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Overview of Punishment in Marvel Rivals
How to Play as the Punisher in Marvel Rivals
marvel rivals has three unique class types encompassing a whopping roster of 23 heroes, bringing almost everyone's favorite hero to the battlefield for intense 6v6 competition. Among these roles are the damage-focused Deulists, with the only Punisher within their class looking to deal out KOs like they're going out of style.

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Overall, The Punisher is a fantastic character in Marvel Rivals that offers satisfying gameplay. He is a hero who can inflict a lot of damage and destroy his opponents if he uses his tools accurately and efficiently. If you're new to Marvel Rivals or Hero Shooters in general, you'll probably have no problem using him as a starting point.
Updated December 16, 2024 by Seth Parmer: Despite his health getting slightly nerfed from 300 HP to 275 HP, The Punisher is still a great hero to pick up and play as in the full release of Marvel Rivals. And with the addition of the Winter Soldier, utilizing the Ammo Overload team-up action will allow you to dish out disgusting amounts of damage in combat!
Overview of Punishment in Marvel Rivals
punisher This is a relatively easy character to use in Marvel Rivals. he is The numerous tools at his disposal; giving him permission Causes significant damage and pressure To his disapproval. if you are looking for Easy to learn duelist, Then The Punisher will give you what you're looking for, and then some.
as duelist, punisher Doesn't have the largest health pool They are relatively squishy, so be careful before rushing into battle. his The possibility of damage is very strong, and if you can Place your shots and use your abilities correctly. He will get the job done.
The Punisher Overview
health |
275 horsepower |
difficulty |
🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ |
Punisher Team Composition
team up |
character |
category |
ammo overload |
passive |
Now that Winter Soldier Added to battle. Ammunition Overload Team Building Abilities will also affect him. him and the Punisher take Unlimited ammo and faster rate of fire while standing on area of effect of rocket device When placed on the ground.
This shakes things up pretty significantly. One of the best team-up action In a game that deals massive amounts of damage. placing Rocket Raccoon, Winter Soldier, and Punisher are on the same team. I can have some practical benefits, So I highly recommend giving it a try!
Punisher Abilities
ability |
explanation |
judgment Left click/R2/RT |
The Punisher is a punishing assault rifle that spits out a sea of bullets, has a steady rate of fire and has decent accuracy. The Verdict holds up to 30 bullets and must be reloaded when empty. |
rescue Left click/R2/RT |
The Punisher fires the Delivery Shotgun simply and reliably, making it an ideal tool for close-range combat. The Deliverance can hold up to eight shells and must be reloaded when empty. |
Scourge Grenade Renminbi/L2/LT |
Leap backwards while throwing a smoke bomb forward, blocking your enemy's vision and allowing you and your team to retreat or gain a better position. |
curling turret E/R1/RB |
Summon a massive turret that The Punisher can climb into. This turret hinders his movement but allows him to fire high-damage shells at enemies. The Culling Turret has 600 HP and disappears when it is destroyed or when the Punisher pops out. |
advantageous connection LSHIFT/L1/R1 |
Install ziplines to help The Punisher traverse the arena quickly and efficiently to reach an advantageous position. Pressing F/Circle/B while on a zipline will make the Punisher move faster. |
final judgment Q/L3+R3 |
For 10 seconds, the Punisher can bring out two massive gatling guns and missile launchers, causing pure chaos and serious damage to everything and everyone in the area. |
warrior's gaze passive |
The Punisher can see enemies behind cover for a short period of time after they leave his line of sight. |
infinite punishment Passive team-up ability |
When Rocket Raccon deploys an ammo overload device, the Punisher and Winter Soldier have unlimited ammo and a much faster rate of fire while standing in the device's area of effect. |
Everything highlighted above is The Punisher is such a solid and fun hero to play. Like Marvel Rivals. he is A great starter character for anyone looking to play a duelist. his abilities Deals massive damage from a safe distance He's also much easier to dominate than a character like Spider-Man.
Looking at the overall gameplay flow, The Punisher's toolkit works well with basically any team composition. So you don't have to be extremely focused on building around it. That is, if you Wider abilities, such as Scourge Grenade, can also be a hindrance to the team if misused.
Recommendation Team
To reiterate the above, The Punisher is a very flexible character who can succeed in almost any team composition. Out there. However, we recommend you try the following: Have Rocket Racoon on your team. At least when playing as The Punisher The infinite Punisher teaming ability turns the Punisher into a monster. At the stadium.
Moreover, the Punisher Infinite Punishment Ultimate Ability Very sturdy, giving him permission Easily eats away at the opponent's stamina. if Combined with Rocket Racoon's CYA Ultimate It will happen inflict greater damage, Making them a match made in heaven. We can't recommend enough utilizing this deadly duo in Marvel Rivals.
And if you Running a trio, we hope you The Winter Soldier, along with Rocket Racoon and The Punisher. by The amount of damage will be astronomical. you your team up Act often and stick to your guns. Again, this is one of the best team-ups in the game, so make the most of it and you will be victorious!
How to Play as the Punisher in Marvel Rivals
Let's start with a general overview and outline of what The Punisher can do. How to use him in battle Properly, we will do it Highlight some combos for him below. But please note The Punisher's idea of a combo is to shower your opponent with lead bullets. So you hit your shots best.
Marvel Rival's Punisher Combo
Judgment > Salvation > Favorable Link > Scourge Grenade > Cull Turret
Judgment > Scourge Grenade > Favorable Connection > Cull Turret
Judgment > Salvation > Scourge Grenade > Favorable Connection > Final Judgment
again, The Punisher doesn't really have a solid combo. that Everything about positioning, landing shots, And uses his tools to disrupt the opposition's vision. nevertheless, Vantage Connection to move to a more advantageous point to place the curling turret. Always wise. Especially since you can Use Scourge Grenades to block their line of sight.
if you I'm having trouble hitting my shots. As the Punisher we If you want to improve your accuracy and shot placement, I highly recommend jumping on the range. The Punisher is a very strong and rewarding character who can have a huge positive impact on your team, but he must succeed to do so!
When to use final judgment
final verdicts The Punicious ultimate attack Have him in Marvel Rivals Destroy 2 Gatling Guns and 1 Missile Launcher for solids 10 seconds, give him permission unlimited ammo These weapons of destruction are used during the attack.
Using Final Judgment carries the same responsibilities as before. You have to hit your shots to get the most out of it. Still, it Very accurate attack and deals massive damage. When contacting us, be sure to Get an advantage before unleashing it.
we It is recommended that you use Vantage Connection to reach higher ground or a more vantage point before executing Final Judgment. Treat this ability as a mobile version of his devastating Culling Turret. Note that the Punisher has low health. swimming pool. if you Make sure you have adequate healing and damage mitigation with the goal of diving your opponent. Otherwise you will be KO'd pretty quickly.
As for when to use Final Judgment: Unless the opposition party is particularly distant, there is absolutely no reason to hold on. It was deleted from you or was recently deleted. Reach the vantage point, explode it, and control the chaos. to all enemies The moment you receive it!

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