There are no discreet classes to choose from in Greedfall 2: The Dying World, but you'll be led into one of several unique playstyles based on their stats and how the skill system works. From the start of the game, your protagonist will be gifted in a very specific area of combat.

Greedfall 2: The Dying World – Lost Scale Quest Walkthrough
Vlann makes for a curious companion to negotiate with in your Greedfall 2 quests.
The leveling system is very adaptable, allowing you to create the perfect warrior of your own design, but some choices will give you a smoother time than others. To this end, we will introduce the best stat and skill options to ensure smooth game progress.
Greedfall 2 is currently in Early Access. Therefore, the details below may change significantly over time.
best character profile
Once you've created your character and completed your appearance, you'll be asked to select a character profile. You can think of this as a character class in some ways, but it's not as restrictive as a traditional class system.
In addition to the completely free creation, you can choose from the following character profiles:
character profile |
evaluation |
guardian |
tank This profile is for basic tank building, including taunt, tank stance, and some melee weapon skills. our verdict: This is a solid choice for those who want to play a tank, which is a satisfying playstyle for this game. |
hunter |
Archer This is a ranged profile that focuses more on being a support attacker rather than a raw damage dealer with a starting loadout. our verdict: This profile has a solid foundation, but is not very useful in the early hours. It's a better idea to start with something more solid and adapt to supporting characters from there. |
Donegaard |
green wizard This is basically a Hunter, but uses magic attacks instead of a bow. our verdict: Same as Hunter's verdict. |
wild fighter |
berserker This is an attack-based profile that starts with an axe. The stance here begins with an AoE attack, trading some defense for better attack. our verdict: At this point, melee builds are the most interactive and satisfying in combat, and they're one of the best ways to get into that playstyle. |
elite shooter |
sniper This is a more aggressive version of the Hunter, trading its support abilities for its own buffs and damage. our verdict: Ranged combat can feel a bit unresponsive, but if you like the idea of destroying enemies from afar without getting in their way, this is for you. |
spell caster |
black wizard Naturally, this is a more aggressive version of Doneigad. This profile trades survivability for raw attack, but has a bonus to the Breath of Life spell. our verdict: Probably the most solid base profile among the spellcaster classes. |
guide |
herbalist Close support profile. First Aid is a useful ability for almost any character and comes with the Good Samaritan Stance. This stance must always be active on at least one ally on higher difficulties. our verdict: Close support is a niche market. Not recommended. |
scout |
backup A ranged combatant with support abilities (and being only 1 skill point away from healing via First Aid) makes this character a typical support character who doesn't need much else to be effective. Our Verdict: If you set it as a support character, select this character. |
healer |
white wizard This class is a Healing Mage, so there isn't much more to say about this class. We all know what a magic healer can do. Our Verdict: Support magic and healing work well together, but this character seems to be moderately vulnerable. We recommend choosing Scout instead. |
Other than these character profiles, which neatly offer melee, ranged, and magic options for attack support, damage dealing, and defensive support, there's really no niche to fill. This is why we recommend that you do not select the free creation option when creating your character.
Instead, our recommendation is:
- if you want to be tankchoose guardian contour.
- if you want to be Melee Damage DealerPlease select: wild fighter contour.
- you curtseyselect scout contour.
- If you want to use magicPlease select: spell caster contour.
These profiles (along with their corresponding stat point builds) are already perfect as starter options thanks to how easy it is to develop your build as you progress through the game. The choice will depend on your specific play style requirements.

Greedfall 2: The Dying World – New Wicked Quest Walkthrough
In this lengthy Greedfall 2 quest, you'll infiltrate a colony mine and discover the source of a sinister disease in the village.