Love and Deep Space 9 Tips for Beginners

love and deep space This can be very intimidating for beginners. There are over dozens of game modes you can play, as well as different types of currency and leveling. If you're having trouble figuring out what's what or need help deciding where to focus your energy, look no further.


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The most eligible singles in the criminal underworld are looking for love!

After hours of playing, we've put together a list of the 9 best tips and tricks for beginners in Love And Deepspace. Even better, many of these strategies will help you in the later stages of the game as well. Without further ado, here are the best beginner tips for playing Love and Deepspace.

Always redeem your resources before they expire

Love and Deep Space: Energy capsule image with expiration timer below

You may have already noticed that not all resources you receive are permanent. Many resources such as: energy capsules and event goods. expiration date on them.

Your instinct may be to save resources for when supplies run out completely, but when those resources expire, Use it as soon as you get it.

In particular, you should use energy capsules. As soon as you reach your inventory. energy capsules Replenish your stamina Bars and redeemable capsules provide a steady supply of stamina.

stamina does not expire, You can have more health than your hunter level limit. For example, you might have the following surplus health: Stamina 370/160. there is No upper limit How much stamina you can muster.

When is the best time to exchange energy capsules? The stamina bar is already full.. If you exchange while replenishing stamina, you will end up You lose free health. It would have been created during replenishment time.

Use auto battle

Love And Deepspace: Image of Sylus with the player fighting the Drifter in auto-battle mode

If you're a new player, you might have a hard time understanding it. basics of combatare you okay. For many players, the appeal of Love and Deepspace is this: Character memories and events, It's not a combat system.

If you come here for the memories, or just don't like fighting generally Auto Battle Toggle When you enter the combat phase, the auto-toggle will have your character and companion. fight autonomously While you are AFK.

Unfortunately, automatic battle It doesn't mean total perfection. your character still injured Or defeat.

Here are the best ways to ensure that auto-battles successfully eliminate Drifters: Level up your memories Before engaging in battle. Every battle has suggestions. memory level limitSo, you should always try to improve the level of your memories. beyond the hat.

Memory and protocore automatic installation

Love And Deepspace: Protocore Menu Image

Similar to auto-battle, you can also: Automatic installation of protocore and memory For your combat team. Using the auto-equip feature is a great way to find out which Memories are best for which types of combat, and which Memories are best overall. Highest power level.

automatic mounting Protocores to Memories works the same way. There are too many Various types of protocores It is collected and used, and each type is different personalityHowever, using automatic mounting can help. streamline the process Take the guesswork out of it.

Once you start to become more familiar with the combat and team building mechanics, you'll be able to make your own decisions about Protocores, but auto-equip can get you pretty far in the game.

Check if you are still resource investment Memory and protocore can be upgraded. If your memory and protocore levels are low, auto-installation will not be very effective.

Save your diamonds for special event pools

Love and Deep Space: Images of Silas' Brilliant Memory.

These tips are aimed at interested beginners. strengthen combat capabilities Rather than just playing for a cinematic moment.

Some Wish Pools are better than others.And if you know which pools to prioritize, you can walk away with some pretty overwhelming memories for your battle team.

that best swimming pool To save on Diamonds and Deepspace Wishes, there are limited pools with one of the following: four letters or showcase A 'rare' Stellactrum type memory.

There are no rarities in Stellactrum, but each character has The specific Stellactrum they specialize in. for example, Xavier have the most Amber and Emerald Although I have memories of Stellactrum's love, Almost no Ruby Stellactrum memory.

You'll need a strong memory to tackle Deepspace Trials or Hunter Contest stages that prioritize specific Stellactrum. Consistent with Stellactrum color. Unfortunately, Not all characters There are many different types of Stellactrum.

if you know you need it Violet Stellactrum For example, here are my memories of the Sylus team: Pool prioritization The place where I remember the exhibition Violet Stellactrum Sylus Memory. if possible pull the drain Memories allow you to create even more powerful additions to your combat team.

Getting five-star memories can be expensive. the most bang for your buck with biggest opportunity To retrieve 5-star memories, you need to stock up on resources. 4 letter pool.

