While you'll find hundreds of valuable cards to collect in the most expensive expansions, the Pokemon TCG also boasts promo cards, which are sets of cards only released in special editions. These rare promotional releases come from a variety of sources, including limited-time standalone products, tournament entry items, and as part of special pre-launch events.

Pokemon TCG: 11 Most Valuable Cards from the Scarlet & Violet Era
From popular promotions to terrifying trainers, these are the most expensive cards from the Scarlet & Violet era.
Pinpointing what makes a Pokemon promo card valuable can be difficult, so we've narrowed down the list to the most expensive products and outlined the key factors that make a promo card desirable. Whether it's rarity, artwork, or combinations, these are the most valuable promo cards you can collect in the Pokemon TCG.
Cards are ordered according to TCGPlayer.
market price,
Here's how much you can pay on average for a copy of the card below.
Considering the age and rarity of this card,
people with
TCGplayer’s established market price
Selling price depends on card status,
Therefore, this market price is only a rough idea of the card's value.
6 Dragonite: National Championship (Staff) – $449.95
Won trophies like a champion
Dragonite is one of the most popular Pokémon in the TCG, and some of its most expensive cards reflect its immense popularity. This 2008-2009 Championship promotion was given to employees who volunteered during the event. There is a “STAFF” stamp at the bottom right of the picture.
The rarity of this promotion can be seen in the lack of sales data on TCGplayer, but luckily a single sale was recorded at almost new price. (NM) A copy that sets the current market price.
When the card is sold
The NM condition is set at the upper end of the range,
However, cards that lack sell range across different conditions will have more fluid values associated with those conditions.
Let's go to the beach, (beach)
The second staff promo appearance takes up the smallest lead on Dragonite, with Tropical Beach representing one of the most expensive cards of the Black and White era. The Unovan starter Pokemon is enjoying a sunny day in the sun with his friends, and this card features an incredibly cute ensemble and adorable pose.
Like previous Dragonite Staff promotions, Tropical Beach only sees one recent sale, but unlike Dragonite, this card has seen a lot of play. (HP) Check condition and sell at market price. Additionally, the cap for this card is much higher. Because you are more likely to make more money with improvements. Gives this card a lot of future upside The sale is recorded once more.
riding a surfboard
Tropical Tidal Wave is one of the most vivid Pokemon promo cards of all time and features another adorable array of Pokemon in a tropical setting. This time, Pikachu surfs the white, foamy waves with Marill, Hoppip, and Psyduck on a clear day.

Pokemon TCG: The 5 Most Valuable Alakazam Cards
Watch your money magically disappear as you collect Alakazam gems.
Tropical Tidal Wave is over $100 away from Tropical Beach, but here's what to watch out for: This card was in NM condition. Tropical Tidal Wave's cap is at the current market price, so there's a chance that Tropical Beach will catch up to its cousin if it also records NM sales.
This Charizard is on fire
Some of the most valuable cards of the Sword and Shield era are Alt Arts, but Charizard, a rare promotion, shakes up the status quo with this ferocious card. Charizard's powerful flight pose paints a menacing picture of a Fire-type starter, providing a striking scene to admire this card from.
Charizard shares the same sales history as its predecessor. Sold as a single, again in NM condition at market price. While Charizard has Tropical Tidal Wave breathing down your neck, Tropical Beach is still the best place to beat both promotions. The ceiling is set and 'Beach still has room to grow.'
2 Paradise Resort 45: 2023 World Championships – $614.99
This could be Lapras paradise
Paradise Resort continues the tropical adventure theme depicted on its tournament-exclusive cards, this time with Pikachu joining Lapras and Paldean starters on the 2023 World Championship promo card.
You may have already noticed,
At least one World Championship card per generation contains the current generation's starter Pokémon.
At the time the card was released.
Paradise Resort also has a 2024 version, but the 2023 version boasts a ridiculously high price tag. There are absolutely no recent sales to back this up. TCGplayer has the PSA 10 listed for $2,000 (for some reason), but that price means nothing until a sale is recorded.
honcho head
You might expect an older Pikachu promo card to be one of the mascot's most valuable cards, but the poncho-wearing Pikachu from the XY Era takes the crown as the most expensive Pokemon TCG promo card.
There are several versions
Prices for Pikachu wearing a poncho start at $1,200 for Shiny Rayquaza and $1,250 for Mega Charizard Y.
Prices vary depending on what Poncho Pikachu is wearing, but each promotion boasts the best value and is tied for first place. These cards continue to increase in price over time and the number of cards in perfect condition is limited. Prices are likely to rise to meet high demand.

Pokemon TCG: 7 Most Valuable Cards of the EX Era
The EX era is full of precious gold stars.