Best Transmog Sets for Death Knights


  • Death Knights can express creativity in WoW with unique Transmog sets, independent of item stats.
  • Specific sets like Valorous Scourgeborne Plate or Dreadwake Armor can enhance class fantasy and style.
  • Gear like Magma Plated Battlearmor or Risen Nightmare’s Gravemantle caters to different Death Knight aesthetics.

Ever since Transmog (short for Transmogrification) was added to World of Warcraft back during Cataclysm, players have been able to express their creativity. No longer is their fashion at the mercy of whatever loot they’ve acquired so far or what has the better stats. A visually unappealing sword can be made to look like a much more satisfying weapon. If World of Warcraft players don’t like the way their class armor set looks, they can simply use a different appearance.

While there are still some restrictions with Transmog, the system has seen significant improvements over the years. As a result, simply hunting down sets for Transmog is a play style in and of itself. If players want to use a set that leans into their class fantasy, there are plenty to choose from. This is especially the case for Death Knights, as many earlier sets really set them apart as unstoppable champions of death and destruction. For all the former Scourge champions out there, here are some transmog sets that will strike fear into the hearts of those foolish enough to stand in their way.

Updated on December 12, 2024, by Paul Woodward: Death Knight armor comes in a variety of styles. While they didn’t have many sets at the time of Wrath of the Lich King, players now have a lot to work with when it comes to creating a new transmog set. The 20th Anniversary celebration added an incredible armor appearance since Death Knights didn’t have a Tier Two armor set like the original classes did. It will be interesting to see what kind of armor is added when 11.1 releases in 2025, especially since the raid will involve the Undermine. Perhaps Blizzard will find a way to incorporate the explosive technology of Goblins into the appearance of those raid sets?


Games With The Best Transmog

Transmogrification is a great feature in video games that allows players to change how they look without losing valuable stats

11 Valorous Scourgeborne Plate

The First Set of Raid Gear For Death Knights


  • The Helmet, Chest, Legs, and Shoulders all drop off of bosses in Naxxramas 25-man.
  • The Gloves drop off of Sartharion in Obsidian Sanctum 25-man.
  • The Belt (Belt of the Singing Blade) and Boots (Bladed Steelboots) are purchased from legacy gear vendors in Dalaran (Northrend).

There is no better place to start than with the very first set of raid gear for Death Knights. Since Death Knights were not a playable class when Naxxramas was first released back in vanilla WoW, it meant that Blizzard needed to add a set for the new class in both 10-man and 25-man versions of Naxxramas. The Valorous Scourgeborne Plate set drops from both Naxxramas and Obsidian Sanctum 25-man. Back during Wrath of the Lich King, the 10 and 25-man versions of raids had different loot tables. So if players want to get this set, they must make sure that they are doing the correct version of the raids.

While not as visually interesting as other sets of Death Knight armor, the Valorous Scorgeborne Plate has a great color scheme and will look good on players regardless of whether they are a Blood, Frost, or Unholy Death Knight. Though this armor will make certain races (especially Orcs) look like giant bugs due to the shoulders. Unfortunately the 10-man version does not have matching boots like the 25-man version does, so players will have to get creative to find something that will match slightly.

10 Furious Gladiator’s Dreadplate Armor

For Those Who Prefer Less Bulky Armor


  • Purchased with Marks of Honor in the Sewers of Dalaran (Northrend)

Prior to just being recolors of raid gear, PvP armor used to have a look that was completely unique to it alone. While most of the PvP sets for Death Knights in Wrath of the Lich King essentially used the same model throughout the entire expansion, the set released with the sixth Arena Season was easily the most appealing.


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Rather than going for a bulky-looking set of armor, this set is thinner and looks like it would be much easier to move in. If anything, this set looks like what a Death Knight would wear if they were on a sports team. So for players looking for a set that looks like it could actually be worn, the Furious Gladiator’s Dreadplate Armor is a great set to use for Transmog. The entire set can be purchased with Marks of Honor from the legacy arena vendors in the Sewers of Dalaran (Northrend).

