From beginning to now star wars In movies, the franchise has expanded into all sorts of spin-off material. The first novel was published in 1976, and numerous novels have been published since then. These adventures aren't limited to the world of the books, as many video games and comics have taken the franchise to entirely new territories. But after Disney took over star wars In 2012, all of this was deemed non-canon and branded as: star wars legends.
decided by brand star wars legends They have proven to be extremely controversial with their fan base, as they have spent years becoming attached to these stories and characters. Many people have fond memories of fighting their way through the galaxy as Starkiller. Star Wars: The Force UnleashedThey spent hours reading about events like Yuuzhan Vong or The Old Republic and games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic It's still considered some of the best the franchise has to offer. But Disney's decision may have been exactly what the franchise needed, even if it meant sacrificing some great stories.

Star Wars deserves the Baldur's Gate 3 treatment
Baldur's Gate 3 took the series to new heights, and Star Wars deserves the same treatment with an entirely new RPG experience.
Star Wars Retcons helped give the franchise a clean slate.
The Star Wars Expanded Universe has been a bit of a mess.
that star wars The Expanded Universe had a lot of great stories and games, but it was also a bit confusing. First of all, it was full of continuity errors and conflicting storylines. One of the most notable involves the various thefts of the Death Star plans. There was never a single theft, but in reality there were dozens of different versions, each with their own thief and story. This may be one of the most important parts. star warsSo there are so many stories about the same thing that things get a little confusing.
Plus, it introduced stories and characters that could have a huge impact on the universe if they were still canon. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Introducing Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice who wields extremely powerful Force abilities. It may have made a fun duo, but his powers were incredibly overwhelming, making him an unstoppable force within the galaxy. Additionally, the story the game tells can be quite groundbreaking in that it sometimes involves rebellion by Darth Vader himself.
These are just a few of the many examples of messy Expanded Universe continuity. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed It wasn't the only game to cause some story problems, the novels were full of conflicting stories and events, with events like the Yuuzhan Vong War famously not being liked by the fanbase. There may have been an interesting story inside, but it wasn't entirely clear what was going on inside the galaxy so far away.
The new era of Star Wars feels much more cohesive
When Disney acquired Lucasfilm, they deemed the Expanded Universe non-canon and decided to change it. This gave the studio a clean slate to tell the stories they wanted to tell within the galaxy. The sequel trilogy was controversial, but it forged its own path without accepting all conflicting narratives. Plus, now we have a truly canon version of the Death Star's theft plan. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The creation of the Lucasfilm Story Group means that all future novels, video games, and comics will indeed fit cohesively into the franchise's expansive timeline.
There were still some continuity issues, but not as many as the Expanded Universe. Along with this, the video game was able to tell a new story that actually felt like it could work in this world. The Presence of Cal Kestis doesn't seem to be a multiplayer game that breaks legends like this: star wars squadron and Star Wars: Battlefront 2 It actually has a place in the timeline, and even Ubisoft star wars outlaw. Now these stories can become their own and leave a mark on the canon that actually means something.
It's nice to see a more cohesive timeline, but some fans miss the stories and characters of the Expanded Universe. Luckily, Lucasfilm has slowly brought some of these elements into the fold, like Grand Admiral Thrawn. There's no word yet on how much will make the cut, but it's a great way to continue these stories in a new form. And if fans dislike this new direction, the old story is still there for your reading and gaming pleasure.

star wars
Star Wars is a multimedia franchise made into a film by George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd in 1977. The sci-fi franchise follows the adventures of characters (both humanoid and alien) in outer space, including some who can wield a mystical force known as the Force. Since the release of the film trilogy, the franchise has expanded to include several films and other media such as comics, video games, TV shows, theme park attractions, and more. The IP and Lucasfilm were sold to Disney in 2012.