Kyoto Animation Fire Officer withdraws the appeal and sentenced him to death.


  • Shinji Aoba withdraws the sentence appeal in the Kyoto Animation Firefighting case.

  • The tragic arson attack caused 36 deaths and several injuries, including AOBA.

  • Kyoto Animation Studio produced a symbolic work like K-on! And promised more in the future.

Tragic kyoto animation arson is currently attracting attention again. Shinji Aoba, who was sentenced to death last year, appealed to the ruling.


Kyoto Animation announced two new animation projects in 2025.

Kyoto Animation will unveil two exciting animations in 2025. Miss Kobaya's Dragon Made returns to a new movie, while the city makes a ridiculous comedy.

But in that appearance, he will actually be punished in court.

Kyoto Animation Fire Officer withdraws his death sentence appeal.

Kyoto Animation Fire Officer withdraws the appeal and sentenced him to death.
Kyoto Animation Logo, Arsonists Fire Recovers a lot of popular animation studios

Shinji AOBA is currently a 46 -year -old Kyoto animation arson. His crime was so big that he was sentenced to death.

But this was never confirmed because he and his lawyers appealed to this sentence. In an interview with the Osaka High Court, the appeal was withdrawn.

This means that this capital punishment is likely to be confirmed unless otherwise appears depending on the Japanese judicial system. His early death penalty was recently given last year at the end of January 2024.

Kyoto animation tragedy

36 people were killed and more injured

Kyoto Animation Studio

The event that led to Shinji Aoba's imprisonment is known as the Kyoto animation fire attack. The event was held several years ago on July 18, 2019, which is about six years ago.

The massacre was the size of 36 lives, and 34 individuals were severely injured, including the killer himself, who was injured in his life. But because he was treated, he was able to go to court and make his destiny there.

That day, Shinji sprinkled the building with gasoline and burned everything, causing a huge fire.

His reasoning is the plagiarism of the studio, according to his claim. But this is no basis because either of the studio's works did not copy AOBA's novels.

Many animated works of Kyoto Studio

K-on! It is one of their biggest works

Kyoto Animation Studio has many known works that use animation even after tragedy. Some of their biggest works are k-ON!. These are just a few, and the studio will continue to produce more fascinating works in the next few years.

Source: Nordot

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