9 Necrotic Boneplate Armor

Armor Made Out of Bones is Perfect For a Death Knight


  • All pieces of this armor drop from the Dragon Soul raid

Since the grand finale of Cataclysm takes place in Dragonblight, it makes sense why the Tier 13 raid armor for Death Knights looks like it is made out of bones. While there are three different colored versions of this set, the heroic version is easily the best looking. This entire set drops from the Dragon Soul raid. Originally, players had to loot the tokens and then use them to purchase the raid gear from vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Now the tokens can be used to just create the armor on the spot.

This set is great for Death Knight players who sided with the Necrolords in Shadowlands. While Necrotic Boneplate Armor came out years prior to this notorious expansion, players would certainly feel at home with this armor on while they are in Maldraxxus.

8 Ogreskull Boneplate Battlegear

Become An Industrial Death Machine

  • All pieces drop from Mythic Blackrock Foundry

For the longest time, raid armor obtained from the hardest difficulty in World of Warcraft was just a different colored version of the same set on lower difficulties. When Mythic difficulty for raids was added with the launch of Warlords of Draenor, Blizzard decided to mix things up with the appearance of raid armor. While you can see some similarities between the sets, the Mythic version of all Warlords of Draenor raid armor is noticeably different. In addition to a different-looking helmet, there are often animated visual parts of the armor that are unique to the Mythic set. Ultimately, this ended up getting scrapped in favor of recolors with minor visual effect changes in later expansions.

The Normal and Heroic versions of this armor didn’t feel like armor that a Death Knight would use, but the same can’t be said for the Mythic version which makes the player look like some kind of industrial nightmare forged in the fires of Blackrock Foundry. While the Iron Horde was a short-lived threat, they certainly knew how to craft some intimidating armor. If players want to wear unique gear that makes their Death Knight look like a mechanical harbinger of death, this is the set to wear.

7 Plate of the Lost Catacomb

Ceremonial Burial Armor Never Looked So Good


  • All pieces drop from heroic Mogu’Shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Terrace of Endless Spring.

While many players either loved or thoroughly despised Mists of Pandaria, the unique and completely originally styles of armor it brought into the game cannot be ignored. The image above depicts the heroic version of the Tier 14 Death Knight set. Regardless of color, this set of raid armor makes a Death Knight look like they are wearing ceremonial armor that they were buried in.


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The flaming skulls on the helmet and the shoulders will certainly make players look very intimidating. If players prefer not to have armor that looks like a robe, they can swap the chest armor out with Garalon’s Graven Carapace which drops off of Garalon in Heart of Fear. This was also, unfortunately, one of the last sets added to the game that felt like something a Death Knight would wear.

6 Dreadwake Armor

The Perfect Set to Commemorate the Destruction of the Burning Legion

wow best death knight transmog dreadwake armor set

  • All pieces drop from Antorus, the Burning Throne raid.

The final raid in World of Warcraft: Legion was all about taking the fight directly to the Burning Legion and destroying the source of their infinite army, effectively breaking the seemingly unconquerable hordes of demons for good. With the stakes so high, it only made sense that the armor sets would match the heroes powerful enough to take on Sargeras’s most elite forces and live to tell the tale.

The entire Dreadwake set drops from Antorus, the Burning Throne. Like earlier raid sets, there are four color variants of this armor at the time of writing. The set depicted in the image above drops from the Heroic version of the raid. While this set pairs well with Unholy Death Knights, it is neutral enough that it would look great regardless of spec.

5 Magma Plated Battlearmor

Death Knights In Cataclysm Had Style


  • All pieces drop from normal and heroic Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of Four Winds.

Even after the Lich King was slain, there were still plenty of incredible sets of raid gear for Death Knights that were released during Cataclysm. One such set is the very impressive (and highly intimidating) Tier 11 set for Death Knights. The normal version is covered in blue flames and the helmet has an impressive looking crown on top with horns and a skull like visage. Every piece of this set drops from the three raids that launched with Cataclysm.

