc. They can choose from three:
- Beast Master
- Gloom Stalker
- hunter
Among these subclasses, I recommend choosing Beast Master. This subclass is very versatile and will likely be widely used. Players can also go as Gloom Stalker. Overall, all Ranger subclasses are solid if you want a more stealthy build.

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Safely enter the Nine Hells and the House of Hope in Baldur's Gate 3.
If the Beast Master subclass is selected, players will immediately unlock the Ranger's Companion. This will unlock companions that will accompany Minsc and fight by his side. Once per short rest, the player can choose one of the following animals to summon:
- bear
- boar
- wolf spider
- dire raven
- wolf
At levels 4, 8, and 12, he can choose a feat. Here are some recommendations:
- Magical Initiate: Cleric or Magical Initiate: Druid. This will be useful as it opens up more spell options, keeping in mind that Minsc's primary spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
- sentry. This allows Minsc to attack enemies targeting allies within melee range. The attacked enemy also cannot move any further for the remainder of the turn.
- awkward. Maximum health increases by 2 each time the level increases.
At level 5, he unlocks level 2 ranger spellcasting and additional attacks. Through his subclass, he also gains Companion Bonds, making his familiars even more useful.
At level 6, you choose additional options: Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer. Players must use Mage Breaker and Beast Tamer.
At level 7, he gains the excellent Training subclass feature, which allows his companions to charge, disengage, and assist with bonus actions.
At level 8, he gains Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain. Difficult terrain is no longer a problem for Minsc.
At level 9, he gains level 3 ranger spellcasting.
At level 10 you unlock Hide In Plainsight and another option: Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer. Players must select Ranger Knight and Wasteland Wanderer: Poison.
At level 11, he gains Bestial Wrath, allowing his allies to make additional attacks.
Best level 1 ranger spells
Unlocked at level 2,
- Lasso Strike
- thorn hail
Best level 2 ranger spells
Unlocks at level 5,
Best level 3 ranger spells
Unlocked at level 9;
- plant growth
- barrage
Best Multiclass Builds for Minsc
Minsc is a character that players find out about too late in the game, making him worthless for many players. However, a good way to utilize him is to multiclass him to make him more interesting.
The most optimal multiclass build for Minsc is a mix of the three classes (Ranger, Barbarian, Fighter) in 6 – 3 – 3.
To start with Minsc he will be a ranger. At Ranger Level 1, he can choose one preferred enemy and one preferred nature explorer. Bounty Hunter and Wasteland Wanderer: Fire is a good option to start with.
By continuing to progress to level 2 as a ranger, players can unlock level 1 ranger spellcasting, and some good spell options include Snare Strike and Hail of Thorns. Players can also choose their fighting style from four options: archery, defense, duel, or two-weapon fighting. The best choice will depend on what fighting style you utilize Minsk in, but archery is a good option.
Now at ranger level 3, Minsc can choose the ranger subclass. He can choose between Beast Master, Gloom Stalker, and Hunter. The choice between Beast Master and Gloom Stalker can be difficult, but overall Beast Master may be the better choice here. This allows Minsc to become a companion to the Class Action Ranger and summon beast companions to fight alongside him.
Now for the next level up, the player will want to switch to the Fighter class and make Minsc into Ranger 3 – Fighter 1. Players will choose different fighting styles for Minsc, and two-weapon combat would work well here. He also unlocks Second Wind, an amazing class action that allows him to heal himself as a bonus action.
He continues to Fighter Level 2 and becomes Ranger 3 – Fighter 2, where he unlocks Action Surge. This gives him a very valuable extra action.
Now when Minsc becomes Ranger 3 – Fighter 3 he will finally be able to choose the Fighter subclass. He can choose between Champion, Battle Master, and Eldritch Knight. The real choice here is between Battle Master and Champion, but overall, players should choose Champion to get improved crit.

Baldur's Gate 3: The hardest boss in the game
Baldur's Gate 3 has some scary boss fights. To prepare for these threats, players will need to hone their tactics.
Players can now convert Minsc from Fighter to Barbarian, making it Ranger 3 – Fighter 3 – Barbarian 1. At this level he unlocks Unarmed Defense and Rage. Rage will make him stronger and give him advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
He must continue to reach level 2 as a barbarian, becoming Ranger 3 – Fighter 3 – Barbarian 2. Here he gains Danger Sense, which can help him avoid traps and other bad inconveniences. He also gains Reckless Attack. This gives him and any enemies attacking him advantage on attack rolls.
At final level as a barbarian, Minsc becomes ranger 3 – fighter 3 – barbarian 3. He can unlock additional rage charges and choose the barbarian subclass. He can choose between Berserker, Wildheart, and Wild Magic. For Minsc, your best choice is Wildheart. This will give him the option to select one Beast Heart. For Minsc, Rage: Bear Heart would be the best choice. Minsk also learns how to talk to animals.
Now the player must convert Minsc back into a ranger. Minsc would be Ranger 4 – Fighter 3 – Barbarian 3. At this level he just gets the feat. Tough would be a good choice for him.
When you go to level 5 as a ranger and become ranger 5 – fighter 3 – barbarian 3, Minsc unlocks casting level 2 ranger spells. Good options for spells here include Spike Growth and Barkskin. Minsc finally unlocks additional attacks. This allows him to make another additional attack. Minsc also gains Companion Bonds. This subclass feature makes the player's companion stronger and sturdier.
Finally, at Ranger Level 6, taking the player to Ranger 6 – Fighter 3 – Barbarian 3 will unlock another preferred enemy and additional Nature Explorer environments. Anyone here will go, but if players don't want to think too much about it, they can pick up Shroud Keeper and Wasteland Wanderer: Poison.
Best Items for Minsc
Here's what Minsc can find useful when it comes to items:
- Killer's lover. This very rare ring allows the Minsc to gain a critical attack roll on his next attack after defeating an enemy once per long rest.
- The Master's Legacy. These very rare gloves grant the wearer +2 to attack and damage rolls. It also gives you +1 to your Strength Saving Throw.
- Sharp snare breastplate. This very rare armor adds your Dexterity modifier to your armor class. This armor generally helps Minsc trap enemies much more effectively. You also have no disadvantage on Stealth ability checks.
- Lasander's blood. This legendary mace can deal 1d6+3 damage in addition to your Strength modifier. Deals bludgeoning damage. It also grants Lathander's blessing, Lathander's light and sunlight.
- Belm. A very rare scimitar that utilizes Minsk's high agility. You can deal an additional 1d6 + 2 to your Dexterity modifier damage.
Baldur's Gate 3 is now available to play on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.

- How much time do you have to win?
- 100 hours or more
- metascore
- 96

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Finesse Weapon
BG3 has a lot of great finesse weapons. Here are the best.