Bloodborne Boss Tier List

Bloodborneis often considered one of the best games of the last decade, despite being seemingly and inexplicably forgotten by both FromSoftware and Sony. It's home to some of the best storytelling FromSoftware has ever created, a truly unforgettable and unsettling world, and of course, plenty of nail-biting boss battles.

BloodborneThe best bosses exist at the intersection of challenge, lore, and spectacle, offering a powerful combination of engaging gameplay, awe, and fear. Although most FromSoftware games feature an element of surprise, BloodborneA descent from superficial standards into madness and cosmic horror. van helsing– The inspired story makes the boss variety particularly powerful, filled with horrors like werewolf-like beasts, maniacs, and incomprehensible gods. of course, Bloodborne's boss lineup is one of FromSoftware's most iconic lineups.

The following tier list excludes the Grail Dungeon bosses and focuses only on the main story and bosses.
Old Hunters


The PS5 Pro may have given the Bloodborne remake its most powerful weapon yet.

As Sony continues to release the PS5 Pro, they should finally seize the opportunity to give Bloodborne the upgrade it deserves.

Bloodborne's S-rank boss

  • Ludwig the Cursed
  • first hunter german
  • Maria of the Star Clock Tower
  • Orphan of Kos
  • presence of the moon

mount rushmore Bloodborne Bosses are characterized by several key elements: aesthetics, importance of lore, and how well each encounter utilizes the game's combat mechanics. Consider Ludwig the Accursed, for example. This boss's bizarre and disgusting design is most inspired by FromSoftware, and his viciousness, aggressiveness, and wide range of attacks make him an easy pick. BloodborneThe scariest boss. He's also tied into the game's core narrative, adding meaning that makes his battles more than just spectacle.

The same can be said about Lady Maria and the Orphan of Kos. These bosses are an inseparable part. Bloodbornestory and tests players' skills with novel and unexpected attack patterns. Arguably the case of the Orphan of Kos. Bloodborne's most powerful boss, players must utilize their abilities to the fullest and experience the game's mechanics to achieve victory. But like boss battles in any great video game, it never feels unfair despite the sheer difficulty.

Lady Maria, the guilt-ridden gatekeeper of a fishing village, delivers another emotionally resonant confrontation that underpins her raw power. A weathered hunter, she forces players to be more aggressive and intense than ever before. Her fatal elegance may have inspired the following: Elden Ringof Malenia—which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who you ask.

Gehrman and Moon Presence are narratively important and dramatically heartbreaking, but not particularly challenging. By the time players reach these two final and pivotal bosses, they will be powerful and experienced enough to beat them in just a few attempts. This will usually place the boss on a lower tier, but the relative ease of it really helps. Depending on the speed of the game, punctuation BloodborneA nightmarish story that provides more entertainment than frustration. Plus, their moves are easy to counter, but they're fun to dance with nonetheless. This can't be said for the game's lower-quality boss fights.

Bloodborne's A-level boss

  • Martyr Logrius
  • Father Gascoigne
  • Vicar Amelia
  • Shadow of Yharnam
  • Everietas, Daughter of the Universe
  • Mergo's Nurse

The bosses in this tier are still fantastic. It's considered S-tier in basically 90% of other games, but the game's more finely crafted combat gives it a slight edge. People like Father Gascoigne, Vicar Amelia, and Martyr Logarius help paint a more complete image of the church. BloodborneA bleak and heartbreaking world, representing the perverse world of Yharnam, where Gascoigne and Amelia are transformed into beasts, removed from the basic pillars of humanity. Logarius, on the other hand, represents a brutal and psychotic conflict with the Vilebloods, and his boss battles reveal another dimension of Yharnam's dark underbelly.

Mergo's Wet Nurse and Shadow of Yharnam are two of the following. BloodborneMechanically, this is the most unique boss encounter. The former throws fantasy and complex, multi-faceted attacks at players, while the latter is a three-player team-up battle that encourages a variety of strategies depending on build and playstyle. Conversely, Ebrietas is a very simple and easy fight, but the heartbreaking details of her history combined with her unforgettably bizarre appearance make her unforgettable.


Next FromSoftware games can breathe new life into underutilized character creation mechanics.

FromSoftware's RPGs have always included typical genre features, and the studio is able to double down on them in interesting ways.

Bloodborne's B-level boss

  • Cleric Beast
  • bloodthirsty beast
  • amygdala
  • failure in life
  • first vicar lawrence
  • Dark Beast Paal

Further down the list are bosses that are either mediocre from a mechanical standpoint or display gimmicks that are characteristic of the game's worst boss fights. Amygdala and Living Failures fall into the latter category. Because while their battles are visually interesting, they aren't utilized to their full potential. BloodborneFast and aggressive combat. This may be a nice change of pace, but it doesn't take advantage of the game's mechanical strengths.

Darkbeast Paarl and Blood-Starved Beast are guilty of being too difficult for their worth. Their attacks are hard and fast, but they're not particularly exciting or fun to counter. The Paarl can be beaten simply by sticking to its back, and the Blood-Starved Beast can be cheesed with just a few well-placed gunshots (which is, of course, quite satisfying), giving it a slightly looser feel from a design standpoint. Especially when compared to higher tier bosses.

Then there's the Cleric Beast and Laurence, the First Vicar. Laurence's encounter benefits from the importance of that lore, but is slightly cheapened by the fact that it's essentially a reskin of the Cleric Beast with a few AOE moves added. The Cleric Beast itself, the first boss most players will encounter, is already mechanically simple, making both of these bosses good, but not great.

Bloodborne's C-tier boss

  • Mykolasi, Master of Nightmares
  • Void Spider Rom
  • witch of hemwick
  • reborn person
  • Heavenly Emissary

Lastly, the lowest tier is Bloodborne Boss battles are characterized by terrifying special effects that appeared in previous stages. Micolash and The Witch of Hemwick are both strong contenders for worst. Bloodborne It's a boss fight that lacks the style and flair to make up for its boredom. Celestial Emissary, Rom, and The One Reborn are much more interesting in terms of visual design, spectacle, and lore, but fail to encourage deeper engagement or experimentation with the game mechanics, focusing instead on eliminating hordes of prey. The enemy before whaling a large, helpless mass.

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