Narcos is one of three new levels. Ready or not for a home invasion The DLC places players in an emergency situation in a quaint neighborhood involving one of the LSPD officers. The map is a mix of long and short sight lines with cramped interiors and messy exteriors, making the player's reflexes, perception, and awareness challenging.
This map doesn't take as long as some bases. Ready or not? However, depending on how the suspicious AI behaves, this could be a difficult task. Here's a guide that covers all the objectives (including soft objectives) in Narcos, as well as some general tips and loadout suggestions.
Ready or Not: 7 Tips and Tricks for Beginners
To be successful at Ready or Not, you need to be alert at all times. Below are some useful tips and tricks that players can use in their next mission.
All objectives in Ready or Not Narcos Mission
Narcos is a tricky mission, compared to the Dorms levels Ready or not?The suspects here are much more dangerous. Here, players will face off against members of the Los Locos gang. Armed with a modified assault riflebut they I also have bulletproof vests.. Additionally, players must: We clean several homes and also clean outdoor spaces.. The main goals are:
- Bring Order to Chaos: Arrest or neutralize all suspects
- Rescue all civilians: Stop all civilians
- Find a source: Search for undercover LSPD agent Mike Esperanza.
informant location
This objective makes Narcos a bit more dynamic than most other missions. The informant the players are looking for is an undercover police officer whose disguise has been exposed. He may appear in different areas of the map. Your squad will have to search the map thoroughly to find him. The informant will ask for helpSo please be careful.
Informants can and will crawl around the map. Be careful not to accidentally shoot him.
Ready or Not Narcos Soft Objective Lens
Find soft goals theory Although it can be confusing, the maps on the Narcos map are relatively easy to find. The soft goals required for this mission are:
- Find and report hidden LSPD documents
- Find and report two crime scenes
The first two soft goals are: Inside the first house the player enters through the main starting point. To secure your first objective, examine the bloody chair in the living room. Then go through the door opposite the chair to find a desk with a computer on it.
After completing your goal, go outside and search the nearby houses. The target you are looking for is a dead dog in the kitchen.
Recommended Loadouts and Tips
The suspects here are heavily armed, so it's a good idea to bring armor-piercing rounds with you for maximum stopping power. If you're trying to take down an armed suspect, a rifle is your best choice, but if you want to get an S rank in any fight, Ready or not? It is best to use non-lethal equipment on missions. For this mission, I recommend bringing CS gas and a pepperball launcher..
Outdoor spaces are likely to cause the most problems for players. Suspects are more difficult to spot here due to color grading, and sunlight may obscure the player's vision at some angles. CS gas is very helpful here — Not only do gas clouds cover more area than flashbangs and stingers, they also stay around for a while, giving your team extra time to reposition without having to worry about specific angles.
Here are some tips for Narcos missions:
- Before entering the empty house, Break some windows and throw grenades inside them..
- there is someone Bring the beanbag shotgun Have them point out when your home is broken into.
- with someone Pepperball Launcher Take care when leaving your home.
- Wear one of the following: Steel or ceramic armor plate This is because the suspects are armed with rifles.