Chronicles Wish Banner Guide for Genshin Impact


Character Guide to Current Chronicles Wishes

with genshin impact With more and more characters in every version, players were hoping that the developers would soon release three banners at once so players wouldn't have to wait too long for the character they want. But to everyone's surprise, instead of using three banners at the same time, Hoyo Bus came up with a new system called Banner. Chronicled Wishes Banner genshin impact.

To better understand the new system of Chronicled Wish banners genshin impactThis article will cover some FAQs, such as the mechanics of the new banner, available characters, and future plans for the new replay system.


Genshin Impact 5.3 Livestream Redemption Code (December 2024)

Genshin Impact redemption codes usually come with Primogems rewards that help players with their gacha experience.

Genshin Impact 5.3 Chronicles Wish Characters and Weapons List

Genshin Impact 5.3 Chronicles Wish Banner

Genshin Impact 5.3 Recorded Wish Period

January 21, 2025 – February 11, 2025

in genshin impact 5.3 Chronicled Wish allows you to choose one of the following 5-star characters:




typical role

suitable weapon




healer, buffer

Jadefall's Radiance




buffer, debuffer

disaster suppressor

cod liver oil




Amos' Bow





Polar Star





Primal Jade Wingspear





Refine the Primordial Jade Cutter and Mist Splitter





Ancient Jade Cutter, Fabonius Sword (4 stars)

You can also use the following weapons:



Jadefall's Radiance


disaster suppressor


Amos' Bow


Polar Star


Primal Jade Wingspear


raw jade cutting machine


not forged


summit shaper


memory of dust


What is Genshin Impact's Chronicle Wish?

Genshin Impact Paimon Tangled Fate Board

Chronicled Wish Banner genshin impact It feels like a mixture of a typical character-specific banner and a weapon banner. The wish system can be summarized as follows:

  • To pull the Chronicled Wish banner you will need to use: intertwined fate.

  • you are choose between available personality or weapon From the banner.

  • you are guarantee To get the character or weapon you want In the second 5-star draw. meantime, You have a 50% chance of getting what you want from the first 5 stars..

  • 100% 5-Star Drop Guarantee: 90 draws regardless of weapon or character selection.

  • If you choose a character with a guaranteed drop, you'll get a 50/50 loss on that character. Any subsequent weapon selection will result in a 50/50 loss for the weapon.

genshin impact new banner type albedo klee version 4.5 mondstadt

Here's the Chronicled Wish banner, which is a mix of limited character banners and weapon banners: genshin impact work:

  1. Choose from available characters or weapon

  2. Make a wish until you get a 5-star drop.

  3. There is a 50% chance of getting 5 stars of your choice. If you choose a character, the 50/50 loss will be the character, not the weapon. If you choose a weapon, the 50/50 loss will be for the weapon, not the character.

  4. If you lose 50/50, you get: 1 fate pointSimilar to the weapon banner. However, unlike the weapon banner 3 5 stars For guarantee, Chronicled Wish has 2 5 stars For warranty. This means: The next 5-star draw has a 100% chance of being a character or weapon of your choice..

  5. If you get the 5 stars you want or if you change your selection, Destiny points are removed.

Will Chronicles of Wish Sympathy carry over in Genshin Impact?

Similar to Weapon Banner genshin impact, The number of wishes is listed. Although it generally means that sympathy continues. fate point From Chronicle Wishes Do not carry over.

An example of a chronological wish system

For example, if you select: Seonheo With a 5-star guarantee, You cannot obtain 5-star weapons from this banner.. When you use Tangled Fate, you finally get 5 stars. But instead of Shenhe cod liver oil.

Because I lost 50% chance 1 fate point. now, You can draw it until you get another 5-star, and you're guaranteed a Shenhe at the next gold drop..

but, When you stop drawing and the Chronicled Wish banner closes,, You will lose fate points.

For example, after acquiring Ganyu and losing 50%. 50 times Primogems were lacking. After the end of the current chronicle wish banner New characters also appear, You will come back with a 50/50 chance If you choose our new 5-Star Guarantee. but, You still have to draw the 50th draw, which is a pitiful number of times, and only have to draw 40 more times. Reach the 90th wish guarantee.

Are Chronicle Wishes permanent in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact Beginner Banner

genshin impact 4.5 is the debut version of Chronicled Wish, but the second Chronicled Wish is a much later version. genshin impact 5.3. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that: Chronicled Wish does not occur again in any version. Instead, it is something that can be used from time to time.

Here are the criteria for the main characters at the launch of Chronicled Wish:

  • Only exclusive 5-star characters that have appeared at least three times in a character-only banner, but have not appeared in a recent character-only banner, will appear in the Chronicles of Wishes banner.

  • Characters appearing in the Chronicles of Wishes banner It will continue to appear in future reruns and other Chronicled Wish cycles..

but, The developers decided to make the requirements less stringent so that they could later bring in long-awaited characters like Shenhe..

  • Character Guide to Current Chronicles Wishes

    This character is currently a 5 star available on the Chroniced Wish banner. Links to all of our guides are provided in this section, but if you're looking for other characters, check out our directory for all the characters in that guide. genshin impact Click here to view the current event banner.

  • Character Guide Backlinks New Natlan - Genshin Impact

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