How to open the Forest Temple on Ruma Island

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There are all kinds of ruins Ruma IslandLeft behind by the various civilizations that lived there. You'll find small buildings that look like they used to be homes, huge temples filled with traps and an equal amount of loot, and even a mysterious locked shrine.


Ruma Island: 8 Beginner Tips

Starting a farm is never easy, and Ruma Island has its own mechanics that make the process a bit more difficult. Find out some useful tips here!

There seems to be one in each region, but if you spoke to Talking Stone and learned a little bit about the island's history, it's likely that the islands were sealed off by magic. To get inside and find the treasure, you'll need to explore a not-so-peaceful forest and find more tribute crystals.

All forests providing crystal locations

The player character standing in front of the cave entrance next to the river on Luma Island.

Just like the lukewarm Tribute Crystals you can find on farms or villages, forest areas also have their own unique sets that can be found. Forest Offering Crystal.

there is There are only nine of them. To find this time compared to the previous 11 majority of them I ask you approach east Of the forest.

you can do this pass through a small cave location by edge of the northwest corner of the river When you pass through that forest take you east of the forest.

you can Creates a permanent bridge between the two realms. kicking a tree log It is located on the top of a hill connected to the eastern exit of the cave.

Forest Offering Crystal

how to find it

crystal 1

to west of the forestFollow the path through the forest and along the edge of the river. Cave entrance at the northwest end. walk down Rock arch next doorThe crystal is in a small alcove past the bushes.

crystal 2

to west of the forestgo somewhere big lake in the south And follow the coast. The hill where the mushroom man's shop is located. Stopping in the middle of the slope The road curves back along the cliff.. The crystal is at the end of the road, under the stone bridge.

crystal 3

to east of the forestgo down hill next to wooden log bridgeBut stop before you pass by small ruins. Just before starting to break down the tree, follow the cliff edge And down the small hill near the leech factory. Follow the path and there is a crystal on a rock at the end.

crystal 4

to east of the forestGo down the hill next to the log bridge Destroy the tree just before the small ruins. Continue cutting and then head towards the smaller side. rocky mountain corner And a broken ladder. fix the ladder If you go up with 5 reeds and 3 forest trees, you will find a crystal on the cliff.

crystal 5

to east of the forestStart by going down the hill next to the wooden log bridge. Break down a tree near a small ruin. go towards Head southeast until you reach the campsite. You can restore it and then continue past it and the nearby ruins. The crystal is around the corner, near a cliff.

crystal 6

Head next. east of the forestFollowing a path through similar areas, There is a lake in the northeast It's in the top corner. move down lower left corner of the lake by itself, and road along the cliff To where the crystal is.

crystal 7

Head next. east of the forestPassing through similar areas mountain in the northeast corner of the map. Past the extinguished torch in the cave Around the mossy well. Cut down the trees on the left, walk up the hill I'm heading to the mountain and there's a crystal on a nearby cliff.

crystal 8

Head next. east of the forest and down beach on the northeastern edge. Go south along the coast stop in front of the cave Near the middle. repair the ladder If you go up past the entrance with 5 reeds and 3 forest logs, there is a crystal on the cliff.

crystal 9

Head next. east of the forestand up to northeast corner. Past the three poisonous mushrooms follow the path down Ruins in the southeast corner. look for the big one group of trees between two pillars And poisonous mushrooms, and cut them out. Crystals are at the center of it all.

Where does the forest provide crystals?

The player character holding an ancient book found in the forest sanctuary of Ruma Island.

at least when you have it 8 Forest Tribute CrystalsHead to the east side of the forest and follow the path until you reach an area filled with quicksand.

after you Traverse the area using rocks and floating platforms Continue east along the path to the Forest Temple. end of the road where Divided into northeast and southeast.

Insert the Forest Tribute Crystal into . Each empty forest tribute standand when All 8 are filledThe door to the Forest Temple opens. you will get 1 purple boxAlways one forest gem, ancient bookand orange boxContains Luma Eggs along with regular forest loot.


Luma Island: Location of All Forgotten Tablets

There are 4 Ancient Keys to find, and you will need 3 Tablets to obtain them.

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