Baldur's Gate 3: Best Minthara Builds

Key Takeaways

  • Mintara is a powerful paladin companion in Baldur's Gate 3 found in the Goblin Camp and fully recruited in Act 2.
  • To optimize Minthara's build, focus on the Oath of Vengeance subclass and tanky gear like helmets.
  • For maximum effect, equip Minthara with items such as Adamantine Splint Armor and Balduran's Giantslayer.

Baldur's Gate 3 is an amazing game that introduces players to many fascinating characters, some of whom may eventually join the player as companions. There are many different classes and personalities, but not all of them are easy to find.


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One such companion is Minthara. Her character has fascinated many people, and her powers are also very impressive, as she is a Paladin, one of the best classes in the game with both strength and charisma. Here's how to create the best build for Minthara.

Updated on November 26, 2024 by Rei Penber: This update streamlines Minthara's build slightly without requiring her to multiclass. A level-specific guide has been added along with some additional gear that will generally be helpful to Paladins. This updated version also takes into account Honor Mode, which is a much more difficult version of the game, and has added a cleaner version of the stat distribution. But the starting values ​​are already quite good. her The base class is Paladin. Recruiting her may be a moral dilemma for some players, but she can be very useful and versatile. Even if players didn't recruit her on their first playthrough, they should definitely try her if they play the game again.

Who is Minthara and where will you recruit her?

Unlike most of the other companions the player may encounter, Minthara is not an original character. This means that players won't be able to play as her from the start and can only hope that she can join as an ally. Mintara is a character that can be fought as an ally or as an enemy boss depending on the player's choice in the game.

She was found as one of three goblin leaders in a shattered sanctuary inside the goblin camp. If the player helps raid the forest, other companions may leave the player's party. However, players will have to wait until Act 2 to officially recruit her after rescuing her from Moonrise Towers.

It is also possible to recruit Minthara in Act 2 without raiding the Grove. During your fight with her, make sure your last blow is not fatal and leaves her unconscious. This will complete the quest to defeat the leader of the goblin camp. Minthara then appears in Act 2 of Moonrise Towers as usual and must be rescued.

Basic Mintara

Baldur's Gate 3 Mintara good recruit

“Yes. My family trained me to be a soldier of Lolth, and my mother taught me how to survive the dangers of society. She taught me to be resilient and protect my heart from those who cannot be trusted. Literally and figuratively.”

Minthara stands out as quite an interesting character in . BG3One of the biggest reasons is that she is very powerful to begin with. She belongs to the Drow race, specifically the Lolth-Sworn Drow. As for her class, she is a Paladin, one of the best classes in the game. Moreover, her background is noble. This gives her the power to history and persuasion. She also possesses athletic ability, threatening ability, and perception.

Here's how Minthara scores overall when it comes to her abilities: Considering Mintara became a companion late in the game in Act 2, it's unlikely she'll be the face of your party, so there's no need to readjust her stats too much. The only improvement here may be allocating 1 extra point to Charisma in DEX or CON.















Baldur's Gate 3 Best Mintara Build

Oath of Vengeance Paladin

Mintara appears as a paladin in Baldur's Gate 3

As previously mentioned, Minthara becomes an ally later in the game, and since she is not an original character, players will not be able to have her in their party from the early levels. To get the most out of her, it is best to consult with Withers'.

level 1

Paladins choose a subclass from the start.

  • Choose Oath of Vengeance as your subclass. Gain access to the power of the Inquisitor.
  • Select skill proficiencies: Intimidation and Athletics

Oathbreaker is also an option, so even if you break Vengeance Oath, Minthara will still be powerful.

level 2

You can access Divine Smite and choose your fighting style. You'll also have access to some handy spells: commandThere are Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, etc.

  • Choose your fighting style: Great Weapon Fighting

level 3

Mintara gains divine health. A few new spells have been added to the mix. poison, Hunter's MarkI renounce my enemies and pledge my enmity.

Vow of Enmity is a really great but misunderstood spell. Make sure you cast it on yourself and not on the enemy.


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level 4

Minthara gets the first Feat. The best one to come here is the Great Weapon Master.

level 5

Mintara receives additional attacks. Several new spells have been added to the repertoire. backupprotection from poison, minor restorationBranding Smite, Magic Weapon. she learns too catch someone and misty stepBoth are excellent utility spells.

level 6

A new passive is unlocked called Aura of Protection, which enhances the CHA saving throws of nearby allies.

level 7

A new ability has been unlocked called Relentless Avenger, which improves your movement after performing attacks of opportunity.

level 8

Unlock new achievements. Select an ability boost and add +1 to STR and +1 to CHA.

level 9

New spells are unlocked: daylight, revive, remove curseElemental Weapon, Vitality Watcher, Blinding Strike, Crusader's Mantle. you also get haste Protection from energy.

level 10

Mintara gains a passive Courage aura that prevents her and nearby allies from becoming frightened unless she is downed or unconscious.


