The word shonen is translated as young boy. Therefore, shonen manga and anime are generally aimed at teenage boys who want to relate to underdogs and have role models to inspire them. It's no secret that a big focus of the genre is on writing good male characters.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 15 Most Memorable Quotes
After watching Jujutsu Kaisen, this quote sticks in my mind.
That said, there is no shortage of amazing women in animation. Luckily, Jujutsu Kaisen is full of well-written and memorable girls who can hold their own against the main cast! From the harmless Miwa to the living disaster Yuki, the best female characters in Jujutsu Kaisen are here!
The list does not contain direct spoilers. However, this could also hint at events that will occur later in the manga.
Uro Takako
Uro is one of many reincarnated wizards who serve as mini-antagonists in the Culling Games arc. While other similar characters have been forgotten, Uro has received a lot of attention for his unique curse skills and sheer power as a wizard.
Uro is also one of the only female characters confirmed to have a domain expansion in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Additionally, despite Uro's absurd strength, which is strong enough for Yuta to use her copy technique in her fight against Ryo, she decides to run away after seeing Sukuna. This stands in stark contrast to other powerhouses we've seen, like Kashimo, and she's one of the only mages with enough spirit to value preservation over thrills.
For those who have only seen animation, this article may feel like a joke. However, it turns out that the most key figure in the world of jujutsu, the only reason the world has not succumbed to the horrors of the curse, and the person who brought the jujutsu society to its current state of stability, was originally a woman!

6 Questions That Remain Even After the Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Ends
Now Jujutsu Kaisen is finally over. Some questions still remain.
This reveal may come as a shock to many, but Tengen's character has always had maternal symbolism, focusing on a barrier for protection. All of the Star Plasma vessels we've seen have been either teenage girls or young adult women, including the tragic Riko Amanai.
Ieri Shoko
Shoko Ieri's aloofness and iconic eyes make her an instantly recognizable character, and being left alone to experience what happened with her closest friends makes her one of the most tragic characters of all time. Forced to experience fate following two close friends.
Since she's a healer for the backline, we didn't see much flare on screen, but her hand and unique relationship with her, which fleshes out important characters and becomes a key condition of the cast's multiple plans for Sukuna, are two of the series' central pieces. Which makes her very comfortable as one of the top women in Jujutsu Kaisen.
mei mei
Mei Mei is a bit of an oddity when it comes to Jujutsu Kaisen characters. There are many people who love her, but there are also many who hate her. She is an extremely powerful sorceress despite having somewhat lacking curse skills, complimenting Jujutsu Kaisen's theme of being the strongest, having that title due to ego rather than strength.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Every Single Domain Extension, Ranked
Find out all about the best domain extensions for Jujutsu Kaisen!
But at her worst, Mei Mei is also a selfish and greedy woman who has made some controversial writing decisions about herself and Ui Ui. Whether you love her or hate her, there's no question that Mei Mei is one of the most complex characters in Jujutsu Kaisen. This shows that not everyone who allies with the protagonist is a good person.
amani rico
In a world of powerful wizards, Rico shines brightly as an ordinary human. Her learning that she wants to live selfishly despite being an ordinary teenage girl is one of the best arcs of Jujutsu Kaisen. The internal conflict between duty and what we want to do can have something to do with more than just the battle many of us have against a powerful curse.
Riko's decision is also one of the most important events in the Jujutsu Haeseon. This helped Gozo awaken and fully understand his cursed skills, but it also caused Gozo and Ghetto to become estranged from each other, with the latter falling into a path of evil. It was Tengen's lack of Star Plasma Vessel that caused her to finally take over Geto's body and the entire Shinjuku Massacre arc, as she finally learned to take care of herself.
For those who haven't seen the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie, Rika might just be an incredibly powerful and awesome curse that helps Yuta in his fight. However, for those paying more attention, it will come as no surprise that Rika herself is one of the best female characters in the JJK cast.
Despite dying young, she was kept alive by a curse to keep her promise and protect Yuta. It is important to note that the Rika we see now is not the young girl's original soul, but a copy created after the original soul was freed from the curse. Still, she is Yuta's perfect partner and a very amazing character!
Tsukumu Yuki
To begin with, there aren't many special magicians in the world of jujutsu, and among them, the only female is Tsukumu Yuki. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call her one of the most over-hyped characters in the series. Each of her scenes only makes fans more excited for her final reveal.
Yuki's cursed skill can be used to its full potential to create a black hole. This gives her even more destructive power than Gojo.
After her fight with Kenjaku, her already decent popularity grew quickly. Although she never reached the same level of community love as higher ranked entries, she remains one of the coolest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen.
mi and kasumi
Miwa may not be the strongest wizard, but she might be one of the weakest. Despite several hints about her final power-up, including brightly colored hair and a panel focusing on Miwa in the Culling Games arc, she remained mostly powerless until the end of the series.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Top 10 Most Popular Characters
These are characters that you can't seem to stop loving.
But strength isn't everything that's important to a character. Miwa is a character loved around the world, ranking first in all popularity polls. She also has a significant presence on the internet and is the center of attention in many JJK memes and references.
Utahime may not have seen as much action as many of the other entries, but she has been one of the most popular JJK girls since day one. Her trademark facial scars and her gentleman priestess aesthetic make for a very memorable design, and her interactions with Gojo, the poster boy for Jujutsu Kaisen, only serve to give her more points.
She gained some background at the start of Season 2 and became a key supporting player in the background as the cast battled Sukuna. Her students may not have been as popular as her Tokyo counterparts, but Utahime herself certainly was!
Nobara Kugisaki
It's no surprise that the only girl in the main trio is one of the most beloved girls in Jujutsu Kaisen. She is highly regarded as one of the best-written fictional characters in All Boys, and since she was first introduced, fans have been captivated by her fun personality and captivating appearance.
This love for Nobara only grew stronger with more scenes showing her in all her glory and more flashbacks showing how she became the person she is today. She was also the highest voted female character in JJK for a long time, only losing out to Maki after Maki got an arc.
Maki Genin
Maki is strong, dependable, and has the best fit of the series. She is also one of the only JJK girls to dedicate an entire arc to herself, as well as the only female main combatant to survive Sukuna's offensive attack head-on by the end of the series.
Seeing her walk straight into Zenin headquarters and emerge as a completely changed person, coming to terms with her past was one of the most disgusting moments in the series, with the new Maki forcing even people like Sukuna to resort to deceptive tactics against her. If nothing else, the Law of Cool alone is enough to earn Maki Zenin a top spot among the best Jujutsu Kaisen characters.

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