How to get guns in Silent Hill 2 Remake

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Although players can easily find wooden planks as part of the story, Silent Hill 2 RemakeFirearms are a bit harder to find. One of the first firearms James could find. Silent Hill 2 silver pistol. The pistol is a reliable early game weapon because it has a decent range and uses the most common types of ammo. If you need help finding your pistol Silent Hill 2Read on.

How to find a pistol in Silent Hill 2

If you look carefully, you'll find a note saying neighbors are complaining about gunfire in Apartment 217. The handgun was located in apartment 217 of the Wood Side Apartments..

But before you grab the pistol, you'll need to solve a puzzle in East South Vale and find the second floor hallway key to get to room 217. Below is a brief explanation of how to obtain the pistol. Silent Hill 2 Remake:

  1. When you arrive at the lobby of Wood Side Apartments, look for the bulletin board to obtain a map. Thoroughly explore the nearby rooms and grab all the pistol ammo you can get.
  2. After you're done, go up the stairs to the second floor. Enter Apartment 202 and get the Flashlight and Chute Courtyard Key.
  3. Go back down to the first floor and use the Chute Courtyard Key to open the door to the right of the reception desk.
  4. Drag the empty laundry bin under the open window and jump over the window to enter apartment 112.
  5. From there, enter the hallway and you will see a key lying on the floor across from the bar. Grab the key and use it to open the nearby door. This will take you to the east wing of the building.
  6. Fight against lying characters and search every apartment in the area.
  7. Continue down the hallway until you reach the other side of the bar. Get the 2nd floor hallway key near apartment 107. Search room 108 and get the key. golden apple handleYou'll need it for the coin cabinet puzzle later.
  8. With the 2nd floor hallway key in hand, go up the stairs and enter apartment 203.
  9. Enter through the holes in the walls of Apartment 203 and Apartment 217. There's a pistol here in the grocery cart in the middle of the living room.

How to find pistol ammo in Silent Hill 2

Pistol Ammo Silent Hill 2

Thankfully, you can find plenty of handgun ammo if you explore the Wood Side Apartments thoroughly. Check out the space behind the lobby reception desk, as well as the storage room, kitchen, closet, and apartment living room.

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