Baldur's Gate 3: Best Accessory Mods to Try

Accessory mods in Baldur's Gate 3 come in two forms: purely cosmetic add-ons and items that affect gameplay, such as rings and amulets.

level 11

Divine Smites are buffed by 1d8, increasing Minthara's damage.

level 12

Select your last achievement. There are some great options here.

  • Warning: Initiative +5. Basically, it's suitable for almost any class that doesn't have high DEX.
  • Toughness: HP increases with number of levels.
  • Savage Attacker: Each weapon attack is rolled twice and the highest result is used.
  • Durability: +1 to CON.
  • Resilience: Adds +1 to selected statistic.

Best multiclass for Minthara

Mintara Casting a Spell

Mintara is a powerful character that players can utilize. As is known, her typical class is the Paladin class, which suits her personality very well. However, players can try multiclassing to make her more versatile and diverse. Here are the multiclass builds players can explore:

In this multiclass build, players will utilize the three BG3 classes, specifically Paladin, Rogue, and Cleric.

To start, players must leave Minthara as a first level paladin. This gives her some great starting healing spells: Lay On Hands, Divine Senses, and Channel Oath Charges. Here the player must choose which oath Minthara will take. The player must choose the last one: Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Devotion, and Oath of Vengeance. This will require players to follow an oath of vengeance and gain the power of the Inquisitor.

Minthara should continue to be a level 2 paladin as well. She unlocks Paladin Spellcasting level 1 and Divine Smite, one of the best Paladin actions. She can also choose her fighting style between defense, dueling, fine weapon fighting, and protection. Here, a good weapon fight will be her best option.

Now level 3, Minthara is still a Paladin, unlocking Divine Health and the subclass features Abjure Enemy, Vow of Enemy, Bane, and Hunter's Mark. All of this allows Minthara to gain an advantage over enemies in her own way, whether by scaring them or allowing Minthara to deal extra damage.

Minthara, now at paladin level 4, has an additional charge for Lay On Hands and can choose the feat. A good option for her is Savage Attacker. This option allows you to roll the dice twice and use the highest result when attacking.


Baldur's Gate 3: The hardest boss in the game

Baldur's Gate 3 has some scary boss fights. To prepare for these threats, players will need to hone their tactics.

Still a paladin at level 5, she unlocks paladin spellcasting level 2 and an extra attack that, as the name suggests, grants her the ability to attack once more. From her subclass, she gains some interesting spells. The most notable spell is Hold Person. This spell allows you to trap enemies and render them useless for several turns. She also gets Misty Step.

Currently the final level of her paladin class is level 6. At this level she gains an aura of protection. This allows her and nearby allies to receive a bonus to their saving throws proportional to their Charisma modifier.

Mintara will now switch classes to the Cleric class. At her first level as a cleric, she must choose a domain that is the cleric subclass. Here the player must take the War Domain. It's up to the player to choose a god. This is because most of them affect the game through dialogue options. If you choose the War Domain subclass, she unlocks two domain spells: Divine Grace and Shield of Faith. She can also use heavy armor and martial weapons in this subclass. But the most interesting thing she unlocks is the War Priest. This allows her to use War Priest charges to make an extra attack.

Afterwards, Minthara should remain a War Cleric and should now become a Paladin 6 – Cleric 2 character. Here she gets Channel Holy Charge, Turn Undead, and Homing Attack.

With this, players can now turn her into a Rogue, making Paladin 6 – Cleric 2 – Rogue 1. Entering the Rogue class unlocks Sneak Attack for both ranged and melee attacks.

Making her a Paladin 6 – Cleric 2 – Rogue 2 character at Rogue level 2 unlocks the Cunning Attack, which includes Hide, Charge, and Disengage.

You can now select the Rogue subclass once you reach Paladin 6 – Cleric 2 – Rogue 3 at Rogue class level 3. This can be one of three options: a thief, a mysterious trickster, or an assassin. Among them, the ideal person is a thief. This unlocks Fast Hands, which grants additional bonus actions, and a second story task that grants resistance to falling damage.

Finally, players can switch back to Paladin and finish with Paladin 7 – Rogue 3 – Cleric 2. Reaching Paladin class level 7 unlocks the Relentless Avenger, which increases movement speed by 4.5 meters on your next turn. Attacks the enemy with an attack of opportunity.

Note: Players can also unlock magical and spiritual weapons by switching back to the War Cleric. The first allows her to infuse her weapons with magic, while the second allows her to summon magical weapons to fight at her side.

Mintara's Best Items

Choose the gear that makes her plump

Mintara Casting a Spell

It is important for players to equip Minthara well if she is to utilize her full potential. Here are some great options for her:


August 3, 2023

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