D&D's 2024 Player's Handbook class tier list explained.

2024 Player Handbook dungeons and dragons Provides important updates to all classes and adjusts abilities, spells, and subclass features. With these changes in mind, we ranked the classes based on their overall versatility, combat effectiveness, and role in the party.


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From powerful spellcasters to martial arts experts, each class offers something unique, but some classes rise to the top thanks to their improved mechanics and adaptability. Whether you're a new player or a seasoned veteran, this tier list will help you choose the class that best suits your playstyle in the updated ruleset.

2024 Player's Handbook Class Tier List

Dungeons & Dragons image showing a barbarian, ranger, and monk fighting gnolls.
Art by Craig J Spearing

The advantage of Dungeons & Dragons is you can play whatever you wantMake a “suboptimal” choice for role play. mostly, The Dungeon Master will balance the encounter around what the party can do.Whatever you choose will be fine.

yet, There are some classes that can handle combat much easier than others. We've divided the classes into four tiers, but remember that no class is truly bad, and a party full of the “worst” classes will probably save the world from Tiamat anyway.

  • S-tier: These classes can create powerful combos, annihilate hordes of enemies, or just make life easier for the entire party. It may not be the easiest class to play, but it may be the most rewarding.
  • Grade A: These classes are barely below the top tier and, in the right hands, can potentially outperform them. Still, what they can do, the S class can do better.
  • Grade B: These classes shine in the first few levels, but they quickly outgrow you. They may be better individually, but they lack the versatility or consistency to move up to the higher tiers.
  • Grade C: This class offers unique characteristics that make it a fan favorite of many players, but may disappoint when it comes to running damage output or available options. It's not bad by any means, but it doesn't always bring much to the party composition.

S-tier class

Dungeons & Dragons image showing a wizard, cleric, druid, and monk.




Access to the largest number of orders This means it has the largest number of options. The biggest challenge is keeping up with everything you can.


that best support It continues to shine with divine light. they even Access Wish at level 20There is potentially no penalty. It's your god who throws it (Up to DM)


You might think Wild Shape has been nerfed, but Druid continues to be. The best nature-centered caster there is. Most subclasses have interesting ways to use Wild Shape resources. Moon Druids can cast some spells while in animal form.


one of the most unexpected increase in strength It comes from monks, who are at the top of the D&D food chain. their new martial arts die and Grapple Rules Make it an intractable nightmare from level 1.

While the Wizard continues to lead It's still listed in the 2024 Player's Handbook. So much so that it's complicated to use. In some ways the same can be said for clerics and druids. You must master their powers to reach the highest.

Of all the martial arts classes, Monks tend to perform better than everyone else. furthermore, It's not difficult to use at allSubclasses allow you to become a great healer, damage dealer, or sneak attacker.

A grade class

Dungeons & Dragons image showing a ranger, wizard, warlock, and paladin.




Here's what's changed with Divine Smite: Paladin's damage output has been lowered.Especially at low levels. Still, they remain one. The strongest class in D&DAnd basically best tank overhead.


These creepy casters Lots of customization optionsThis makes it one of the most fun classes you can play. their limited spell slotsHowever, you may not be relying too much on cantrips, but at least you have something other than Eldritch Blast to choose from.


The Sorcerer class could easily sit right next to the Wizard, assuming you choose it. perfect order About the entire campaign. That's it limited order pool This prevents it from being considered one of the best classes regardless of the situation.


The reason players continue to be disappointed with the Ranger is not because it is a bad class; It could be much more. Still like this Martial Arts-Caster Hybrid Get all the damage you need. support order This will keep the party going even on the worst nights.

Paladin is a bit low. They still have a solid class since their glory days in 2014. meantime, Thanks to the 2024 buff, the Ranger's power has increased.Although the taste still feels a bit inconsistent; Still, their powerful Hunter's Mark, combined with a few support spells, makes them more than worth it.

Warlocks and Sorcerers remain powerful Arcanists.But compared to the power of the wizards, they are having a hard time. Smaller Order Listbut, Can often be a blessing in disguiseBecause they can be easier to use than their academic counterparts.

B grade class

Dungeons and Dragons image showing a fighter and a bard.




If the tier list is about which classes are the most fun, The bard will be at the top. Currently, there is little validity to playing this type of artistically inclined caster. More accessible versatility Although it is small compared to Wizards.


The Fighters do what they have to do. Hitting things, hitting a lot. The Battle Master or Eldritch Knight subclasses are Add some complexity However, if you are looking to participate in a long-term campaign, you may want to choose something else.

Players' opinions vary greatly. bardsome claims they are top class Among them all, others are Don't think so highly of them. We decided to place it at a lower tier than others wanted. This is mostly to keep players' expectations in check. You can't be the best at anything. I'm good at a lot of little things.

fighteron the other side, It often looks monotonous for the following reasons: Yes. And that's by design. You don't want every single class to be super complicated, which makes Fighters an ideal class for anyone just dipping their toes into the roleplaying genre.

C-tier classes

Dungeons & Dragons image showing barbarians and rogues.




Getting into primal rage is very fascinating. For many players, so Barbarians There will always be room At the D&D table. Even in situations where combat tactics or combat is not the focus, Barbarians lag slightly behind.


whenever needed Secretly carry out missions, rob nobles, assassinate someone, etc. In the shadows, you can rely on cunning rogues. But such a situation Entire party does not participate oftenTherefore, Rogues tend to feel superior in regular combat and wait for their time to shine.

while savage It offers a unique way to deal with combat. Those people aren't the best at what they doAnd if you land an angry blow on an evil dragon, you might get the advantage of having its face bitten off.

meantime, Rogues are still great at what they do (sneaking and stealing), the question is how often the parties need to do so.


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