in civilization 6Builders are one of the most important units a player can get their hands on. They play an important role in developing your city and improving the surrounding tiles. Builders are essential to the growth and happiness of civilization thanks to their diverse abilities. They can improve tiles, collect resources, and perform various tasks within the player's city limits.

Civilization 6 Strategy Tier List
Sid Meier's Civilization 6 is the most complex and multifaceted Civilization game to date, offering multiple unique paths to victory.
Builders are very easy and cheap to recruit early in the game; civilization Using this required unit in a series can be confusing. There are actually many requirements before a builder unit can be put into operation.
Updated on January 16, 2025 by Mehrdad Khayyat: Civilization 6 is an experience with incredible replayability, and it's really the depth of the gameplay mechanics that allow so many unique scenarios to arise depending on the player's choices.
Whatever your final approach, knowing each unit type and using it correctly is the key to success in Civilization 6. When it comes to generating income, builders are an important unit for growth!
How to use the builder
To recruit builders, click on a major city you own and open the “Buy Items with Gold” tab below. Here, players can recruit various units, including builders.
Once the required rotations are complete, units will spawn inside the city. Depending on the player's leader and nationality, builders may vary slightly, but generally each builder unit is given two moves and three construction opportunities per turn. Once all three opportunities have been used, the unit is disbanded and eliminated.
Now the requirements to use the Builder device are:
Builders can only build on tiles that have icons for proposed improvements, such as agriculture, mining, etc.
The aforementioned tiles must already be owned by the player. Builders cannot work on unowned tiles.
Builders can also work on tiles with any form of natural obstruction, such as a forest or savannah, to remove them and level the tiles. You must also own this tile.
Constructor units cannot move and build 2 tiles per turn. However, if a builder unit moves one tile per turn, it can build/remove anything within that turn once it reaches a tile that can be improved.
Before creating something, players must gain knowledge about it. For example, you cannot build a mining facility without completing mining research.
The role of the builder
Constructors serve as the main workforce responsible for developing a civilization's infrastructure. they own various abilities It allows them to improve productivity In the player's city
Builders spend a total of three costs on construction, which can be used for a variety of purposes.
Construct tile improvements with one charge.
Tile improvement repairs do not cost you anything.
Removing tile improvements does not cost anything.
Harvesting resources requires one charge and provides a one-time harvest. This only applies to bonus resources.
Clearing terrain such as forests, rainforests, and wetlands requires one charge and provides a one-time harvest.
Planting a tree requires one charge and can be used through the Preservation skill.
Requires 1 charge to clean up nuclear fallout.
Using the builder requires players to move their units to the tile they want to work on. If you can work with tile there, you should have a variety of options to choose from.
Tile improvements
civilization 6 Players typically spend most of their builder costs on tile improvements. This can be done on most tiles in the player's civilization. Valuable improvements that builders can make include farms, mines, farms, and more.

Civilization 6 10 Best Ancient Civilizations
Players looking to dominate the Ancient Era in Civilization 6 are encouraged to choose the following civilizations:
These improvements are definitely worth building, as they provide the following benefits to players' civilization: many benefitsIncreased food, production, gold, strategic resources, etc. All of these essential for growth and the advancement of the player's civilization.
Repair looted facilities
Especially early in the game, players may find their improvements quickly destroyed by rampaging barbarians. Facilities may be destroyed by natural disasters or enemy civilizations. Luckily, the Builder is adept at repairing looted facilities and can restore them to fully functional condition.
It is important to note that the builder can: Repair tile improvement onlyNot the district or the building in question. To repair a looted facility, players simply move a builder unit to the damaged tile and select the “Repair” action.
Resource harvesting and feature removal
As an alternative to improving tiles, builders can also harvest resources and remove features for: More immediate results. Harvesting resources allows the builder to clear bonus resources from tiles. One-time profit bonus Go to the city where the corresponding tile is located.
similarly, Builders can remove features. Forests, rainforests, wetlands, etc. also offer one-time bonuses. This can be done by using the builder to access enhanced tiles or features and choosing to remove features or harvest resources. This will consume the build fee once.
In the long run, this provides less yield for the city; Great for finishing projectsbuildings and districts in a timely manner.
How to increase build costs
builder civilization 6 It starts with a build cost of 3, but can be increased in a few different ways.
Qin Shi Huang's granting of leadership abilities additional charge To all builders.
Governor Liang, known as The Surveyor, grants additional fees to: New builders trained in the city She was appointed governor.
that pyramid wonder Additional fees apply to all builders.
that Serfdom and public works The policy card offers two additional charges to newly created builders:

- franchise
- released
October 21, 2016
- Open Criticism Evaluation