Best female rival in anime

Key Takeaways

  • Female rivalries in anime go beyond just romantic arguments and can lead to character growth and plot progression.
  • Some anime series feature strong female rivalries based on mutual respect and friendship.
  • A strong female rival like Keijo! And My Hero Academia provides growth and inspiration for both characters.

Rivalry is a common theme in almost all anime, and this unifying concept has been crucial to character growth and plot progression in many popular anime series. However, this concept has traditionally been limited to male characters, with female characters relegated to mere romantic rivalries or petty fights.


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Over the years, viewers have been introduced to some of the most fearsome and dangerous female anime antagonists who don't hesitate to kill.

Nonetheless, a few anime have gone beyond these preset concepts by showing strong rivalries between female characters that eventually become a source of growth. While the women's rivalries tend to be less fleshed out, the series does offer some rather profound rivalries. From friendly competition to all-out adversity, here's what's next The best female rival in all of anime..

8 Atsuko “Akko” Kagari and Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)

Healthy competition turns into friendship

Little Witch Academia

release date
January 9, 2017


number of episodes

while Little Witch Academia It mainly tells a wholesome story about a Japanese witch at a foreign academy, and a rather interesting rivalry unfolds between Akko and Diana. Initially, Diana dislikes Akko's beliefs related to magic, as she believes Akko's views are somewhat naive.

However, Diana and Akko eventually form a much stronger bond after the former is proven wrong about the latter's magical abilities. This leads to a healthy rivalry based on mutual respect, with Diana even considering Akko her only friend in the entire academy.

7 Kosaki Onodera and Chitoge Kirisaki (Nisekoi False Love)

Childhood Friend Vs. exchange student

Nisekoi: False Love

release date
January 11, 2014


number of episodes

Nisekoi: False Love This is where several romantic rivalries take place over Raku Ichijo, but the most notable is the fight between Onodera and Chitoge over Raku. Onodera and Chitoge, who serve as tropes of childhood friend and forced mate respectively, remain the main contenders for Raku's affections.

Strangely enough, the two characters remain friends until the end despite fighting over the affection of the same person. Although some hostility sprouts throughout the NisekoiThe two of you may end up moving in a positive direction.

6 Nozomi and Hanabi (Keijo!)

Fierce sports competition between team members


release date
October 6, 2016


number of episodes

Focusing on virtual sports, KJo! It often goes under the radar within the sports environment. But the anime contains all kinds of exciting battles and hints of fan service. Nozomi and Hanabi's rivalry begins early in the series, specifically during the Academy Entrance Exam Preliminary Match.


A female anime character with an awkward sibling complex

The following female anime characters have a serious awkward sibling complex.

Nozomi's strength and unwavering spirit rekindle Hanabi's passion for sports. The remainder of the series shows Nozomi trying to rival Hanabi's power, meaning that the two characters become a source of growth and inspiration for each other.

5 Kagome and Kikyo (Inuyasha)

unexpected love triangle

Inuyasha (2000)

release date
October 16, 2000


number of episodes

Although romantic rivalry is somewhat exaggerated for female characters, the heated rivalry between Kagome and Kikyo is inuyasha Definitely worth mentioning. The strange love triangle turned into a major plot point of the series, as Inuyasha became the source of jealousy and hostility between the two girls.

Inuyasha eventually chose Kagome as his final partner, but the rivalry between Kikyo and Kagome extended far beyond Inuyasha's world. With the entire fandom divided over who Inuyasha should face off against, it's safe to say that this rivalry is definitely one for the books.

4 Erza Scarlet and Mirajane Strauss (Fairy Tail)

Sisterly rivalry between guild members

release date
October 12, 2009

A-1 Pictures, Satellite, Bridge, Cloverworks

number of episodes

Ezra and Mirajane are arguably the strongest female characters in all of the universe. fairy tailThis is a fact that naturally forms the basis for competition. Oddly enough, their rivalry is mostly limited to childhood flashbacks. Following Lissanna's presumed death, Mirajane underwent a sudden transformation from delinquent to caring older sister, which effectively ended the rivalry.

However, their rivalry still shaped a large part of their relationships with each other, especially as guild members and friends. Although Mirajane has retired from her combat role, she still holds the title of one of Fairy Tail's few S-class wizards, which naturally puts the two fearsome women at odds with each other.

3 Sakura and Ino (Naruto)

Friendship based on overcoming competition

Naruto: Shippuden

release date
February 15, 2007


number of episodes

naruto Host to many of the iconic competitions that shaped the show. Ino and Sakura have one of those strong rivalries, which shaped both characters and their relationship early in the film. naruto. Initially fighting for Sasuke's attention, Ino and Sakura's friendship gradually turns into a heated rivalry.

The two came face to face during the Chunin Exams, and the fight caused the two characters to reconsider their rivalry. This event marks the end of their petty rivalry over Sasuke, and a mature back and forth blossoms, causing both Sakura and Ino to become stronger.

2 Ochako Uraraka and Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia)

A fight over different worldviews

release date
April 3, 2016


number of episodes

Uraraka and Himiko Toga's rivalry exists not precisely because the two are on opposite sides. Rather, it is a result of Toga's obsession with all things beautiful. As Uraraka became the object of his affection, the two characters naturally clashed several times. My Hero AcademiaThis eventually fanned the flames of an exciting rivalry between the two.


7 female anime characters who are stronger than the male protagonist

Undoubtedly, this female character surpasses the male lead in many ways.

Although this rivalry has never exactly been the focus My Hero AcademiaIt served an important purpose in the development of both characters. During the final war, Uraraka was able to see the good in Toga and realized that not all villains were evil. The opposite was true for Toga, who saw the world in black and white.

1 Ryuko Matoi, Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill la Kill)

Fierce competition between estranged siblings

Kill la Kill

release date
October 4, 2013


number of episodes

The rivalry between Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin can be said to be the fiercest among female characters in all of anime. The two characters' mutual loathing for each other immediately saw them as archenemies, and Sastuki's challenge to Ryuko to defeat all of his minions only added further fuel to the fire.

However, this fierce rivalry ends on a positive note when Satsuki realizes that Ryuko is his presumed dead sister. Although this revelation ended the pair's deadly rivalry, it is undeniable that this feud played a significant role in allowing Ryuko to accumulate unprecedented power.


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