How to unlock Mercenary Subo in Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred

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Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred It introduces a mercenary system, allowing you to fight alongside four different NPCs, each with their own unique build. You can unlock the first mercenary through the Vessel of Hatred campaign, but the next three mercenaries must be unlocked through specific quests.

Bounty hunter Subo has several skills focused on trapping enemies and dealing high damage. Below we'll look at how to start and complete the A Feather on the Scale quest to unlock Subo as your mercenary companion.

How to Start Feather on the Scale

The player reads the mud letter in the den to begin the quest A Feather on the Scale.

This quest can begin soon. After arriving in Den for the first time and unlock laher As a mercenary.

After doing that you can start 'Feathers on the scales' through interaction with muddy letter Near Stash in the Den.

How to complete a feather on scales

Player talking to Subo at the Toxic Fence.

First, talk to Laher and show him the helmet provided with the letter. Hawezar's Toxic Fence Start your search for Subo. you can use Vyeresz waypoint If unlocked, if not Backflow waypoint It's a close second.

Either way, head to the Toxic Fens. When you get close enough to your quest objective, it turns into an area marker. Find out what you need to find around here near the top right of the areaon the right Lilith statue nearby.

After talking to Subo to find out about his plans, Smuggler's Bunker Just to the left. Find Subo inside, talk to him, then defend him. three waves of bandits As he interrogated the prisoner. After talking to Subo again, Altar whipped by the wind For the next part of the quest.

Player talking to Subo outside the Altar of Wind dungeon.

From the Smuggler's Bunker, go to the next location. Towards the west towards the wind-whipped altarThen talk to Subo and hear his plan. Then go inside Windswept Altar.

In this dungeon Fight against bandit enemies As you progress towards depth. As far as dungeons go, this is pretty simple. Once you reach the deepest point, approach the boss and watch the cutscene.

Players Subo and Laheir fighting against Avashtar, the final boss of the Altar of Wind dungeon.

Now fight against the deformed serpent Avashtta, the final boss of the Windy Altar. This enemy fires Spiral-moving poison mass and create A bloody clone of itself. Deals damage in a straight line in front. Pay attention to the danger signs Evasion and movement abilities To avoid harm.

After the boss dies Return to the dungeon entranceTalk to Subo again to complete the quest. Now you return to denYou will have the option to bring Subo as a mercenary.

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