Key Takeaways
- Xur returns to Destiny 2 with new legendaries and exotic resources for players.
- Exotic weapons this weekend include Borealis, the new Hawkmoon roll, Thunderlord, and Crimson.
- For exotic armor, Xur is equipped with Transversive Steps, Aeon Swift, and Severance Enclosure.
Xur is back again. Destiny 2Complete with new exotic legendary gear that players can check out for a limited time. The intermission in Act 1 is coming to an end quickly, with Act 2 arriving on November 19th. Additionally, players only have a few days left to finish the remaining Festival of the Lost content. Destiny 2The Halloween-inspired event ends with a reset next week.
Episode: Along with the next part of The Revenant's story, Act 2 also comes with a massive midseason update. street fighter Bungie's free God Roll weapon giveaway begins at Banshee-44. This patch also brings significant changes and buffs. Destiny 2's roaming super ability provides both a much faster recharge time and increased damage for PvE activities.

Destiny 2 Reveals New Exotic Shotgun Mission
Bungie is teasing an upcoming exotic mission for Act 3 of Episode The Revenant that will lead to a new shotgun with a very unique firing and reloading style.
But now Weekend Trader Xur is back with a new inventory of exotic items and legendary gear. Destiny 2 player. Follow this guide to see his current weekend location, news on the Exotic Cipher quest, and a review of all the exotic legendary gear he brought with him for the weekend of November 15, 2024.
Where is Xur?
Xur has now taken permanent residence in the Bazaar area inside The Tower, so he can no longer hunt come weekend.
The Bazaar is located between two fast travel points, so players can choose to load either one. Go to the area with Ikora and Hawthorne and look towards the back wall to find the Ramen Shop. Looking at the store, Xur is standing in the alley on the right.
Destiny 2 Class Armor and Exotic Ciphers
Xur's role continues to offer the usual weekly quests, exotic items, and legendary gear. These quests are not only required to purchase the Second Destiny Engram, but they are also required to obtain Legacy Exotic gear from the Tower Kiosk. Players can earn new passwords by completing strikes and winning Crucible or Gambit matches. You can earn bonus points by playing with clan members or completing more difficult activities.
Xur's Exotic Armor
Traversal Stage – Warlock Leg Armor
exotic perks:
- Strange Protractor – Sprint speed increased. After sprinting for a while, your currently equipped weapon will automatically reload.
It's a very high roll that ultimately suffers from mobility spikes. But considering that these exotic species include sprinters, perhaps having high mobility isn't the worst thing. There are better options, but automatically reloading your weapon after sprinting is useful in most situations.
Statistical values (69 total):
- Mobility +21
- Resilience +6
- Recovery +8
- Discipline +6
- Intelligence +12
- Strength +16
Ion Swift – Hunter Gauntlets
exotic perks:
- Aeon's Wrath – Landing quickly and accurately with a weapon temporarily increases your reload speed and weapon swap speed.
- Foebreaker Chant – Marked when you stun a champion or land a quick, precise attack on a powerful combatant. Allies deal increased damage to marked combatants. When a combatant first appears, nearby Aeon Cult allies not equipped with the Sect of Force role gain grenades and melee energy.
I came back after taking a week off. Nothing has changed in the meantime, but overall rolls are slightly higher than they were earlier this month. Still, it is not a must-have item.
Statistical values (67 total):
- Mobility +3
- Resilience +15
- Resilience +15
- Discipline +2
- Intelligence +12
- Strength +20
Separated Enclosure – Titan Chest Armor
exotic perks:
- Spherical Trigger – A powerful melee final blow causes a damaging explosion. Finishers and final blows against stronger targets increase the explosion radius and damage.
Maybe it's more fun to fool around. These exotics don't detract from the best options available in Episode: The Revenant.
Statistical values (67 total):
- +10 mobility
- Resilience +12
- Recovery +12
- Discipline +6
- Intelligence +17
- Strength +10
Xur inventory items
7th grade Destiny 2 We've upgraded Xur's inventory, adding a true ranked progression system, rewards, and focus options. Xur also has more than just weapons and armor, including:
- Acrius Catalyst
- Huckleberry Catalyst
- Xurfboard (skimmer board vehicle)
- Essentialism/Stoicism/Solipsism or Exotic Cryptography
- Exotic Engram
- Ascension Alloy
- glimmering
- reinforced core
- Legendary Engram
- Strange Gift (1 Strange Coin plus random item)
Xur's Exotic Weapon
Year 7's revamp of Xur also added the ability to provide multiple exotic weapons in a single visit. Here's what's in Xur this weekend:
Hawkmoon – Hand Cannon
- Necromancer Shot – Dealing final blows and precision strikes with Hawkmoon grants a stack of Necromancer Charge. The last round in the magazine deals additional damage based on the number of stacks. Stalking Hawkmoon in the last round removes this bonus.
- full bore
- alloy magazine
- quickdraw
- combat grip
Crimson – Hand Cannon
- Prohibited Weapon – This weapon fires 3 bursts.
- Cruel Cure – Killing an enemy with this weapon heals the user. You can also refill your magazine with precision kills.
- Small diameter
- precision bullet
- heavy grip
Borealis – Sniper Rifle
- Ion Return – Breaking a combatant's shield or a Guardian's shield using an ultimate with a matching damage type refills the magazine from reserves and grants bonus damage rounds. Breaking a combatant's shield with an ion return bullet of a matching damage type refreshes the perk.
- Basics – As you keep reloading, this weapon's damage type will cycle between Solar, Electric, and Void. Grants various stats depending on the damage type selected.
- corkscrew rifle
- extended magazine
- hand placed inventory
Thunderlord – Machine Gun
- Reign Havoc – Landing a killing blow with this weapon creates an amazing lighting effect from above. Strong against overload champions.
- Feeding Frenzy – Each quick kill with this weapon gradually increases your reload speed for a short period of time.
- polygonal liner
- armor piercing bullet
- Lightning bullet
Xur's Destiny 2 Legendary Armor Set and Weapons
Xur's legendary armor and weapon set. All gear costs 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer.
- Blood Feud (kinetic submachine gun)
- Nightshade (Kinetic Pulse Rifle)
- Thief's Law (Energy Subweapon)
- Deerside (Energy Shotgun)
- Semiotics (Heavy Rocket Launcher)
- Planck's Step (Heavy Machine Gun)
- Crown Crusher/Swift Fang/Eternal Blade (Heavy Sword)
- Strange Weapon Engram
- Simulator/Entanglement Armor Set