This article contains spoilers for the epilogue of Yuju Haeseon.
In JJK, Panda's epilogue skips 62 years and reveals Yuta's grandchildren.
The Panthers move back in 2080, hinting at Yuta and Maki's legacy.
In 2080, only Yuta, Maki, and Panda's fate was confirmed, and the remaining characters were unknown.
Doing Jujutsu The final volume was officially released today, and with that, the series has finally come to an end. Writer Gege Akutami has come to an end. J.J.K. But he didn't do so without removing additional content. J.J.K.'s The final volume included a 16-page epilogue, which was definitely exciting for fans to see.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gege teases who Yuji will end up with.
It was hinted that Yuji would end up with a specific girl in JJK's epilogue. Who is here?
Finally, there was some new content for fans to look forward to, and even though this epilogue was quite short, fans were definitely able to check out some interesting tidbits here and there, especially considering it featured several mini epilogues for different characters. Quite easily, the most shocking part of this chapter came in Panda's epilogue, where it was confirmed that there was a huge time skip in the story.
How Gege skipped 62 years at JJK
In JJK, Panda's epilogue skips time.
Fans saw Yuta's grandchildren
J.J.K.'s The epilogue chapter opened with Ozawa's story. In this segment, fans saw Ozawa and Yuji reunited, rekindling their old friendship. Of course, for Ozawa this was a moment where he could get closer to Yuji and build a relationship, but Gege didn't show the relationship they developed in the story.
Itadori-kun, do you still like snow? – Ozawa
Following Ozawa's epilogue, fans got to see the panda, and this was one of the biggest shocks. J.J.K. It was delivered to them. Panda's epilogue featured the Gojo family's storage unit. There, fans got to see some kids playing. Eventually, a panda doll was found, and it turned out that this was the panda that fans had known from early on. J.J.K.. Of course, the curling game of 2018 was where they dealt him a huge blow, disabling two cores and nerfing him significantly in combat. Then it turned out that by 2035, the pandas had essentially stopped working.
It's not clear to fans to what extent Panda has stopped working. It's possible that Panda stopped doing his job as a wizard and could no longer fight effectively, which is why he was deemed surplus to requirements and was effectively shut down completely in 2035.
Unfortunately, other events from 2035 were not revealed to fans. But this was already a 17-year time skip story. Fans were already surprised J.J.K. Skipping ahead 17 years in the story, they were even more shocked when it was revealed that Panda's special epilogue was set in 2080.
The panda soon began moving again in 2080, and was confirmed to have been stored in the Gojo family's warehouse. Sometimes the panda discovered in him the ability to move and speak once again. However, it is unclear whether he completely shuts down at any given moment.
Yuta and Maki’s legacy after 62 years
Yuta and Maki have a grandson
While skipping 62 years J.J.K. That in itself was shocking, but what surprised fans even more was the fact that the children in the epilogue were actually Yuta's grandchildren. It was revealed that Yuta was the acting head of the Gojo family, and when Panda stopped functioning, that is, in 2035, Yuta was already the acting head. This allowed Panda to stay at the Gojo family's facility, and Yuta personally cared for him along with other treasures, such as Panda's many swords.
This kid has bad habits! – Panda
While Yuta's grandchildren were playing with the pandas, the cursed corpse finally woke up and didn't seem to like their personalities. This is where it became clear to fans that despite Cursed Corpse being considered ineffective, Panther still functions at times.
Fans learned through Panda that the two children were Yuta's grandchildren, but unfortunately, Yuta himself did not appear. It was revealed that Yuta has an older male grandson and a younger female grandchild. The female grandson looks exactly like Yuta, and it is clear that she resembles him more than her brother. She also appears to be wearing a ring around her neck that fans believe is Yuta's. There's no word yet on whether this ring can be used to summon Rika, but what it means is that Rika is the family's protector at this point.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gege finally reveals Nobara's family.
Nobara gets her own segment in JJK's epilogue. Her family is revealed.
Meanwhile, the other grandson looked surprisingly similar to Maki. Here, fans were able to spot the Zenin genes quite easily, and his resemblance to Megumi and Maki was uncanny. The author didn't officially reveal that Yuta and Maki were dating, but there's no need to at this point. It's very clear that Yuta and Maki ended up together. J.J.K.And then I gave birth to a child. Unfortunately, their children were not revealed to fans, but their grandchildren were definitely revealed and added a new exciting flavor to the ending of the story.
What happened to the other wizards?
The fate of others is still unknown
The only people fans knew about the fate of 2080 were Yuta, Maki, and, of course, the Panthers. To be exact, it is still unknown whether Maki was alive or not around 2080. That said, the fact that she has celestial limitations and a body far beyond the human level certainly means that she is alive and at least did not die of natural causes. Aside from these two, Panda's fate has been revealed, and as previously mentioned, he continues to reside at the Gojo family's facility.
Is he really Yuta's grandson? – Panda
Unfortunately, the fate of other characters was not revealed to fans in 2080. The author hasn't given any hints about their final fate, but fans can only hope that they can live fulfilling lives. A fitting ending they deserve. Hopefully, if J.J.K. Moving on, fans could potentially see another look 62 years later and see the fate of other characters. Fans will want to know what happened to Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi, considering they are the three most important characters.
For now, fans have to be happy that Yuta and Maki ended up together, and 62 years later, they have a new family to carry on their legacy forever. This was definitely a touching addition to the story and balanced out Panda's dull and somewhat tragic ending. Fans can only hope that Gege will deliver another one-shot at some point in the future and add to JJK's already exciting ending.
The epilogue of Jujuhae Seon has been released as a complete version. The final volume of JJK will be released in Japan on December 25, 2024. The English version is scheduled to be published sometime in 2025.

Do a jujutsu
- release date
October 3, 2020
- creator
Gege Akutami
- number of episodes