Borderlands 4 should leave the golden goose in the dust

Key Takeaways

  • The Borderlands 4 teaser suggests Lilith will return to Phasewalking, which involves moving large moons or planets across the sky.
  • Speculation that Handsome Jack would return as the main villain of BL4 has been debunked by Randy Pitchford.
  • BL4 needs to move away from Handsome Jack, allow for new enemies and character growth, and keep the series from stagnating.

For a long time, Gearbox was without radio and the only source of information was rumor. Borderlands 4The iconic looter shooter finally made an appearance at Gamescom, sparking plenty of fan theories about what the next installment in the series will be about. Little is known at the moment, and the teaser mixes some familiar elements with new details, suggesting a big chapter lies ahead. Borderlands 3's Director's Cut DLC confirmed that Lilith is still alive after the end of the game. Borderlands 4's teaser confirms as much by showing her iconic phoenix in the sky.

Not only that Borderlands 4's Phoenix appears before a giant moon appears or even a complete planet is teleported, which is consistent with Lilith's Phasewalk ability, meaning she's probably doing it. Some fans have also hung up frames with the Vault symbol displayed in a way that appears to match Handsome Jack's scar, as seen in the picture. Borderlands: Pre-SequelHowever, this theory was immediately shut down by Randy Pitchford himself, who said it was “something much more dangerous and sinister.” This seems to confirm that Handsome Jack will not. Borderlands 4There is no confirmation whether the villain series is moving away from him.


Borderlands 4 can ensure the best by embracing one series first.

Borderlands 4 is fighting an uphill battle with fans, but one series has seen its titles thrive by first allowing players to create the final product.

Borderlands 4 risks cementing Handsome Jack as the face of the franchise

Why Handsome Jack shouldn't be included in BL4

Borderlands 4 A long time has passed, and if there is no delay, it is likely to be released in the fall of 2025, about 6 years later. BL3. but Borderlands 3 It was a huge game in its own right that pushed the franchise forward in many ways. Once again, our reliance on Handsome Jack has taken us two steps forward and one step back. On the one hand, it's understandable since Handsome Jack has become the face of the franchise, and he's also widely regarded as one of the best video game villains of all time.

Jack, on the other hand, dominated the whole thing. Borderlands 2he was a big part Borderlands: Pre-SequelAnd he had DLC dedicated to his legacy. Borderlands 3 There are also side quests that highlight the tragic story of Jack's family. It's no surprise that the franchise has such an impressive shadow. BL3's villains were compared to Handsome Jack and didn't live up to it. In this way, Handsome Jack ‘comes back’ in some form. Borderlands 4 It won't allow the series to move forward. This is what is desperately needed.

Why Borderlands 4 needs a clean slate without Handsome Jack

Handsome Jack appears throughout the franchise, and he also appears in the movies. borderlands story A game above the mainline series. Making a whole new enemy take the reins Borderlands 4 Especially if this entity is actually much more dangerous and evil than that. borderland'Jack, but that's not enough. Instead, the new title should reduce Jack to a footnote in his own right, and may appear as an Easter egg in some dialogue or weapon text, and nothing more. Players will likely remember Jack anyway, but veterans and new players alike will benefit from witnessing a clean slate.

As time went on, I almost came to expect Jack to appear. borderland The game progresses based on how often he has been used. Removing these familiar elements may not necessarily seem like the best thing to do, but it will allow existing characters to grow more and new ones to shine brighter. Borderlands 4 There's an opportunity to deliver The Watcher's war, a long-running part of the series that has been teased for its next big release. prequelany BL3 We haven't really built much. If so, there will be a lot of need for both old and new faces within the game's universe. prequel In a way, the war in Handsome Jack's game, The Watcher, takes place in a universe where Jack is a distant memory.

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