best mystery fairy tales

Key Takeaways

  • Uncommon Mystery Fairy Tales breaks away from traditional martial arts/training tropes and offers a fresh and unique experience.
  • like a chinese fairy tale
    Silyang Island
    The sorrow of drowning in a raging fire
    Mix genres for interesting stories.
  • Shown as follows:
    Twin Spirit Detectives
    die now
    It offers an interesting take on fear and chaos, captivating the viewer.

chinese fairy tale It is typically characterized by a heavy inclusion of traditional martial arts and/or discipline metaphors. This isn't inherently a bad thing, as it makes the fairy tale stand out from other types of animation, but it becomes unnecessary after a while. Because of this, the rare tropes that make their way into fairy tales tend to be really fresh and stand out.


Best Mystery Anime, Ranked

Whether investigating an impossible murder or uncovering something inconsequential, these mystery animations never cease to captivate people's attention.

take mystery fairy talefor example. Although it's fairly uncommon, the industry has produced some fantastic and popular shows that perfectly capture the essence of the “mystery thriller” trope that mainstream media loves. Add in a few fairytale-specific twists, and these shows create a unique and unusual experience that really works.

7 Silyang Island

A nurturing fairy tale with a mysterious and hardcore female protagonist.

chinese name

Juan Sillyang



different genres

action, fantasy, romance

Silyang Island is an action fantasy fairy tale that is perfect for a fairy tale. There's obviously martial arts and training, but it also includes a lot of mythology and supernatural metaphors, and it stands out by weaving in a strong element of mystery. What really sets it apart is its hardcore female lead, Tu Li, who easily surpasses many of her male counterparts in similar stories.

The story delves deep into divinity and mythology, exploring the idea that even the gods are not perfect. They may make mistakes, go astray, and fall into corruption and immorality. But in this world, they are sentenced to life imprisonment on a mysterious island designed to trap them forever, strip them of their powers, and eventually end their existence. Mortal protagonist Tu Li finds himself trapped on this remote island and must navigate the chaos of corrupted immortals while trying to find a way to escape.

6 The sorrow of drowning in a raging fire

The premise is a bit reminiscent of Psychopath or X-Men.

chinese name

Zhou Zhao Liehuo



different genres

action, drama, supernatural

Science fiction always combines supernatural elements, mystery, and action to create an exciting combination. The sorrow of drowning in a raging fire This is a good example. It touches on all three genres and presents a very distinct ‘mystery-heavy’ premise. It also helps that the show is set around a special unit of the police force and is primarily structured around solving cases. psychopath.


Best Supernatural Anime, Ranked

Anime dealing with supernatural themes, from Shinigami to the occult, has fascinated audiences for years. Here are some of the best shows in the genre.

The premise is The sorrow of drowning in a raging fire It centers around a special unit called the Deviance Control Office, which is tasked with monitoring individuals with ‘special abilities’. This is to prevent these individuals from acting for more power and interfering with the lives of ordinary people. Things take an interesting turn when a newly appointed member of the team takes on the responsibility of dealing with a thousand-year-old man who not only claims to be the emperor, but insists on being treated like one.

5 IU's secret room

Escape room with a more existential twist

chinese name

IU de Missy, X&Y



different genres

Romance, Drama, Psychology

For escape room fans who avoid overly dramatic outcomes and those who like risky scenarios, IU's secret room Which donghua to choose. It's a romantic mystery thriller that strikes the perfect balance between tropes without overlapping themes. The best part is that despite its highly unusual premise, the show maintains a consistent format of 'mystery, conflict building and resolution' that keeps the audience engaged throughout.

The story revolves around two office workers who decide to try their luck at the town's infamous escape room, run by a man named Xu Aiyou. Surprisingly, the escape room isn't that difficult, and the two solve the problem pretty quickly. But the disturbing and downright scary events that follow force them to dig a little deeper into the owner and her past.

4 Twin Spirit Detectives

Paranormal investigator who turns Uno upside down

chinese name

Shuangcheng Lingtan



different genres


A horror story in which unwanted ghostly guests haunt certain characters is one thing, but a horror story in which the protagonist identifies as a professional paranormal investigator and actively goes out of his way to look for trouble is a whole different ball game. Twin Spirit Detectives It's a fairy tale revolving around a pair of twins who do just that.


The scariest psychological horror comics

For comic readers who want to be deeply shocked, this terrifying psychological horror comic is perfect.

Sun Xiaotu and Sun Xiaohu are courageous twins who are not embarrassed by anything associated with their profession as ghostbusters/paranormal investigators. But in one of the seemingly routine events surrounding another pair of twins, they realize how out of touch they really are from reality when a haunting part of their job somehow backfires.

3 founder of satanism

A flawed protagonist on a path to redemption – maybe?

chinese name

Modaoju City



different genres

action, adventure, drama

founder of satanism is a coming-of-age fairy tale with shonen elements, delivering a ton of dark mystery and fantasy. Unlike other cultivation stories, this one begins with the main character being a rather terrible character.

Instead of sticking to the typical “good guy” path, protagonist Wei Wuxian chooses the forbidden path of cultivation, widely feared for its demonic and evil reputation. Because of this, he ends up being almost invincible and is a terrifying figure who feeds off the fear he instills in his enemies. Naturally, this doesn't end well for him. He was eventually defeated and completely annihilated by a rival clan. But that's just the beginning. Wei Wuxian is reincarnated in the body of an equally eccentric man and is reluctantly dragged into solving the mystery of his existence alongside his old classmate.

2 unknown walker

Psychological survival on a remote island

chinese name

Mi Yu Singer



different genres

Survival, Thriller, Psychological

The survival trope, in which characters with diverse backgrounds and personalities are stranded on a remote island and must work together to return home, is not uncommon not only in fairy tales but in animation in general. unknown walker It adds a dark twist to this classic survival setting involving inner demons and the interpersonal relationships between the characters that darken by the minute.


5 Best Survival Game Anime and Manga (Ranked)

Discover the most exciting survival game thriller in the world of comics and animation right here.

The show follows two groups of people stranded on a strange and malevolent island. Although these people do not get along and are completely different from each other, they must put their differences aside and work together to survive the true horrors that boil in the darkness of this island.

This children's story deals with mature themes and should be approached with caution.

1 die now

Underground conspiracy revealed to be true

chinese name

Duan Nao



different genres

science fiction, suspense

die now Not because it solves clear cases or deals with ambiguous conflicts, but because it is purely confusing. There's no clear conflict, no neat solution, no neat framework – it's all all over the place. This is what makes this work so fascinating.

It has a completely unstable premise that starts off fairly tame with a series of murders surrounding the main character. In the midst of the chaos, his girlfriend goes missing, forcing him to begin his own investigation. This leads him to a bizarre and sinister gaming community that hosts dangerous events where life and death are literally at stake. The deeper he digs, the more he realizes that there is something much bigger and much more sinister brewing behind the scenes.


The best science fiction fairy tales

Fans looking for a new sci-fi fairy tale might want to check out these examples if you haven't already:

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