Best Capcom Video Game Franchises, Ranked


  • Capcom has iconic franchises like Devil May Cry and Resident Evil that have stood the test of time.

  • Games like Dino Crisis, Dead Rising, and Ace Attorney have potential for a revival due to their strong fan bases.

  • Each franchise has its own charm, from monster hunting in Monster Hunter to combat in Street Fighter.

Capcom is one of the most famous video game companies of all time, developing and publishing some of the best titles players can get their hands on. Considering they've spent years in the industry, it's easy to see why this company is chock full of great IP and why fans of the franchise can't get enough.



All games in the Marvel Vs Capcom series are ranked from worst to best.

Marvel vs. The Capcom series is loved by both fighting game and comic fans. But how are all the entries organized?

Some of the best Capcom video game franchises are filled with amazing titles and incredible potential, attracting large fan bases who are passionate about these IPs. Players can have a great time playing games from the beloved Capcom franchise, as long as they are interested in these genres.

Franchises are ranked based on their overall quality and popularity.


dino crisis

A dormant Capcom franchise that needs to be revived soon

  • Notable items: dino crisis, Dino Crisis 2, Dino Crisis 3

with success resident evilCapcom went all out on this title's engine and decided to capitalize on the groundbreaking game's popularity to make as much of it as possible. One such title is: dino crisisis an action-focused game that spawned a beloved trilogy of shooters in which players (mainly) take down dinosaurs.

The first two games were beloved for allowing players to enjoy fun dinosaur shooting action in an atmospheric world. Meanwhile, the third game was such a terrible title. dino crisis The franchise has continued to gain traction ever since, but even this terrible critical response hasn't deterred the fan base from pushing for new games in the series.


dead rising

A franchise full of zombies and crazy weapons

  • Notable items: dead rising, Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 3, Dead Rising 4

Frank West debuted as one of the most iconic video game protagonists of all time. dead rising. This bizarre and compelling action-adventure title allows players to explore environments filled with mindless zombies that must be eliminated by any means necessary, and wield some unique weapons along the way.

The limited time and ingenious weapons players can obtain in the series are dead rising The game is pretty unique. Although the latest entry in the series misses the mark and loses much of the series' identity, dead rising You can't make a comeback with a title that reminds you of the franchise's roots.


mega man

A classic action platform game known for its high level of difficulty.

  • Notable items: mega man 2, mega man 3, Mega Man

mega man One of the most iconic video game characters of all time appearing in the action-packed platformer where players must be at the top of the game to clear every stage. Players controlled the titular protagonist through several stages ending with challenging bosses and rewarded the robot with a new weapon upon completion.


All games in Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Classics, ranked

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Classics: Arcade Collection features seven great games for players to enjoy. Here's how it stacks up:

Bosses were vulnerable to certain weapons, so players had to be tactical in how they handled every stage. Players will encounter Dr. Over the years. It took quite a bit of strategy as we slowly eliminated all the bosses before facing off against Wily.


Monster Hunter

Hunting monsters with friends is always fun in any game.

  • Notable items: Monster Hunter: World, Monster Hunter Rise, monster hunter generation

Monster Hunter A popular video game series from Capcom where the player's main objective must be clear. The title takes players to a beautiful world and tasks them with slaying tough monsters to obtain materials to craft better equipment.

It's a simple gameplay loop that fans can't get enough of, allowing players to slowly take on bigger and stronger monsters with each hunt. Monster Hunter: World's release on mainline consoles opened the floodgates for new fans to get into the title and realize why players love hunting down larger-than-life monsters that can kill hunters in an instant if they're not careful.


Ace Lawyer

Solving cases and pointing out contradictions gets better and better with each title.

  • Notable items: Chronicles of the Great Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy

It is an interactive visual novel series where the player can solve various cases in every game as a lawyer. Ace Lawyer The series was full of amazing content that fans loved. Memorable characters, captivating localization, and mysterious events have brought about many changes. Ace Lawyer It has become one of Capcom's most beloved franchises.

With every game in the series being released or remastered for a new generation, Ace Lawyer Fans are excited to see what the future holds for the series. demand for new things Ace Lawyer The game is higher than ever and Capcom will not disappoint its fans in this regard.


Devil May Cry

A hack-and-slash franchise filled with cathartic, cinematic combat.

  • Notable items: Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Devil May Cry 5

Dante and his sweet hack-and-slash skills are here to help. Devil May Cry Stand your ground as one of the best Capcom series players. The game's stylish action and epic story will keep fans coming back for more every time.


Best Capcom Crossover Games, Ranked

These games pitted Capcom's most famous heroes against legendary figures from various franchises.

playing the same game Devil May Cry 2 and DmC: Devil May Cry Disappointed fans, it didn't take long for Capcom to change things up with a new title that embodied everything the series was about. Players who want to check out fun action combat that's challenging enough to keep them interested will love all of the games. Devil May Cry The title appears in the table.


street fighter

A legendary fighting game series that needs no introduction.

  • Notable items: street fighter 2, street fighter 4, street fighter 6

A fighting game franchise that everyone has heard of, street fighter It's a series full of iconic characters that most people will be familiar with. The rigorous mechanics and strange charm of each game sees everyone struggling to master the mechanics and become the best player in each game. street fighter game.

while street fighter 5 Disappointing many fans who didn't recognize Capcom's greed, it didn't take long for the game to become a worthy entry in the series, with the sequel blowing everyone out of the water. Players who want to invest in a simple and engaging fighting game will love each of them. street fighter The game brings to the table.


resident evil

One of the largest and most well-known survival horror franchises

  • Notable items: resident evil 2, resident evil 4, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

There was a time when people believed that. resident evil The series was discontinued and put on hiatus for good. But Capcom used it brilliantly. P.T.Hype for launch Resident Evil 7: BiohazardThis brought the series back into the realm of relevance once again.

With the many remakes released since, many new fans are wondering why resident evil The game is really fun to play. The oppressive atmosphere and threat that the Umbrella Corporation poses to all of humanity is something players will witness firsthand again and again.


Best Capcom Crossover Games, Ranked

These games pitted Capcom's most famous heroes against legendary figures from various franchises.

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