Gas Grenade Dedeye Ranger Build in Path Of Exile 2

Deadeye is the king of movement speed. Path of Exile 2. While the bow is more than viable, Deadeye has some interesting interactions with the crossbow. The build involves moving from one pack to another while throwing gas grenades and detonating them with explosive shots.


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By completing some objectives, you can receive permanent bonuses from your character in each act of Path of Exile. Learn more here!

Add to this the explosion of Herald of Ash and you have a great mapper that you can take all the way to the endgame. This guide has been written with all essential gem links, passive trees, Ascendancy selections, and gear recommendations to help you succeed when playing Gas Grenade Deadeye in Path of Exile 2.

Gas Grenade Sharpshooter Overview

Deadeye standing at the beginning of Dreadnaught in Act-2 of Path of Exile 2.

during Built by Witch Hunterin an explosionDeadeye offers more: skill speed, movement speed, Additional projectilesetc. The build uses: lightning arrow

At first before it was completely over Converting to gas grenade

About level 22.

and while it lasts multiButton Play StyleIt's incredibly smooth to play. Thanks to Dead Eye.

Skill Gem menu showing Lightning Bolt settings to use up to level 22 while playing the Gas Grenade Sharpshooter build in Path of Exile 2.

we are lightning arrow

/ lightning rod

Combo. The default rotation is: spam lightning rod On the pack, then Use LA until everything dies. continue this combo until you unlock it Orb of Storm

. Once available, the rotation will change to: Throw a Storm Sphere over the group and Lightning rod spam.

also, Herald of Thunder

It is broadly Improves your clearspeed.

You will probably face some Mana-related issues. A thief's pain can be easily solved It has this problem, but it's quite expensive in Trade League. If not, go ahead and upgrade your mana flask.

Alternatively, if somehow possible get enough spirityou can Support the Herald of Thunder with clarity.

Around level 22You can access . gas grenade

That's when you do it exchange for crossbow. Everyone started taking it grenaderelated nodes (if you haven't already) and specification off. Nodes that grant Pierce, chainetc.

At this point the rotation should be: throwing a gas grenade flame wall

I then spammed more gas grenades. If you don't mind pressing a lot of buttons flash grenade

on your turn Easily stun a boss.

petroleum grenade

you can slow down the enemyand even Fire exposure application Don't forget to increase the effectiveness of these two debuffs to deal more damage. impediments

and strip away

. after you unlock explosive shot

freely Flame Wall Removal.

Lastly, if so, be careful. People who don't like multi-buttons Play style, you can do it Always use shining sadness

or The Birth of Fury

to Automate your Ignitesessentially turning it into onebutton build.

Passive Skill Tree

A complete passive tree for the gas grenade Deadeye build in Path of Exile 2.

Take it. Projectile Damage Node continues blur, Eagle Eyeand clean shot – these are your help lightning arrow

. heavy ammunition and careful aim for More Projectile Damage.

You can't access the following: gas grenade
Up to level 22. before exchanging cluster bomb, volatile catalystand volatile grenade.

if you Mana-related issues While using Lightning Arrow lightning rod
pair with Orb of Storm


You can also invest in some defense nodes such as: Leather Binding Gauntlets (You must use a pure armor base to take full advantage of this feature) don't feel pain. Evasion is one of the core layers of defense. afterimage and backup plan This is a very valuable node.

In addition to this, select General. attack speed, Accuracy class, area of ​​effect, Cooldown recoveryand Damage from 2weapon in hand node.

if you think Not enough damagefeel free to take it jack of all trades, repeating explosivesand sand in the snow.

What is Ascension Selection?

The default passive skill tree for the Ascended Ranger as Deadeye, required for the Gas Grenade build in Path of Exile 2.

Here are our Ascendancy picks for your build: deadeye. Ascend is much more difficult in Path of Exile 2, so there's no need to do more than that. Two Ascensions During Leveling.



gathering wind

Dead Eye is most movement speed excluded from any superiority, Gathering Wind Node This is the person who is contributing the most.

As long as you don't hit it, you should get it. 10% movement speed, 30% skill speedand Evasion rating increased by 150%.

ward of wind

This is Not the tankiest build That's what we are All defense nodes are recommended You can get it. you also get Increased skill speed In small nodes.

Projectile Melee Specialization – Gap Point

Because it's a grenade build. point blank node Free damage. You not only get Increased projectile speedBut also 20% increased hit damage Because gas grenades don't travel very far.

endless munitions

Through this extra fire gas grenade Huge DPS increase. You can assign it in a campaign, but Hold Tailwind forever I feel much better.

This is an example of the Bombardment Crossbow that players will need to play the mid-game variant of the Gas Grenade Deadeye build in Path of Exile 2.

since you DPS scales directly With your crossbow, Try upgrading Every 10-15 levels. Check your dealer regularly. For a crossbow (preferably a Bombard crossbow) uniform physical damage, Increased physical damage, attack speed, Projectile Gem Leveletc.

For the rest of your gear, you want something generic. in other words, maximum lifespan, elemental resistance, attribute, Mana Regeneration., maybe some Life Regeneration.

You don't have to worry about having the best base while leveling. Your main goals are: Get the aforementioned mods from any work Equipment you can find. Building Path of Exile 2 is much simpler than its predecessor. whenever you want Find magic items Using two preferred modes: regal orb

Then noble orb

If you use the third mode it's useful.

Are there any required unique items?

Radiant Grief is one of the recommended unique items you can use to play the Gas Grenade Deadeye build in Path of Exile 2.

there is No required unique entries are required. For the build to work. however a few items add a little bit of that Essential QOL improvement. Neither of these items are the best for the slot. But if you I'm not a multi fanbutton Try out your play style. Here are our recommendations:



The Birth of Fury

it allows you Drops ignited ground While moving (including dodging) automaticignite Gas grenade. But one main thing Disadvantage: MS 15%. If you can get some rare boots with 30% or more movement speed, you'll feel much better.

shining sadness

This helmet too set the enemy on fire In front of you, I allow you spam gas grenades – Essentially turning it into a one-button build. You can also use boots with higher movement speed. Again, you don't need it. You can wear rare helmets for free. If you need statistics.


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