How to Get a Deep Rod in Fisch

To catch each type of fish fishPlayers will need at least one fishing rod. Each tool has different stats and special abilities to help you catch specific fish. And if you want to catch twice as many fish, you'll need to learn how to get a deep sea fishing rod. fish.

This bar has been added here. roblox We have experience with Depths Expansion, so it might be worth looking into the Depths location. However, since it is a fairly long quest, players will have to spend a lot of time and money.


How to catch Isonade in Fish

Isonade is one of the mythical fish. This means that it is the rarest in Fisch. Here's everything you need to know to catch this rare fish.

Where to Find Deep Sea Rods in Fish

fish ship

As the name suggests, the Staff of the Deep is hidden in the location of the same name. Getting there is already a challenge because finding the right key takes a lot of time. However, to obtain the Rod of the Abyss, players will need to earn more than 750,000 tokens in addition to meeting several conditions. fishBecause this fishing rod is one of the most expensive. Here is a list of all conditions:

  • Acquire Hexed and Abyssal Enchant artifacts
  • Enter depth location
  • Solve the altar puzzle.

How to Obtain Hexed and Abyssal Enchant Artifacts

Fish appraiser NPC

Each enchanted artifact may have mutations that do not affect the enchantment in any way. And the easiest way to get the items you need is to visit the Appraiser NPC on Moosewood Island. Get the two Enchant Relics there and keep evaluating them until the Hexed and Abyssal mutants appear. fish.

How to enter a depth location

To enter Depths, players must first reach the Vertiogo location. You can jump into one of the strange vortices. Players must complete Vertiogo Bestiary and obtain the Depths Key if they have not already done so. The latter has a very low spawn rate. If you meet these conditions, you can reach the Depths location and get one step closer to the Rod of the Depths. fish.


How to save a crocodile from fish

The crocodile represents the legendary fish of Fish. This quick guide will teach you how to get it.

How to solve the puzzle and reach the bar in the deep sea

In Depths you can find a giant statue. Explore to find two altars. At this point, you'll need your hard-earned Hexed and Abyssal Enchant Relics. To open the maze door, place them on the red and blue altars respectively.

The maze is full of water, so it's a good idea to purchase quality diving equipment and Tidebreakers in advance. And when you reach the final stage, you can finally purchase the Rod of the Depths for 750,000 tokens. fish.

And although The Rod of the Depths is very expensive, its stats are very good. Plus, its unique ability can nearly double the amount you catch.

  • Lure Speed: 65%
  • Luck: 130%
  • Control: 0.15
  • Elasticity: 10%
  • Max Kg: 30,000kg
  • Ability: For every three catches, the stand behind the character catches an additional fish at random from the same fishing spot.


September 1, 2006

Roblox Corporation

Roblox Corporation

T for youth

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