How to use a rope caster (all types and how to obtain them)

Players have access to a variety of weapons. horizon zero dawnHowever, the Ropecaster is one of the best to use. Because the machines in the game move quickly, it can be difficult to exploit their weaknesses.

Focus and Hunter Reflex skills are useful for slowing down the time to properly line up your shot, but sometimes they may not be enough. So Ropecaster will help you to immobilize the machine and deal a fatal blow to it.


What to do after beating Horizon Zero Dawn (endgame content)

After completing Horizon Zero Dawn's story, there are still many things players can do in the game. Let's take a look at them all.

How to Use Ropecaster in Horizon Zero Dawn

Using a rope caster horizon zero dawn It can be a bit tricky for first-time players. You will need an understanding of the level of Ropecaster you are using, the strength of your ammo, and the type of machine you are securing. But first, let's look at the basics of using a Ropecaster.

  1. Assign the Ropecaster to your weapon wheel in the inventory menu.
  2. Equip the Rope Caster from your weapon wheel before engaging in combat.
  3. Find the hole and launch the rope from the rope caster into the machine.
  4. An icon will appear indicating the strength of the Ropecaster on the machine.
  5. Keep firing the rope at the machine until the icon is full and fixed.

Once the machine is completely frozen, it will remain frozen for about 90 seconds, taking into account that the machine will not receive any damage from any source. The amount of rope needed to fully secure the machine depends on the Ropecaster's ammunition. Here is a brief breakdown of the different ammo for Ropecasters and their statistics.

The higher the anchor strength of the ropecaster ammunition, the less it will take to fully anchor the machine. For example, it takes 8 shots in Tie Rope Light to fully immobilize a Thunderjaw, while it takes 4 shots in Tie Rope Heavy.

Ammunition Type

Supported Rope Casters

Rope Caster Rarity

anchor strength

tie rope light

Basic rope caster



tie rope medium

Rare/Carja Rope Caster



tie rope heavy

Shadow, Rosie, Adept, Rosie Adept

very rare


How to Get Ropecaster in Horizon Zero Dawn

there is A total of 6 rope casters to horizon zero dawn and frozen wild DLC. Players can purchase the first three Ropecasters by purchasing them from an in-game hunting supply vendor. However, unlocking the other three variants of the Ropecaster is a bit difficult. Here are all the ropecasters you can unlock: horizon zero dawn.

game mode

rope caster


mod slot

How to unlock

base game

Basic rope caster



It can be purchased from a hunting supplies vendor early in the game.

Karja Rope Caster



It can be purchased from a hunting supplies vendor after arriving at the Day Tower.

Shadow Rope Caster

very rare


It can be purchased from a hunting supplies vendor after arriving in Meridian.

Rosie Rope Caster

Complete all Hunting Ground challenges with 15 Blazing Sun ranks.

Requires Frozen Wilds DLC

a skilled ropeman


It can be purchased from a hunting supplies vendor after starting New Game+ mode.

Rosie Adept Rope Caster

Complete all Hunting Ground challenges with 15 Blazing Sun ranks in New Game+ mode.

Video walkthrough on how to use the Ropecaster in Horizon Zero Dawn

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