Deltarune Creator Toby Fox Reveals Release Dates for Chapters 3 and 4

Key Takeaways

  • Toby Fox plans to release Deltarune Chapters 4 and 5 by the end of 2025.
  • Fox is aiming to release Chapters 3 and 4 simultaneously on all platforms, including English and Japanese language options.
  • While chapters 3 and 4 are nearing completion, Fox is currently working daily on chapter 5, with a total of seven planned.

Chapters 4 and 5 of the popular retro RPG Deltarune According to newly released information from their creators, both will be released by the end of 2025. Pan Deltarune After waiting over three years for the second chapter to be released, Toby Fox has promised to catch up with them with two major releases a year.

Independent developer Fox took a big step forward with its first major release in 2015. UndertaleIt's a pixel RPG full of humor, lovable villains, bullet hell action, and a rewarding ending where you don't kill anyone. Although it does not reach the explosive success of its predecessor, Deltarune The first chapter was released on Halloween 2018. Undertale. Both this chapter and the second chapter, released almost three years later, received generally favorable reviews from the public, but fans have been waiting for more content since September 2021.


What to Expect in Deltarune Chapters 3 and 4

Deltarune creator Toby Fox recently announced the progress of Chapter 5. Here's everything you can expect from the upcoming Chapters 3 and 4.

Things are about to change in a big way, as the game's creator posted on his official Twitter account on Halloween Day 2024 that Chapters 3 and 4 “will 100% be out in 2025.” Plans to release Chapters 3 and 4 simultaneously have been known for a long time, and the indie developer uses social media and his own newsletter to provide fans with regular development updates. Three months ago, Fox provided a progress update. Deltarune Chapter 4 says development is almost complete, but fans will have to wait a while before they can actually play it. He said he would rather the next two chapters be released simultaneously on all available platforms rather than having the previous chapter make its way to PC before consoles, and that localization work still needs to be done to release both English and Japanese options.

Deltarune Chapters 3 and 4 will be released in 2025

Fox said: Deltarune A progress update in mid-September once again stated that general development for Chapters 3 and 4 was essentially complete, with testing and Japanese localization appearing to be the main stumbling blocks. His developer updates have mainly focused on the technical aspects of progress rather than teasers and reveals, but he also announced in September that the next chapter will include some content from: Deltarune Chapter 2 with some previously unused music tracks and boss designs.

Only two chapters are currently available, but Fox is already working on them every day. Deltrarune Chapter 5. With a total of seven chapters planned, this means that the 2025 release is still just the middle part of the story, so fans will be able to have a lot more heartwarming humor in the chapters. Undertale– There will be similar stories in the next few years.

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