New Mass Effect game will not include Dragon Age: The Veilguard feature

Key Takeaways

  • The next Mass Effect game will maintain a realistic art style, according to the title's project lead Michael Gamble.
  • After Dragon Age: Valegard's cartoonish style was criticized, fans have expressed concerns about the next installment.
  • Gamble reassured fans that the next Mass Effect would maintain a similar mature tone to the original trilogy.

Michael Gamble, Next Generation Project Leader mass effect The game recently reassured concerned fans that the next game would retain the realistic art style found in previous entries. Dragon Age: Veilguard. In 2020, BioWare confirmed that it was going dormant. mass effect The series will return with a new mainline entry. As of this writing, not much is known about the sequel. Except it will be set after the events of the original trilogy and feature Liara T'Soni, a member of Shepard's popular Asari squad.

While the gaming world waits for what's next mass effectBioWare is revisiting another popular RPG franchise. Dragon Age: VeilguardScheduled for release on October 31st. To date, Dragon Age: Veilguard has been receiving rave reviews for its plot and character interactions, but there are still a few areas that are receiving mixed reactions as the game approaches release. one of these is Dragon Age: Veilguard's art style appears to be more colorful and cartoon-like than the aesthetic seen in previous episodes.


How Dragon Age: Veilguard's Marketing Gives Mass Effect 4 a Lot to See

Dragon Age: The Veilguard's profitable marketing strategy is informative and captivating, and Mass Effect 4 could follow suit.

Michael Gamble recently announced that Dragon Age: Veilguard New with him on Twitter mass effect The game he's working on is made by the same studio, but is still a separate project with a unique approach. In response, Twitter user ReaLitY_Siege asked Gamble to stop using “Pixar.” mass effect Just like BioWare did Dragon Age: Veilguard. Gamble responded that he might not agree with these explicit criticisms. mass effect The project will maintain a realistic art style.

The next Mass Effect won't have Dragon Age: Veilgard's “Pixar-esque” art style

In another post on the same Twitter thread, Gamble said: mass effect The game will also maintain the mature tone of the original mass effect It's a trilogy, but he's naturally been tight-lipped about the details. As mentioned earlier, little is known about the next project. mass effect The current game's story and the branching tales of previous games raise many questions about the state of the galaxy after 2012. mass effect 3.

Dragon Age: Veilguard is handling past continuity by narrowing the player's role in the backstory to three basic choices, and fans are already theorizing that BioWare will take a similar approach in the new version. mass effect. in fact, Dragon Age: Veilguard It can provide a preview of many aspects of the next steps. mass effectBut art direction doesn't seem to be one of them. BioWare fans will be happy to check it out. Dragon Age: Veilguard Find out for yourself on October 31 if you like the style.

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Posted by:
Casey Hudson

Creation year

BioWare, Edge of Reality, Damier Studio, Straight Light

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