How to unlock more artifact slots in Ender Magnolia: Flower in the Mist

Ender Magnolia: Blood in the Fog It offers a solid Metroidvania experience filled with abilities, power-ups, and collectibles scattered throughout the map. Set in the same universe as Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knight, the much-anticipated sequel takes a big leap forward while retaining much of what made its predecessor popular.

As with previous games, equipping artifacts is one of the main ways to power up your character. Ender Magnolia: Blood in the Fog. They function similarly to how charms work hollow knightEach artifact takes up a certain number of slots in your inventory. This guide will walk you through expanding this slot to maximize the game's bonuses.



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Unlock more artifact slots in Ender Magnolia: Flower in the Mist


each artifact Ender Magnolia: Blood in the Fog There are specific slot requirements. When you take a break, go to the Artifacts tab. The numbers next to the slots indicate the total number of artifact slots that can be equipped on Lilac. Relics in the game come with different slot costs. For example, the Attuner's Pendant only requires 1 relic slot, while the Cleaner's tag takes up 3 relic slots. A total of 10 artifacts can be equipped at one time.

To unlock additional artifact slots, players must collect magic vials. These items are limited in number and each Magic Vial adds one additional Artifact slot for you to use. Initially, you only have two artifact slots. However, if you collect all the magic vials in the game, your total relic slots will rise to 35.


Thankfully, many of these magic vials can be purchased directly from Craftory in the Old Market. Materials can be obtained by breaking objects such as crates, ores, and other destructible items throughout the map. Because these objects rest and breathe even after being interacted with, farming becomes an efficient way to gather resources early in the game.

Certain locations contain large bundles of materials as one-time lootable items.

Ender-Magnolia-bloom-in-the-mist-craffory old-city-market

To purchase the Magic Vial, the player first defeats Yolvan, a black-winged huntsman from the Old World Formation region. After defeating the boss and reporting back to Gordon, you can access the Craftory by interacting with the nearby cash register.


However, to get the most out of your relic slots, you'll need to focus more on exploration. Ender Magnolia: Blood in the Fog It's full of secret passages and hidden rooms. While exploring, you will also discover several treasure chests and glowing loot on the ground. Some of this shiny loot includes magic vials that you can pick up to increase your artifact slots.

Exploration is a key element Ender Magnolia: Blood in the Fog. Although the game isn't too difficult in terms of combat, hunting down all the collectibles can be quite difficult. If you take your time and tackle one section of the map at a time, you'll eventually be able to catch all the magic vials and unlock every artifact slot in the game.

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