hero of catapult practice

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throne and freedom Some of the most ingenious quests you can find in MMORPGs are quite annoying and difficult to complete, while others require a bit of cooperation. catapult hero is one such quest and here you can find all the information on how to complete it easily.

But first, players need to know where to direct their attention. angry wildThe questing NPC is waiting for your help to complete “Magic Research”.

Where to start the hero of the catapult quest in Throne and Liberty

Where athletes should travel angry wild and find dispatched wizard In the northernmost part of this region, Near the Golem Control Tower. Next, they need to talk to her and offer her a “helping hand” to retrieve a special ingredient secured on a floating island in the center of the area. But to access the floating island, players will have to use a different method. You need to enter the catapult next to the NPC in the story.

Players will need to be able to complete this quest with the help of other players trying to complete it. If we cooperate. Participate in conversations and ask for help from nearby players. While one person activates the mechanism, the other person does the “flying” portion of the quest and then switches with that person to help complete the quest on their own.

Catapult Hero Full Quest Walkthrough

Now comes the hard part. How to activate a catapult. Players must:

  1. Observe the ledge above the platform to find: grapple hook interaction.
  2. Climb up on the ledge to find a switch.
  3. Activating the switch will launch the catapult. After 2.5 secondsThis isn't nearly enough to help players get into their positions.
  4. The player must be “in the basket” of the catapult. Otherwise, the task will fail and the player will fall to the ground.
  5. It must be activated once lifted into the air. glide morph Then aim for the floating island.
  6. search rare plants Please pass it back to the NPC.

Hero of catapult video walkthrough

And there it is. This completes the quest and players should return to the Codex navigation menu. Select The Raging Wilds tab to choose one of the following: compensation:

  • 8 times Rare Weapon Growth Stone
  • 8 times Rare Armor Growth Stone
  • 8 times Rare Accessory Growth Stone

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