Black Ops 6 bug 'demotes' players

Key Takeaways

  • A bug has been discovered that causes Black Ops 6 players to lose 51,921 XP in multiplayer.
  • There are visual glitches on the post-match screen, but no actual XP loss or demotion.

no way Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Players were encountering a very strange bug that seemed to result in them being “demoted” in multiplayer with massive XP losses. Many gamers are already trying to maximize their Prestige. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6And being relegated from the game would be disappointing to say the least.

It's still very early. black ops 6Due to its long lifespan, it is natural for gamers to discover new bugs in the game at this early stage. Despite having an open beta for the game a while ago, Treyarch and Raven Software have yet to iron out all the flaws. Recently, another gamer noticed something very problematic. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 A bug that allows players to see through flashbangs. It's not hard to imagine why this could be a big problem, especially in competitive matches. Now, it looks like Treyarch is releasing small daily patches for the game to fix these initial issues.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombie players have discovered a wild falling corpse in Liberty Falls. easter egg

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies Online players have discovered a strange corpse Easter egg dropping in Liberty Falls, one of the new maps.

In a clip posted online by Redditor Other_Road4909, the post-match screen awards the player -51,921 XP. The XP wheel spins too fast to keep up and looks very strange. Gamers in the thread were quick to joke about the situation, offering some very simple advice: “Take care of yourself,” while others hilariously hinted that Other_Road4909 was so bad in his previous game that he was bound to be demoted. this. Not sure what it is. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 They were playing a multiplayer mode to fix this glitch in the first place.

Black Ops 6 fake “demotion” bug

Fortunately, it's not all bad news for players. This “demotion” is a visual glitch in the post-match progress screen. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 In fact, no more than 50,000 XP was stolen from players, and no levels were lost due to the issue. they will get fame black ops 6 soon. Some users have theorized about the cause of the problem with one interesting theory. This post was initially written when the game was only available in the New Zealand time zone. Players were able to change their system time to match New Zealand and play the game early, and one person in the thread who did so reported the same bug. “We thought it was punishment for visiting New Zealand,” they said.

It seems like there are still quite a few things left to fix. black ops 6Even though the response to this year's game was mostly positive. portion black ops 6 Players are frustrated with multiplayer spawn points. This was a difficult balancing act for anyone. call of duty Developers over the years. Regardless, the game is solid at launch, giving us hope that we'll have a great year ahead.

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