An upcoming PlayStation game called Anime Life Sim recently garnered attention for looking like a blatant Animal Crossing clone.
The game appears to be a copy of New Horizons, the latest installment in the Nintendo series.
Aside from having the same visuals, Anime Life Sim seems to feature the same gameplay loop as ACNH.
A new indie game that recently appeared on the PlayStation Store caught our attention with its rather explicit appearance. animal forest Torn. In particular, the soon-to-be-released title Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
that animal forest The franchise has inspired many games over the years. And while some of those titles primarily learn the big picture from Nintendo's series, others choose to pull some elements more directly.

18 PS4 Games Similar to Animal Crossing: New Horizons
If you're a fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and own a PS4, you should definitely give this game a try!
Games that aim to completely copy a franchise are rare, but they do exist. Case in point: anime life simThe upcoming indie title was recently listed on the PlayStation Store and immediately garnered a lot of attention due to its fairly explicit appearance. Animal Crossing: New Horizons clone. The project is currently listed as being developed and published by IndieGames3000, a studio with dozens of titles across a variety of genres.
Anime Life Sim's PS Store page basically describes Animal Crossing.
similarities between anime life sim and ACNH The former's description on the PS Store is reminiscent of Nintendo's 2020 Switch exclusive and promises a “compelling social simulation” in which players can build and decorate houses, befriend neighborhood animals, and engage in daily activities such as: There's fishing, bug catching, gardening, item crafting, fossil discovery, and more. Every single one of these things is also a mechanic. Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Game rules cannot be patented, but copying visual content can cause problems.
As longtime patent analyst Florian Mueller recently told Game Rant, game rules are inherently unpatentable anywhere in the world. In this sense, you can't legally prevent someone from copying your title. Animal Crossing: New Horizons Included. Things get a little trickier on the visual side, as art styles, character designs, and some graphic elements can all be protected under copyright law in many jurisdictions. So if Nintendo tries to crack down on anime life sim To prevent a release, they'll likely focus on how visually similar the upcoming title is to the next one. Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Nintendo has long had a reputation for being quite litigious when it comes to gaming companies. However, it's currently unclear whether the company is seriously considering a follow-up. anime life simAssume your project is on your radar. Meanwhile, the familiar-looking life simulation is currently listed for release in February 2026. The PS Store page doesn't clarify whether the game will be available on PS4 in addition to PS5.