With the main focus The Lake House DLC included alan wake 2 To bridge the gap between Estevez arriving in Bright Falls and meeting Saga Anderson, there are many secrets to discover within the FBC facility at Cauldron Lake. If you've ever played control Among all the documents and files previously discovered at Lake House, you may recognize a few names and references.
Most of these serve to provide further connections to the Remedy Connected Universe, but there is one that could easily be considered a teaser. control 2 In the same way as the return trailer for quantum break It was a teaser for alan wake 2. To discover this mystery for yourself, you'll need to unlock the easy-to-miss Killer and Victim achievements/trophies.
There are minor spoilers below, so proceed with caution.
Alan Wake 2's Lake House DLC could be the yin to Night Springs' yang.
Alan Wake 2's Lake House DLC is scheduled for release this month, and it looks like it could be the perfect companion piece to Night Springs.
How to unlock killers and victims in Alan Wake 2: The Lake House
You cannot unlock this achievement/trophy until you reach sublevel 4, near the end of the DLC. After navigating the maze and dealing with the Painted and Taken, you'll discover an office in the center of the area. Access the left control panel and use it to turn off the lights. Doing so will activate the elevator down to lower level 5, but don't go down yet.
Instead, go to the office and find three pictures scattered around the room. Two are on the floor and one is on the table with the projector. The first painting you interact with will trigger a conversation from Estevez, and she guesses it won't look like the same style as the other artwork seen in the Lake House.
Interact with all three paintings and a light switch code will appear in the center of the room. As in controlYou will need to pull the cord three times to proceed to the next part.
This will take you to a familiar place. control. Follow the hallway until you enter a large open room. In the center of this room is a containment cell with someone inside. Keep talking to this guy until a cutscene plays. At this point you'll unlock the achievement/trophy and be brought back to the office where you found the painting.