If players want something that looks a little more primal, they should consider going after the heroic version of this armor as it looks like a set of armor forged with lava. As far as weapons go, Shadowmourne looks great with the normal version and weapons from the Firelands look great with the heroic version.

4 Risen Nightmare’s Gravemantle

Dragonflight Brings Back the Class Fantasy

world of warcraft death knight raid armor from Amirdrassil

  • Drops from Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope

Some class armor sets strayed away from a discernable identity during Dragonflight. This was certainly the case with Death Knights, as the armor that dropped in Vault of the Incarnates and Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible looked more like typical plate armor in World of Warcraft.

With Season Three, Death Knights got a new set of armor that felt like it belonged in a Scourge armory. The art team at Blizzard even found ways to make the set look different from what had come before by adding in spikes on the shoulders and the arms. Best of all, this set comes in several different colors and there is even a color that is exclusive to PvP. If players want a set that suits a Death Knight but doesn’t look like the more traditional sets from Wrath of the Lich King, Risen Nightmare’s Gravemantle is a great contender.

3 Unchained Gladiator’s Plate

Creepy Looking Armor Is Ideal For a Death Knight


  • Purchased with 12 Marks of Honor in Oribos

While the Unchained Gladiator’s Plate is technically a set that can be used by Warriors, Paladins, and Death Knights, there is no doubt that this set of armor looks best when on a Death Knight. In general, Death Knight gear is meant to make them look very intimidating. In this case, the Unchained Gladiator’s Plate set makes a Death Knight player look outright demonic. This entire set can be purchased from the PvP Vendor in Oribos.

As far as weapons go, Apocalypse pairs well with this set. This is especially the case if players use any of the red color variants of this Legion Artifact weapon. If players want a cape, the Ensemble for Unchained Gladiator’s Plate comes with one that matches this armor.

2 Pale Rider’s Eternal Armor

What A Tier 2 Death Knight Set Would Have Looked Like

world of warcraft best dk transmog sets update 4 3

  • Purchased with Bronze Celebration Tokens

Believe it or not, the iconic Tier Two armor set from vanilla World of Warcraft didn’t always have the unique appearances that they were known for. Early on, Tier Two used a placeholder appearance, which was then eventually replaced by the sets that players know and love today, including the Judgement set that many Paladin players use for transmog. Back in vanilla World of Warcraft, there were no Death Knights, Monks, Demon Hunters, or Evokers, so there are no Tier Two sets to obtain from Blackwing Lair.

So when Blizzard released the updated Tier Two appearances as part of the 20th Anniversary, they used this opportunity to create sets for all the classes added to the game over the years. The Pale Rider’s Eternal Armor gives players an idea of what a Tier Two set could have looked like if Death Knights had been a class in vanilla World of Warcraft, and it is one of the best sets of armor the class has seen in a very long time. Not only that, but this armor set pairs very well with most any weapon from Icecrown Citadel, especially Shadowmourne.

1 Dreadwyrm Battleplate

For Players Who Want to Look Like the Lich King


  • Drops from Mythic Nighthold. Lookalike pieces also drop in Mythic Emerald Nightmare.

For many years, Death Knight raid gear went off the rails and used very different styles. While variety never hurts, it certainly didn’t lean into the class fantasy as much as some players would have liked. Fortunately, this was partially corrected when Blizzard released the Tier 19 raid armor during Legion.


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While all the color variants for this set look great (including the PvP version), the best version is easily the Mythic one. With the helmet bearing a striking resemblance to the Helm of Domination, it makes players look like the infamous Lich King. When compared to the armor worn by the Lich King, this set will make players feel like a worthy successor to this notorious and sinister antagonist. This set pairs well with either Shadowmourne or the Blades of the Fallen Prince artifact from Legion.

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World of Warcraft



November 23, 2004

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