Beginner Tips for Metro Awakening

Metro Awakening It's the latest game subway It is a series and the first work to be conducted in VR. M combines immersive stealth combat with the kind of tension that long-time fans of the franchise will become familiar with.Etro Awakening Set five years before the events, it tells the story of an entirely new character. Metro 2033. As a result, this is a standalone prequel and can be played on its own as an independent narrative.


Metro Awakening author talks about players immersing themselves in VR

Game Rant speaks with Metro series writer Dmitry Glukhovsky about his approach to writing Metro Awakening's immersive characters.

In general, for players who are new to VR games, it can be difficult to figure out how to best optimize their experience; subway It might help you know roughly what to expect as you progress through the series. The game provides plenty of instructions and tutorials during the opening mission, but there are other things left for players to discover on their own.

7 take your time

Immersion in the game world is what VR is all about

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Take Your Time

but Metro Awakening Although it's not a particularly long game, it's still a rich game and allows players to become immersed in the game's world. subway In a way that wasn't possible before. Taking the time to explore the environments and appreciate the detail in each area is well worth it, especially for fans of previous series. subway Games and novels.

There are several interactive items throughout the game, including books, guitars, and beer bottles, but there are also a total of 33 collectible postcards to look out for to unlock special achievements. Stealth and surprise can be effective weapons in their own right, so it doesn't hurt to keep a slow pace during combat sections if possible.

6 Adjust settings

Customize your experience to ensure comfortable play

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Settings Calibration Adjustment

One big feature is Metro Awakening A variety of setup options to meet your different needs when it comes to VR. Whether you prefer playing standing or sitting, teleporting movement or continuous movement, there are a variety of settings that can be adjusted to ensure players have the most comfortable experience possible.



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It may take some experimentation to adjust the optimal settings to your personal tastes, but doing so will make the game a lot more enjoyable. There is already enough in the tunnel to disturb us, and it is unnecessary to cause motion sickness.

5 don't panic

Every threat has a solution, usually involving a bullet.

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Don’t Panic

all the time Metro AwakeningPlayers will encounter their fair share of scary enemies, and the game even offers an arachnophobia warning for those with an extreme fear of giant mutant spiders clinging to their faces in VR.

When facing an enemy subway awakening, Panic is a real killer. If possible, stay calm and remind yourself that it's just a game after all. Keep calm and take aim to deliver accurate shots to the enemy's weak points or just run calmly.

4 Take regular breaks

Real-world safety is more important than anything else in the game

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Take a Rest

It goes without saying that VR gaming can be a dizzying and even nauseating experience for some people. Metro Awakening It's easy to lose track of time. Fortunately, the game is divided into chapters that can be tackled one at a time, but the game also features regular autosaves, so don't be afraid to take breaks if you need to.


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There are a lot of great VR mods that can add virtual reality to games that aren't implemented yet. Let's look at some examples below.

In addition to regular breaks, handling games of this fidelity within a headset can help you stay cool and hydrated as the weather can heat up quickly. The VR experience may take some getting used to, especially for new players, but it's worth sticking with.

3 Aim accurately

If they are hostile, kill them.

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Aim Precisely

As you face off against countless predators lurking above and below the water's surface. subway awakening, It must be accurate. Headshots aren't always the most effective way to take down enemies, and each method has its own unique weaknesses to target.

Once you're on target, it's much easier and more efficient to take down your enemy than with uncontrolled shooting. Even with high ammo output, it can be difficult to take down some of the game's creatures, such as Mutant Nosalis, without targeting their designated weak points.

2 Keep your lights charged

Being thrown into pitch darkness is not ideal

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Charging the Torch Light

Light is as important as the world's resources. subway The same goes for gas mask filters and medical kits. Over time, the batteries in primitive electric lights will discharge, causing them to blink for increasingly longer periods of time before turning off completely.


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Survival in this game is about more than food and shelter. Because even your mind can turn against you.

This is definitely not ideal when you're heading down a lightless subway tunnel surrounded by supernatural enemies. Charging the light required the player to rotate a lever, and it was helpful to do this in dark areas whenever there was a brief break in combat. You can also turn off the lights when not needed to save battery.

1 Collect everything you can

I think it will be useful later

Metro Awakening Beginner Tips Collect Everything

Resources are relatively finite in the world. Metro Awakening For understandable reasons. Therefore, players should always look for weapons, filters, ammo or medkits where they can find them. Most of these items can be found on tables, lockers and chests throughout the game, or on the corpses of fallen enemies.

As previously mentioned, there are also interactive items throughout the game, including collectible postcards and postcards, and drinkable beer. Beyond this, the relatively linear experience doesn't offer too many opportunities to explore, so it's a smart idea to take in everything in sight before moving forward.

Metro Awakening tag page cover art

Metro Awakening VR


PlayStation-1 PC-1

November 7, 2024

dizzy game

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