Key Takeaways
- Destiny 2 fans can look forward to new content, loot, and cosmetic sets on December 10, 2024.
- The Dawning event introduces a new Void Linear Fusion Rifle and three Celestial Dragon-themed cosmetic sets.
- Players can participate in community events, bake cookies, and earn exclusive Destiny 2 emblems.
Destiny 2Episodes of 'The Revenant' have been going on for quite some time, but they haven't been well-received by fans for a few key reasons, from feeling like the story is too short (which may be a symptom of Bungie making you do all the weekly missions in each Act), to: I couldn't do it. Loot issues. Morale within the community wasn't very high following the release of The Final Shape, as there were layoffs at Bungie and Revenant was riddled with bugs. Destiny 2 I need a shot in my arm. Fortunately, December 10th is just around the corner, so fans can enjoy new content, loot, and perhaps one of the best cosmetic sets of the year.
It will be four weeks and a few more days until Revenant's Act 3, which includes new missions, tonics, loot, and an exotic shotgun called the Slayer's Fang, is released, but December 10th will likely be the next big patch. Destiny 2 Before 2025 comes. At this stage, it's unknown whether the multiple bugs affecting the game will be resolved before the end of the year, but fans can expect to get some cool new stuff on December 10, 2024.

Explaining the tonic controversy in Destiny 2
The Destiny 2 community recently discovered a disappointing issue with Tonics, causing quite a stir.
December 10th will be a big day for Destiny 2 fans
December 10, 2024 Destiny 2The Dawn event is starting again. According to Bungie's latest TWID post, the Dawning event will remain largely the same throughout its duration, and thanks to Episode Revenant's focus on Stasis builds, we may finally be able to get some use out of snowballs to boot. With Dawning, Bungie will be completely revamping some of the event's existing weapons and introducing a new weapon: a void linear fusion rifle called the Mistral Lift.
Mistral Lift has access to one of the best damage combos in Destiny 2 thanks to Envious Arsenal and Bait and Switch, making it an excellent choice for DPS.
Why Destiny 2 Fans Shouldn't Miss the Astral Stasis Drake Armor Set
With Dawn, Bungie will be releasing a total of three new cosmetic sets based on the “Heavenly Dragon” concept. This is quite different from regular Dawn armor. Destiny 2. This new set is available in both Bright Dust and Silver. This means players can get Bright Dust for free, even if they haven't saved up, thanks to the generous Dawn bounty. Featuring a star-filled night sky theme for the Astral Stasis Drake armor set and the “wings” of the dragon-shaped helmet, this may be one of the most popular cosmetic pieces to date.
Destiny 2's New Dawn Tabard and Community Event Explained
with Destiny 2In the 2024 Dawn event, players will have the opportunity to earn new emblems. These can be obtained through gift packages, but Bungie describes them as “very rare.” This will be alleviated by an upcoming community event called Dawning Bake-Off. During the Dawning period, players can bake specific sets of cookies to trigger community events.
A different set will be released each week, and related emblems will become easier to obtain based on community goals. The schedule and requirements are as follows:
First Week of Dawn – December 10-16 – Pastry Commander
- Gjallardoodles for Zavala
- Bright dusty snowball for Tess Everis
- Starwort Thins for Elsie Bray
- Nimbus cake
Second Week of Dawn – December 17-23 – Epicurean Extraordinaire
- Traveler Donut Hole for Ikora
- Classic Butter Cookies for Eva Levante
- Dark Chocolate Dust for the Wanderer
Third Week of Dawn – December 24-31 – Handcrafter Hunter
- Vanilla Blade for Shaxx
- Lavender Ribbon Cookies for Saint-14
- Aether Cold Snap for Variks
Destiny 2 Winter 2024 Fashion Contest Description
Lastly, Bungie is also hosting a fashion contest with exclusive prizes. Destiny 2 Emblems – namely Felis Galaxias and Levante Prize. Rules require players to propose a stasis-, winter-, and dessert-themed Guardian fashion, and to enter, use the hashtag #DawningFashion on social media and enter your BungieID.