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How to cure status ailments in Mario and Luigi: Brothership
How to Get Refreshing Herb in Mario and Luigi: Brothership
Players will encounter a variety of enemies. Mario and Luigi: BrotherhoodThey all have their own moves and unique strengths. In combat, if gamers are unable to avoid certain attacks, they may receive status ailments and make it more difficult to continue the fight. For example, if Mario or Luigi is afflicted with the traveling condition, they may not be able to attack on their next turn.

Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood – How to change difficulty level
Changing difficulty in Mario and Luigi: Brothership is not done through menus.
Thankfully, there is a solution to this, and gamers can quickly get rid of the status ailments that are bothering them in combat. This guide will tell you what you need to know about unfortunate situations that may arise for players. Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood.
How to cure status ailments in Mario and Luigi: Brothership
The player can defend themselves with Emergency Guard and take less damage on impact, but this defensive move does not prevent status ailments. Therefore, the best way to avoid status abnormalities is to Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood The idea is to avoid direct contact with the enemy by jumping, dodging, or counterattacking their attacks..
However, it is not always possible to avoid this, and if so, gamers may suffer from status ailments. Mario and Luigi: BrotherhoodYou have issues like Trip, Dizzy, Burn and Ice and you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. When this happens Players can use refreshing herbs to cure illnesses.
How to Get Refreshing Herb in Mario and Luigi: Brothership
Refreshing herbs are healing items. Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood Treats condition abnormalities.
Players can obtain Refreshing Herbs Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood You can purchase them from the Item Shop for 20 coins, but you can also find them randomly by breaking or punching crates. blocks, or fighting enemies.