Best Crossbow Build in Throne and Liberty

Key Takeaways

  • Players of Throne and Liberty can decide on their class by switching between two weapons, each with their own unique playstyle and proficiencies.
  • Battleweaver, Scout, Raider, Outrider, and Scorpion are different builds that combine a crossbow with a variety of weapons.
  • Optimal builds like the Scorpion provide high damage output, but require high proficiency and skill to utilize effectively.

throne and freedom Gives players the option to swap between two weapons. This determines the name of that class. Each class plays differently, but you can gain different specializations and proficiencies to become better with your weapons.


Throne and Liberty: How to level up quickly

Reaching max level early on in Thrones and Liberty means engaging in engaging and thrilling endgame content.

Players who spend all their time enhancing their mastery and specialization of their crossbow may wonder whether they need to choose another weapon to choose the one that best suits their play style and the various game modes on offer.

1 Battle Weaver

crossbow + staff

Battleweaver of Throne and Liberty

  • basic statistics: Wisdom and Agility
  • Difficulty to master: Medium

When a player combines a crossbow and a staff, they obtain the Battleweaver. This is a build that allows players to focus all their attention on a single boss while dealing massive damage to both mobs in the area of ​​effect. This makes it a great choice for players who want to always deal decent damage.

This can be a mana-hungry build, so players will want to keep in mind how quickly they deplete their reserves. This is also one of the two least used builds available to Crossbow enthusiasts. There are only seven weapons in the game, meaning there are a total of six crossbow builds possible. The build not included in the list is Fury.

2 scout

crossbow + longbow

Throne and Liberty Scouts

  • basic statistics: Agility and cognition
  • Difficulty to master: Easy

Scout is a great option for constant damage. It also provides players with new ways to play the game that other builds cannot offer. This comes in the form of an artillery playstyle. This means spotting enemies and constantly dealing massive damage at selected points.


Description of all Thrones and Free Classes

There are no traditional classes in Throne and Liberty, but the weapon-based class system allows players to choose from seven unique playstyles.

Moving means downtime. They don't deal damage, so having allies who can lure and protect them from all the aggro means they can focus on delivering optimal damage output. Players cannot take much damage and cannot escape, so players must pay close attention to what their allies are doing.

3 intruder

Crossbow + Sword and Shield

Intruder of Thrones and Liberty

  • basic statistics: strength
  • Difficulty to master: Easy

The Raider is a long-range DPS tank and is perfect for new players because of how easy it is to play. This build can deal massive damage not only to a single target, but to all targets within the area of ​​effect. This is useful for clearing dungeons as it allows you to dispatch both mobs and bosses.

This build focuses more on damage output than survivability, so despite being a tank, it's far from the tankiest of tanks. Players can survive being targeted while providing long-range DPS long enough for support teammates to patch back up and win the fight.

4 outrider

Crossbow + Greatsword

Throne and Liberty Outriders

  • basic statistics: Agility + Perception
  • Difficulty to master: Medium

In terms of difficulty, this build is an easy to medium build. The playstyle is simple and very effective, but the limited survivability takes some getting used to. Here are some valuable greatsword passive skills that can help make your greatsword less advantageous: solid constitutionThis increases the player's maximum health and health regeneration long enough to deal damage.


Throne and Freedom: World of Cooking Quest Guide

Learning how to cook in Throne and Liberty can be frustrating, so this guide is here to help.

Outriders can consistently deal heavy damage when they are in a group that can keep them safe, but if they are not in such a group they can deal massive amounts of explosive damage before returning to safety. Players will find that this build works well in PvE, PvP, and GvG game modes, but requires that each mode plays differently. This can make this a difficult build to get a feel for.

5 catapult

crossbow + dagger

Scorpion Throne and Freedom

  • basic statistics: Agility and cognition
  • Difficulty to master: High

Scorpion is the king of DPS builds. This build utilizes all the tools available on the crossbow and pairs very well with the tools available on the dagger. Daggers' focus on critical strike optimization not only pushes this build to new damage heights, but also provides massive mobility that can get you out of tricky situations.

Players can deal massive amounts of sustained damage to both single targets and groups within the area of ​​effect, which can be one of the fastest ways to clear any dungeon in the game and can be an incredible force for DPS in any game mode. there is. . These amazing builds have the downside of being very difficult to master. Most players will likely perform better in the game using a different build purely because of Scorpion's requirements.

throne and freedom

October 1, 2024


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