Destiny Guardian Fans are not satisfied with delivering story content in episodes because of lack of participation in story beats and cut scenes.
Some players of the community want to adopt a new story approach to Destiny 2, and fewer cut scenes and NPC conversations.
Other fans think that the episode structure is wasteful of the destiny universe and the potential of many people.
fate Fans are disappointed and dissatisfied with the delivery of story content. Destiny Guardian In the last few months. Many players want to see the story unfolding instead of hearing about the event. Destiny History through NPC dialogue, and others Destiny Guardian Fans think that this story is attractive to the bit and cut scene of the story heading for Heresy.
After launch Destiny Guardian Final shape Expansion, Bungie began a new story in the aftermath of the Witnesses' defeat. story Destiny Guardian In the episode, there are three actions and seasonal content distributed within the weekly update. Since many players think that the structure is too similar to the previous season model, the theme of the episode is controversial in the community.

Destiny 2 fans want Osteo Stream to reverse Nerf.
After half a year later, Destiny 2 fans still want Bungie to overturn the NERF for one of the favorite guns.
Reddit User crafty_trick_7300 has shared some thoughts and dissatisfaction with the recent delivery of story content. Destiny GuardianThey say that they are tired of listening to the NPC and talk about the achievements of players or other historical figures. Destiny universe. I would like to see the crafty_trick_7300 that Bungie approaches the new narrative content of NPCS's “Word-Vomit” or the game's current “Tell, DoN'T Show” without approach. The player is also angry with the fact that Bungie has a resource to create animation and in -game cuts, but many NPCs in the game talk with the player in a static position. The crafty_trick_7300 also mentioned that I saw a “live service indie game” with a better story. Destiny GuardianBungie is despite having resources under Sony Umbrella.
Destiny 2 fans are not happy about the story of the game and NPCS's storytelling approach.
Many players Destiny Guardian The community of Reddit seems to agree with the feelings of the Crafty_trick_3000, and some fans refer to the issues related to the story after launch. Destiny 2: Lightfall expansion. Others feel like a story Destiny GuardianAnd the current episode structure fate The universe and that many characters.
Destiny Guardian CODENAME: Frontiers can make a big change in story structure and delivery, but the important details that the fans want to know have not yet been disclosed by Bungie. February 4, Destiny Guardian I will head to the first act of the episode: this heresy. Destiny: King of Shooting expansion. Episode: Heresy introduces new activities such as “The Nether”, new weapons and equipment, Star Wars cooperation, and new subclass. Three days later, Sundered Doctrine Dungeon will be released on February 7. For more information about CODENAME: Frontiers, it can be released in the HereSy process.