Civilization 7 gold is likely to have gold.

Fans are waiting for new items for a long time. civilization Franchise Civilization 6 I arrived at a better part 10 years ago. But the atmosphere is almost over. Developer Firaxis recently confirmed this civilization 7 It was gold ahead of the release date on February 11.

For those who have not been able to follow all technical game terms, “Going Gold” means that the game has entered the final development stage and is officially ready. But for a long time civilization Fans know that going gold is probably the beginning of a long journey. Civilization 7.



The Xbox Game Pass is struck in January, but the February lineup can use more batters to maintain the driving force.

Content after the launch of Simple History 6 of Civilization

Launched for PC in October 2016 Civilization 6After launch, the trip started quite quickly. A total of six paid DLCs were added between December 2016 and October 2017. Civilization 6. Each of them has added at least one new civilization and leader with a unique scenario centered on the real history of CIV, and one or two new mysteries.

February 2018, Civilization 6 I received the first main expansion. This expansion, titled “Rise and Fall,” added BEVY of new epidemiology, such as loyalty, and accordingly Dark Age Mechanic. Almost exactly one year later Civilization 6 It has been expanded to another large DLC, “Gathering Storm,” which adds complex climatic systems and regained diplomatic victory conditions.

May 2020, Civilization 6“New Frontier Pass” of “New Frontier Pass” has begun, with a total of nine new leaders, eight new CIVS and rich new units, wonders, buildings and game modes for 10 months. November 2022, Civilization 6 This time, I received the second pass, and this time 12 new leaders added to the existing CIV. Civilization 6 In March 2023, I received the final paid DLC, almost seven years after the first launch of the game.

Civilization 7 follows a lawsuit with DLC

It's already like it looks like Civilization 7 After launch, you can follow the footsteps of the predecessor in relation to the plan. Firaxis confirmed two separate DLC passes. Civilization 7. purchase Civilization 7Deluxe Edition will allow players to access “Crossroads of the World Collection”. “The CrossRoads of the World Collection”, two new leaders, four new CIVS, four new mysterious and some cosmetics, and some cosmetics.

purchase Civilization 7The founder edition of the founders will provide the world's CrossRoads of the World Collection and “Right to Rule Collection.” The other six DLC sets will provide two new leaders, four new CIVS and four new wonders to the game. The DLC packs in the CrossRoads of the World Collection will be released by the end of March 2025, and the right to rule the DLC pack will be released between April 2025 and September, and drops one DLC pack a month. Can be stuck.

Pre -order Civilization 7 You can also access TECUMSEH and Shawnee Pack when launching to the player.

Firaxis did not check what leaders or CIVs would include in this DLC, but some fans had the theory that they could include the Middle East CIV, such as the Babylon and the Ottoman Empire, in the intersection pack, and the pack can focus on the British. Empire and Aztec. This is all pure guesses.

Who joins the list Civilization 7The already identified DLC pack shows that the lunch is just the beginning. CIV 7The journey of. And if CIV 7 The journey, which has as much power as a predecessor, can continue the best for 10 years.

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