How to Get the Ax of Elmira in MySims Kingdom

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Essence is one of the most important elements. MySims Kingdom. There are numerous resources in the game, and every resource exudes its own unique essence. Players can apply these to their builds to customize their overall feel.


The Sims Game Tier List

There have been many titles in The Sims series, but not all of them have successfully captured the imagination and attention of fans.

Wood is one of those materials with essence. You can get it from trees, but you need an ax for farming. This guide will teach players what they need to know about getting the axe. MySims Kingdom You can add wood to your inventory whenever you need it.

How to Get the Ax of Elmira in MySims Kingdom

After collecting the royal invitations MySims Kingdom After passing the competition, players can begin creating a new kingdom as Wandolier. One of the first structures they will need to build is a staircase, but to do this they will first need to acquire materials (in this case Wood Essence).

But you can't move forward without the right tools, and in this case you need an axe. Elmira is the only Sim with an axe, and gamers can convince her to give him the precious axe by hanging out with her and choosing the correct answers. In this case:

  1. chat
  2. talk about farm equipment
  3. reading poetry
  4. snuggle
  5. get the ax

If a player accidentally presses the wrong socialize option, they can always apologize and return to their previous line of dialogue, making it easy to redo their mistake.

If Elmira feels “very happy” she will give the player an axe. The tools remain in your inventory, so you can chop down as many trees as you want. You will also receive a staircase blueprint as a reward for obtaining the axe.

How to Get Wood in MySims Kingdom

To add wood MySims KingdomGamers must walk up to the tree and select the “Chop” interaction. If you swing your ax against the trunk of a tree, it will begin to pop out of the tree.

Be careful because over-cutting will kill the tree. Fortunately, when the tree dies
MySims Kingdom
Gamers can replant it. To do this, simply step on the stump, place tree seeds inside it, and water it.

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