How do lanes work in a deadlock?

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deadlock It mixes various elements of popular hero shooters and team-based games. But at its heart, it's a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) based on the popular mechanics that make the genre so enjoyable. Lanes are arguably one of the most important elements of a MOBA, and Deadlock is no different.


Deadlock: Rejuvenator, explained

Here's what you need to know about Deadlock's Rejuvenator.

There are four lanes to choose from in the game. Even if your game performs somewhat similar functions, it's important to know which lane you want to push into and which lane you want to stay away from. Map and lane awareness abilities are rewarding skills in Deadlock.

Deadlock is an alpha version, so everything in this guide may change in the future.

What is a lane?

A mini-map of Deadlock with lanes marked.

If this is your first time playing the game, take a quick look at the minimap. Do you see four distinct lines of different colors? These are yellow, orange, blue, purple (Also denoted by Y, O, B and P respectively)

The maps and lanes remain the same no matter when you play the game. You can move your hero into any lane you want, there are no hard and fast rules about which lane you should follow.

Lanes serve a simple purpose. Minions spawn every 30 seconds Gives players a path to push or defend. For example, you can choose to stay in the yellow lane and eliminate enemy minions. But you can also choose to go somewhere else. Something interesting happens here.

Even if you're focused on pushing or protecting a specific lane, it's tactical to always keep an eye on the minimap to know where enemies are. So decide which lane needs the most attention.

public transportation routes

Every lane has a transit line. Cool animations allow your hero to quickly jump into the transfer line at the start of the match and advance in the lane at the start of the match or whenever he respawns. Public transportation routes are your best friend. Move across the lane as quickly as possible.

Deadlock explores public transportation routes.

Once you arrive at the spawn point, you can move the camera to see which public transport line to use. You're also given the option to “boost” your movements to get further down the lane as quickly as possible.

Not always available Cool time is long After using it once. freely Take public transportation routes to Escape from threatening enemy heroes If that's what you need to do.

Even if you're in combat or far from your spawn point on the map. Just take the public transportation line again.. this may help you Return along the lane or back to the spawn point. This is a place where you can use the Curiosity store and heal. Mastering this can help increase your proficiency in Deadlock's overall movement system.

Only use the boost ability when you need to get to your teammates as quickly as possible or when the enemy team starts pushing the lane you need to protect.

How to push or defend your lane

Pushing the line with minions in Deadlock.

If you're someone who enjoys playing Deadlock solo, lane selection can be a bit tricky. You can be alone, protecting minions and farming souls, or joining random allies and helping them push the front lines. Just make sure you have There must be at least one hero in each lane. (See map).

If there is a lane without a hero, it is your responsibility to push it out.

you push the lane Kill as many enemy minions as possible Eliminate the miniboss when the time is right. As a beginner, there is a lot to learn from the game, but the more you practice, the easier it will be to push the lines.

Some heroes like Kelvin and Viscous are great for lane pushing. Others better support their teammates as they raise their spirits or push their lane together.

Keep in mind that a map can be helpful when switching lanes. simply Look for aisles and paths that lead to other lanes.. This is very effective if you want to start jungling in Deadlock, as map awareness and lane switching are great skills for a good jungler to have.

Conversely, you can defend your lane by preventing enemy players from destroying the mini-boss guarding your patron. Just look at the map and see if enemy heroes are getting too close to your home base. Ask for support if you need it.. Click on the minimap to let others know.


Deadlock: 7 of the best heroes pushing the lane

Help your team take down the opposing patrons by clearing lanes in Deadlock.

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