Ninja Gaiden 2 Black All playable characters


  • Rachel has a slow hammer but has an uneven character build with a powerful machine gun.

  • AYANE is fast and similar to ninja, armed with twin swords and decent Ninpo spells.

  • Momiji is one of the best weapons in the game with the dragon Najita of the sky.

Ninja gaiden 2 black Start the player with Ryuu, the hero of the series. Ryu has been fighting with fellow ninjas and monsters since the 1980s when the franchise debuted as an arcade in 1988. The 2004 A series was originally reborn in Xbox and was the decision of Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja. Die or alive.


Difficulty Option Description -Ninja Gaiden 2 Black

New ninja gaiden 2 Black remake complete summary of all difficulty options.

Therefore, why Ryu appeared as a guest fighter in that game, and the character Die or alive I appeared Ninja Guiden stratagem. This is to say that there are all four playable characters. Ninja gaiden 2 black Some of them are from the famous fighting game series. How do they all play? The following is based on weapons and strengths.



This is a hammer time

NINJA GAIDEN 2 Black Rachel

Rachel is a Femme Fatale that comes from the first Ninja Guiden Reboot in 2004. She is the second guest character Ninja gaiden 2 black It is also equipped with a large hammer, machine gun and one NINPO order. Because of the slow ruin, a small and fast monster can remove Rachel. A familiar player who is familiar with countering and avoiding systems can make this hammer sang. Her ninpo spell is not a defensive movement surrounding her by summoning a thorn vine.

However, compared to other Ninpo spells in the game, it is not versatile to wait for the players to get closer. Rachel's best attribute is her machine gun with a 666 heavy machine gun. The stopping power is not much to boast, but a consistent bullet can stop the enemy on a track that is enough for the player to finish with a hammer. Overall, Rachel has an uneven character build. She is a hammer, but the rest of the equipment does not reflect this type of classic RPG build.




Ninja gaiden 2 black AYANE

Next to Ryu is Ayane is probably the best known character in this game and the whole series. AYANE was the first time Die or alive It is reasonable to bring her as a game or ninja. Ninja Guiden When it is determined, the two series will share the world. Except for origin, AYANE is the last guest character that players can control. Ninja gaiden 2 black. She was armed with two small swords, an explosive Kunai, and a pretty decent Nipo order that could damage her around her. The explosive Kunai replaces typical ranged weapons such as guns and bows, but it's okay because it's okay for enemies with great power.


The best ninja gaiden game, ranking

The NINJA GAIDEN series has opened the way of amazing games. There are the best things in the franchise.

Ayane's best equipment is her twin sword fuma kodachi, making her tremendously quickly. Among 4 playable characters Ninja gaiden 2 blackAYANE plays the same role as ninja thanks to her rapidity. AYANE pops up as much as Naruto's bright blue and huge pink bow, but at least she's fast. Like Sonic Hede Hogg, Ayane will slice through the opponent and leave her path to leave the blurry of the image. Although not physically the strongest, Ayane is a classic character who needs to be honest. Ninja Guiden-Style adventure instead of volleyball.



Bite virgin

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Momiji

MOMIJI is the first guest character and may not want to return to Ryu later. She has an amazing major weapon, Heavenly Dragon Nagita, and is essentially a heavy window with a knife -like blade. NAGITA is a traditional Japanese weapon that the player previously seen in the game. Bushon Blade. It's not as heavy as Rachel's hammer, but it's not as fast as Ryu's lunar staff. The dragonna of the sky is suitable for the middle of the middle, but it is especially fun to use when urging the enemy.


Ninja gaiden 2 Black -10 seconds

Ninja gaiden 2 black is not here to hold hands. This beginner's tip helps to survive in an unforgivable battle with cruel bosses!

Her bow is faster than RYU, but not stronger. The art of CRIMSON LOTUS, her fire -based Ninpo spell, is stronger than the starter of Ryuu. Overall, this is why the dragon naji in the sky is fun, so this gentleman's virgin is not playing. It is one of the best weapons in the game, and it is embarrassing that Ryu cannot use it or Momiji does not appear at more levels.



Who could guess?

It's strange unless the main character of all games is the best person. Ryu definitely obtains the title of Dragon Ninja until the end. Ninja gaiden 2 black. Unlike guest characters, he is simply the best character because the player upgrades him. The player can find a variety of weapons from his starting Katana to the lunar staff mentioned earlier, which is the best weapon in the game. Ryu can be equipped with two ranged weapons, bows and cannons and throws Kunai to stun the enemy.

There are four ninpo orders to collect. The two are fire -based, one is wind -based, and the fourth uses darkness. Of the four of them, Flame Phoenix's art will summon a fiery bird, defendantly surround Ryuu and ignite the enemy. Players can find a lot of movements, such as running on the walls or stacking enemies with soil. If the Ryu is not good, sometimes it is controlled like a tank, but it is more problematic for the camera angle than anything else. Ryu is a classic video game ninja, so I'm very happy to see fans coming back with this remaster and coming. Ninja Guiden 4.

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