A pool of four characters, such as Wander in Wonder, includes one limited edition 5-star memory. per character. They also tend to: sympathy pool system Then you are guaranteed the 5-star memory of your choice.

If you take from the 4-character pool, you will get: best opportunity Not only will you get 5-star memories, but get multiples One of those specific 5 star memories. in other words Higher chances of moving up the rankings Makes your memories stronger.

Log in every day to receive daily rewards

Love and Deep Space: Images of Seasonal Promise with Raphael's Lively Memories

It's frustrating to log in and complete every possible task in the game. Completing all the activities is a time-consuming and tedious task.

But Love and Deepspace offers several rewards. Just to log in game. You don't even have to do anything!

Try logging in every day and at least Get Check-In Rewards and Daily Free Pack At the store. both will give you a chance get diamonds With the daily pack heavenly wish!

Complete daily and weekly tasks

Love And Deepspace: Image of the weekly tasks page with most tasks completed.

If you have time to play a few combat rounds and interact with the characters in the Destiny Cafe, here's what you should do. Aim to complete daily tasks. everyday.

Once you've completed all your daily tasks in the Schedule tab, you can: Get 100 diamonds per day. You will also make progress towards completion. weekly assignments, This is Empyrean Wish.

Provides daily and weekly tasks Hunter ExperienceIt might also help Level up your hunter fast. The currency and resources rewarded in Agenda Tasks are 100%. Worth the extra effort everyday.

Additionally, both daily and weekly tasks provide: promise point put aside Commitment levels for seasonal commitment events.

One team per character

There are so many characters in the game that spark romance. hundreds of permutations This is for forming a combat team. Figuring out which character is best used in battle and when can be confusing.

Here's the best way to ensure you always have a good team ready for the difficult stages of the battle. Build one team for each character. Don't make just one character the main character and ignore all the others.

Using just one character will only get you so far.

When building your team, you may find it helpful to: Assign a specific Stellactrum to each character category. For example, Sylus' team consists mostly of: pearls and emeralds Xavier's is primarily Stellactrum. emerald and amber Stellactrum.

By classifying each character's team based on their Stellacrtrum, you can: Always consistent with Protofield Stellactrum. When the battle begins.

If you can successfully match Protofield's Stellactrum, Destroys two Protocore shield layers. Instead of using only one when activating resonance ability.

Each character 1 Stellaktrum they professionally More than anything else. The following table breaks down which characters specialize in Stellactrum.







Prioritize upgrades for rare memories

Love and Deep Space: Raphael's Five-Star Memories, Images of Deep Sea Riches

There are dozens of memories to collect in Wish Pool, Not all memories are created equal.

Memories are classified into three classes: 3 stars (R grade), 4 stars (SR grade), 5 stars (SSR grade). that highest Among these SSR rating or 5 stars memory. These memories most powerful Among all memory types

Even five-star memories catch firein other words, A unique story you can play In the date tab!

When forming a combat team, Prioritize memories of higher stars than the lower ones. Once you get rare Memories, focus on leveling up and ranking them before lower-tier Memories.

Always use Protocore

Love And Deepspace: Core Hunt Menu Image

For beginner players, the layers of combat boosts that can be applied to memories can be a bit confusing. After all, the game presents a lot of combat mechanics very early on.

But even if you think Protocores are confusing, you still COLLECT AND EQUIP. If you don't know which protocol core to use for memory, use: Auto-mount option. you can too Use automatic filters It can be used to upgrade one by auto-selecting a Protocore from the Protocore menu in memory. max level.

You can get more ProtoCores by: Complete Core Hunt In the battle tab

If you want to learn more more advanced The technology for applying Protocore aims to add Protocore to: Synergize with your memory's special skills.

add friend

Love and Deep Space: Sylus Image from Destiny Cafe

Even if I'm a little embarrassed, I have to do it. try hard add friend Go to the Friends tab in your profile. You don't have to interact with each other if you don't want to.

Once you have friends on your profile, you can: Sending and receiving health From them every day. Physical strength is a valuable resource necessary for exercise. battle completed In the battle tab The most easily depleted resource It's in the game.

For this reason you should try the following: Add and accept friends Please access your profile frequently. that daily stamina increase It's worth it.


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