As we progress further in the future lego fortnite odysseyYou will find that you need much rarer crafting resources. Many of those resources are difficult to obtain or dangerous to track. Sometimes a crafting recipe requires an item, but you haven't yet unlocked the base resource, such as Copper Rod.

LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Marbles
If you're looking for marble or marble slabs in Lego Fortnite, here's what you need to know.
Of course, to make copper ingots you first need some copper. We've got everything you need to know about how to obtain copper and smelt it into copper ingots, including all the tools and workbenches needed for the process.
Updated December 20, 2024: We've updated this article to reflect changes made during the Odyssey update.
how to get copper
Starting with the Odyssey update, Copper is now Found in a cave in Dry Valleyincluding lava tubes In the cave in the meadow.
you are Rare PickaxeAnd with the introduction of component-based crafting, the materials needed to craft items have become more flexible.
When selecting your chosen crafting material, make sure the recipe reflects on the right side of the screen that you are crafting a rare pickaxe (or higher).
How to Make Copper Rod
Now that you have copper, you'll want to smelt it into copper bars. First you need to unlock the Metal Smelter work station..
You can then craft a metal smelter using the following crafting resources:
Metal Smelter Recipe |
3x Brightcore |
35x granite slabs |
To make copper ingots you need to farm in Brightcore. Anyway, make sure you get plenty of Copper and Brightcore while cave diving and use the following recipe to craft Copper Rods.
Guriba Recipe |
1 copper |
2x any wood |

LEGO Fortnite: How to Find the Loot Llama
Are you curious about what the fireflies in LEGO Fortnite are? Leads to treasure chests and loot llamas! Here's what you need to know: